CODA RINEX Mapping Description

CODA provides access to RINEX Observation (V3.0), Navigation (V3.0), and Clock (V2.0 and V3.0) data. Support for Meteorological data or other versions of the format is currently not available. Data access is implemented in CODA by first importing the full file and then providing access to an in-memory structure of the data via the CODA data types. Below we will describe how CODA maps the RINEX product structure to one that is based on the CODA data types. We assume you already have a decent understanding of the RINEX format and its details.

A RINEX file consists of a header section followed by a series of data records. CODA supports all mandatory header elements and most of the optional header elements for Observation, Navigation, and Clock data.

CODA will try to provide as direct a mapping to the RINEX data as possible. This means that the in memory data structure will follow to a large extend the order in which data is stored in the file. Below the mapping for the RINEX Observation, Navigation, and Clock data is provided.

RINEX Observation data

The following table gives the mapping of header sections to CODA parameters

CODA path to variabletype classread typerinex header
/header/format_versionrealfloatRINEX VERSION / TYPE
/header/file_typetextcharRINEX VERSION / TYPE
/header/satellite_systemtextcharRINEX VERSION / TYPE
/header/programtextstringPGM / RUN BY / DATE
/header/run_bytextstringPGM / RUN BY / DATE
/header/datetimetimedoublePGM / RUN BY / DATE
/header/datetime_time_zonetextstringPGM / RUN BY / DATE
not supported  COMMENT
/header/marker_nametextstringMARKER NAME
/header/marker_numbertextstringMARKER NUMBER
/header/marker_typetextstringMARKER TYPE
/header/observertextstringOBSERVER / AGENCY
/header/agencytextstringOBSERVER / AGENCY
/header/receiver_numbertextstringREC # / TYPE / VERS
/header/receiver_typetextstringREC # / TYPE / VERS
/header/receiver_versiontextstringREC # / TYPE / VERS
/header/antenna_numbertextstringANT # / TYPE
/header/antenna_typetextstringANT # / TYPE
/header/approx_position_xrealdoubleAPPROX POSITION XYZ
/header/approx_position_yrealdoubleAPPROX POSITION XYZ
/header/approx_position_zrealdoubleAPPROX POSITION XYZ
/header/antenna_delta_hrealdoubleANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N
/header/antenna_delta_erealdoubleANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N
/header/antenna_delta_nrealdoubleANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N
not supported  ANTENNA: DELTA X/Y/Z
not supported  ANTENNA: B.SIGHT XYZ
not supported  ANTENNA: ZERODIR AZI
not supported  ANTENNA: ZERODIR XYZ
not supported  CENTER OF MASS: XYZ
/header/sys[]/codetextcharSYS / # / OBS TYPES
/header/sys[]/num_obs_typesintegerint16SYS / # / OBS TYPES
/header/sys[]/descriptor[]textstringSYS / # / OBS TYPES
/header/signal_strength_unittextstringSIGNAL STRENGTH UNIT
/header/time_of_first_obstimedoubleTIME OF FIRST OBS
/header/time_of_first_obs_time_zonetextstringTIME OF FIRST OBS
/header/time_of_last_obstimedoubleTIME OF LAST OBS
/header/time_of_last_obs_time_zonetextstringTIME OF LAST OBS
/header/rcv_clock_offs_applintegeruint8RCV CLOCK OFFS APPL
not supported  SYS / DCBS APPLIED
not supported  SYS / PCVS APPLIED
not supported  SYS / SCALE FACTOR
/header/leap_secondsintegerint32LEAP SECONDS
/header/num_satellitesintegeruint16# OF SATELLITES
not supported  PRN / # OF OBS

The following table gives the mapping of the epoch records structure to CODA parameters. A RINEX observation file can contain multiple epoch records. Each epoch record contains the epoch (time of observation) and observations for one or more satellites. Since per satellite system the list of observation types is fixed (as defined by the 'SYS / # / OBS TYPES' header content) the observations are grouped per satellite system. Within the epoch record you will thus, if the system is applicable to the overall file, find fields for each of the type of satellite systems (system can be 'gps', 'glonass', 'galileo', and/or 'sbas'). The field per satellite system will then contain an array of records with the observations of the satellites of that system. Each such record contains the 2-digit number of the satellite and fields (observation_type) for each of the observation types (based on the names as defined by the 'SYS / # / OBS TYPES' header content). Examples of paths that you may encounter to observations are thus e.g. /record[]/gps[]/C1C/observation and /record[]/galileo[]/L1B/observation. If the LLI and/or signal strength values are not explicitly provided in the file, they will be set to 0.

CODA path to variabletype classread type

RINEX Navigation data

The following table gives the mapping of header sections to CODA parameters

CODA path to variabletype classread typerinex header
/header/format_versionrealfloatRINEX VERSION / TYPE
/header/file_typetextcharRINEX VERSION / TYPE
/header/satellite_systemtextcharRINEX VERSION / TYPE
/header/programtextstringPGM / RUN BY / DATE
/header/run_bytextstringPGM / RUN BY / DATE
/header/datetimetimedoublePGM / RUN BY / DATE
/header/datetime_time_zonetextstringPGM / RUN BY / DATE
not supported  COMMENT
/header/ionospheric_corr[]/typetextstringIONOSPHERIC CORR
/header/ionospheric_corr[]/parameter[]realdoubleIONOSPHERIC CORR
/header/time_system_corr[]/typerealdoubleTIME SYSTEM CORR
/header/time_system_corr[]/a0realdoubleTIME SYSTEM CORR
/header/time_system_corr[]/a1realdoubleTIME SYSTEM CORR
/header/time_system_corr[]/Tintegerint32TIME SYSTEM CORR
/header/time_system_corr[]/Wintegeruint8TIME SYSTEM CORR
/header/time_system_corr[]/StextstringTIME SYSTEM CORR
/header/time_system_corr[]/UrealdoubleTIME SYSTEM CORR
/header/leap_secondsintegerint32LEAP SECONDS

The following tables give the mapping of the navigation records structure to CODA parameters. Since the record definition for a Navigation record depends on the satellite system, CODA groups all records of the same satellite type together into a single array of Navigation records. At top level these arrays can be accessed using the name of the satellite system ('gps', 'glonass', 'galileo', or 'sbas'). Below you will find the CODA record definitions for each of the different satellite types.

RINEX Navigation record for GPS

CODA path to variabletype classread type

RINEX Navigation record for GLONASS

CODA path to variabletype classread type

RINEX Navigation record for Galileo

CODA path to variabletype classread type

RINEX Navigation record for SBAS

CODA path to variabletype classread type

RINEX Clock data

The following table gives the mapping of header sections to CODA parameters

CODA path to variabletype classread typerinex header v2.0rinex header v3.0
/header/format_versionrealfloatRINEX VERSION / TYPERINEX VERSION / TYPE
/header/file_typetextcharRINEX VERSION / TYPERINEX VERSION / TYPE
/header/satellite_systemtextcharRINEX VERSION / TYPE
/header/programtextstringPGM / RUN BY / DATEPGM / RUN BY / DATE
/header/run_bytextstringPGM / RUN BY / DATEPGM / RUN BY / DATE
/header/datetimetimedoublePGM / RUN BY / DATEPGM / RUN BY / DATE
/header/datetime_time_zonetextstringPGM / RUN BY / DATEPGM / RUN BY / DATE
not supported  COMMENTCOMMENT
/header/sys[]/codetextcharSYS / # / OBS TYPES
/header/sys[]/num_obs_typesintegerint16SYS / # / OBS TYPES
/header/sys[]/descriptor[]textstringSYS / # / OBS TYPES
/header/time_system_idtextstringTIME SYSTEM ID
/header/leap_secondsintegerint32LEAP SECONDSLEAP SECONDS
not supported  SYS / DCBS APPLIED
not supported  SYS / PCVS APPLIED
not supported  # / TYPES OF DATA# / TYPES OF DATA
not supported  # OF CLK REF# OF CLK REF
not supported  # OF SOLN STA / TRF# OF SOLN STA / TRF
not supported  # OF SOLN SATS# OF SOLN SATS
not supported  PRN LISTPRN LIST

There are a few considerations when dealing with files using the V2.0 format:

The following table gives the mapping of the clock records structure to CODA parameters.

CODA path to variabletype classread type