id | field name | definition |
0 | SID |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Packet ID
1 | OBT |
binary uint64 | size: 7 |
On Board Time for HK acquisition
2 | summed_images |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
The number of received CAS images which have been summed
3 | Mav |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
The number of images which must be received from IDE to be averaged by ACDM before applying the centroiding algorithms
4 | CAS_temp |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Thermal Control Header Temperature Monitor 25
5 | centroid_x |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Laster echo centroid (sub-pixel) position X
6 | centroid_y |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Laster echo centroid (sub-pixel) position Y
7 | BSM_setpoint_cmd_x |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Saturated command to BSM (X axis)
8 | BSM_setpoint_cmd_y |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Saturated command to BSM (Y axis)
9 | detection_saturation_status |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Indication whether or not saturation has occurred in the echo images (for the last received CAS image)
10 | background_saturation_status |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Indication whether or not saturation has occurred in the backeground images (for the last received CAS image)
11 | image_quality_indicator |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Indication whether or not enough images have been summed for averaging
12 | centroid_quality_failure |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Centroid quality failure duration exceeded
13 | SNR_estimate |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Indication whether or not the image signal-to-noise ratio is high enough for centroiding
14 | configuration_control_register |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
ATLID Configuration Control Register: chosen BSM is indicated by bit 0 (0: redundant, 1: nominal)
15 | control_error_x |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Calculated control error on X axis
16 | control_error_y |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Calculated control error on Y axis
17 | control_error_norm |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Root sum square control error
18 | control_error_quality |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Control error threshold duration has been exceeded
19 | control_quality_failure |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Control error quality failure duration has been been exceeded
20 | calc_BSM_setpoint_x |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Calculated BSM pointing Setpoint X
21 | calc_BSM_setpoint_y |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Calculated BSM pointing Setpoint Y
22 | BSA_mode |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Current BSA Mode: copy of loaded mode
23 | accumulation_threshold |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Summed image threshold (minimum average number)
24 | tracking_point_x |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Tracking point on the CAS detector (X axis)
25 | tracking_point_y |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Tracking point on the CAS detector (Y axis)
26 | coalignment_function_mode |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Active co-alignment function mode
27 | spare |
binary bytes | size: 31 |
28 | CAS_image_background_1 |
binary array[52] | size: 208 |
CAS Image Background 1
29 | CAS_image_echo |
binary array[52] | size: 208 |
CAS Image Echo
30 | CAS_image_background_2 |
binary array[52] | size: 208 |
CAS Image Background 2
31 | CAS_image_min |
binary array[52] | size: 208 |
CAS Image Min
32 | CAS_image_max |
binary array[52] | size: 208 |
CAS Image Max
33 | CAS_image_SD |
binary array[52] | size: 208 |
CAS Image SD