id | field name | definition |
0 | EC_coarse_time |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
EC Coarse Time
1 | CPR_fine_time |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
CPR Fine Time
2 | CPR_offset_time |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
CPR Offset Time
3 | operational_mode |
binary uint8 | size: 0:4 |
Operational Mode
4 | obs_sub_mode |
binary uint8 | size: 0:3 |
Obs Sub Mode
5 | transition_status |
binary uint8 | size: 0:1 |
Transition Status
6 | SC_state_vector_quality |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
S/C State Vector Quality
7 | coarse_time |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Coarse satellite orbital time (local)
8 | spare |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
hidden: true
9 | fine_time |
binary uint32 | size: 3 |
Fine satellite orbital time (local)
10 | pos_X |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Position X
11 | pos_Y |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Position Y
12 | pos_Z |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Position Z
13 | velocity_X |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Velocity X
14 | velocity_Y |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Velocity Y
15 | velocity_Z |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Velocity Z
16 | geodetic_altitude |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Geodetic Altitude
17 | geodetic_latitude_argument |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Geodetic Argument of Latitude
18 | geocentric_latitude |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Geocentric Latitude
19 | PRF_table_number |
binary uint8 | size: 0:4 |
PRF Table Number
20 | PRF_parameter_number |
binary uint16 | size: 1:4 |
PRF Parameter Number
21 | PRI |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
PRF Parameter Number
22 | CAL_data0_HOT |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
PRF Parameter Number
23 | CAL_data0_normal |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
PRF Parameter Number
24 | CAL_data0_log_amp_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
PRF Parameter Number
25 | ATT_status_doppler_REF |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
ATT status for Doppler REF
26 | ATT_status_echo |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
ATT status for Echo
27 | TLM_quality_status |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Science TLM Quality Status
28 | offset_voltage_status_Ich |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Offset Voltage Status Ich
29 | offset_voltage_status_Qch |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Offset Voltage Status Qch
30 | RF_on_off |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
31 | SPU_status_T5 |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Sample Starting Time of Doppler Reference (Log)
32 | SPU_status_T7 |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Sample Starting Time of System Noise and CAL DATA#0 (Log Amp Term)
33 | SPU_status_T18 |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Sample Starting Time of CAL DATA (HOT) and CAL DATA (Normal)
34 | SPU_status_T7_T18 |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Sample Starting Time of CAL DATA#0 (HOT) and CAL DATA#0 (Normal)
35 | SPU_status_T23 |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Sample Starting Time of Tx Monitor Signal
36 | SPU_status_T24 |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Sample Starting Time of System Noise in Contingency mode
37 | SPU_status_T25 |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Sample Starting Time of Doppler Reference (IQ)
38 | SPU_status_Rx_timing |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Switching Time of RX_ATT in SPU (IFU) (Dopp_REF -> Echo)
39 | SPU_status_IP_timing |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Switching Time of IP_SELECT CMD (Noise -> Echo)
40 | SPU_status_N_timing |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Switching Time of N_SOURCE CMD (HOT -> Normal)
41 | SPU_status_IQ_delay |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
IQ Delay Time for Booster Circuit
42 | data_sample_num |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
PRF Parameter: Data Sample Number
43 | RCV_A_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Redundant RCV Temperature
44 | RCV_B_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Nominal RCV Temperature
45 | noise_diode_A_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Redundant Noise Diode Temperature
46 | noise_diode_B_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Nominal Noise Diode Temperature
47 | QOF_detector_1_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
MD1 Tx
48 | QOF_detector_2_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
MD1 Tx
49 | QOF_temp_1 |
50 | QOF_temp_2 |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
51 | QOF_temp_3 |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
FH Tx - Main
52 | QOF_temp_4 |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
FH Tx - Red
53 | QOF_temp_5 |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
54 | STR_temp_3 |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
55 | STR_temp_4 |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
56 | STR_temp_5 |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
57 | STR_temp_6 |
58 | HPT_body_current |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
HPT-A(-B) Body Current
59 | HPT_beam_current |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
HPT-A(-B) BEAM Current
60 | HPT_status |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
HPT Status
61 | LPE_status |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
LPE-A(-B) Status
62 | QOF_status |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
QOF Status
63 | doppler_on_off |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Doppler ON/OFF
64 | LOG_detector_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
SPU (IFU) LOG Detector temperature
65 | IQ_detector_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
SPU (IFU) IQ Detector temperature
66 | IQ_ADC_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
SPU IQ AD Converter temperature
67 | component_select_status_SPU |
binary uint8 | size: 0:1 |
Component Select Table Status SPU Select
68 | component_select_status_component |
binary uint8 | size: 0:7 |
Component Select Table Status Component Select
69 | offset_function_status |
binary uint8 | size: 0:1 |
Offset Function Status
70 | offset_temp_select_status |
binary uint8 | size: 0:2 |
Offset Function Status: Offset Temp Select Status
71 | spare2 |
binary uint8 | size: 0:5 |
hidden: true
72 | avg_0_noise_diode |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Average number of #0 Noise Diode
73 | avg_0_log_amp_term |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Average number of #0 Log Amp Term
74 | avg_system_noise |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Average number of System Noise
75 | avg_pulse_pair |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Average number of Pulse Pair
76 | datapos_echo_log |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Data position of Echo Log
77 | datapos_echo_pulse_pair |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Data position of Echo Pulse Pair
78 | datapos_system_noise |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Data position of System Noise
79 | datapos_noise_diode |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Data position of Noise Diode
80 | datapos_system_log_amp_term |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Data position of Log Amp Term
81 | datapos_doppler_ref_log |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Data position of Doppler Ref Log
82 | datapos_Tx_monitor |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Data position of Tx Monitor
83 | obs_height_selection_table_version |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Observation height selection Table Version
84 | PRF_table_version |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
PRF Table Version
85 | SPU_variable_table_version |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
SPU Variable Table Version
86 | dynamic_offset_table_version |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Dynamic Offset Table Version
87 | data_position_table_version |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Data Position Table Version
88 | program_version |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Program Version
89 | fixed_offset_voltage_status_Ich |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Fixed Offset Voltage Status Ich
90 | fixed_offset_voltage_status_Qch |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
Fixed Offset Voltage Status Qch
91 | LPE_A_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Redundant LPE temperature
92 | LPE_B_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Nominal LPE temperature
93 | LPT_A_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Redundant LPT temperature
94 | LPT_B_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Nominal LPT temperature
95 | EIK_A_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Redundant HPT EIK temperature
96 | EIK_B_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Nominal HPT EIK temperature
97 | MREF_center_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
MRF Center temperature
98 | MREF_upper_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
MRF Upper temperature
99 | MREF_lower_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
MRF Lower temperature
100 | MREF_left_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
MRF Left temperature
101 | MREF_right_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
MRF Right temperature
102 | EPC_A_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Redundant HPT EPC temperature
103 | EPC_B_temp |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Nominal HPT EPC temperature
104 | PHS_status |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
SPU Phase Shifter Status (for internal CAL)
105 | ATT_status_3 |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
SPU Calibration ATT Status 3 (for internal CAL)
106 | ATT_status_2 |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
SPU Calibration ATT Status 2 (for internal CAL)
107 | ATT_status_1 |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
SPU Calibration ATT Status 1 (for internal CAL)