id | field name | definition |
0 | mph |
ascii record "" | size: 1247 |
1 | sph |
2 | dsd |
3 | gads_surface_1deg |
binary array[180, 360] | size: 129600 |
Land-Sea Mask GADSR 1 degree resolution [South to North, West to East]
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Surface flag [-2 = land, -1 = sea, N>0 = cell not fully land nor fully sea]
4 | gads_surface_0_1deg |
binary array[9543, 100] | size: 3817200 |
Land-Sea Mask GADSR 0.1 degree resolution [South to North, West to East]
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Surface flag [-2 = land, -1 = sea, N>0 = cell not fully land nor fully sea]
5 | gads_surface_0_01deg |
binary array[146009, 112] | size: 2044126 |
Land-Sea Mask GADSR 0.01 degree resolution [South to North, West to East] (note that the ordering of bits is inverted per byte, i.e. 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,...)
binary uint8 | size: 0:1 |
Surface flag [1 = land, 0 = sea]
6 | gads_coastline_1deg |
binary array[180, 360] | size: 129600 |
Coastline GADSR 1 degree resolution [South to North, West to East]
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Coastline flag [-2 = coast, -1 = not coast, N>0 = cell partially covered by coastline]
7 | gads_coastline_0_1deg |
binary array[9765, 100] | size: 3906000 |
Coastline GADSR 0.1 degree resolution [South to North, West to East]
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Coastline flag [-2 = coast, -1 = not coast, N>0 = cell partially covered by coastline]
8 | gads_coastline_0_01deg |
binary array[164005, 112] | size: 2296070 |
Coastline GADSR 0.01 degree resolution [South to North, West to East] (note that the ordering of bits is inverted per byte, i.e. 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,...)
binary uint8 | size: 0:1 |
Coastline flag [1 = coast, 0 = land or sea]