AUX_BGCHO_ version 0


This definition is based on TBD

root type

hdf5 record
attribute: summary
hdf5 string

attribute: processing_center
hdf5 string

attribute: institution
hdf5 string

attribute: Conventions
hdf5 string

attribute: NCPropertiesreal name: _NCProperties
hdf5 string

attribute: lat_bound
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int64
endianness: little endian

attribute: lon_bound
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int64
endianness: little endian

attribute: processor_version
hdf5 string

attribute: processor_name
hdf5 string

attribute: file_class
hdf5 string

attribute: history
hdf5 string

attribute: time_coverage_start
hdf5 string

attribute: time_coverage_end
hdf5 string

attribute: time_reference
hdf5 string

attribute: input_files
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from hdf5 file
hdf5 string

attribute: created
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 string

attribute: id
hdf5 string

idfield namedefinition
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $lat_nbins

dim_1: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $lat_nbins

dim_1: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $lat_nbins

dim_1: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $lat_nbins

dim_1: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $lat_nbins

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $lat_nbins

dim_1: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

hdf5 int32

detection rule

This product definition is applicable if a product matches the following rule:

substr(0, 3, filename()) == "S5P" and
substr(9, 10, filename()) == "AUX_BGCHO_"

product variables

lat_nbins$lat_nbins = dim(/lat_nbins,0)
ground_pixel$ground_pixel = dim(/ground_pixel,0)