L2__OCLO__ version 0


This definition is based on version 1.1.0 of the S5P OCLO Product User Manual Specification S5p+I_OCLO_IUP-UB_PUM

root type

hdf5 record
attribute: Conventions
hdf5 string

attribute: title
hdf5 string

attribute: creator_name
hdf5 string

attribute: creator_email
hdf5 string

attribute: reference
hdf5 string

attribute: product_version
hdf5 string

attribute: slant_column_processor_name
hdf5 string

attribute: slant_column_processor_version
hdf5 string

attribute: slant_column_fit_window
hdf5 string

attribute: date_created
hdf5 string

attribute: id
hdf5 string

attribute: file_class
hdf5 string

attribute: keywords_vocabulary
hdf5 string

attribute: keywords
hdf5 string

attribute: standard_name_vocabulary
hdf5 string

attribute: cdm_data_type
hdf5 string

attribute: orbit
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: level1b_file
hdf5 string

attribute: time_reference
hdf5 string

attribute: time_reference_days_since_1950
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: time_reference_julian_day
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: time_reference_seconds_since_1970
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: time_coverage_start
hdf5 string

attribute: time_coverage_end
hdf5 string

attribute: geospatial_lat_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: geospatial_lat_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: geospatial_lon_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: geospatial_lon_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: institution
hdf5 string

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: sc_processing_algorithm
hdf5 string

attribute: sc_processing_algorithm_parameters
hdf5 string

attribute: sc_postprocessing_algorithm_parameters
hdf5 string

attribute: sc_postprocessing_algorithm
hdf5 string

attribute: analysis_method
hdf5 string

attribute: least_squares_fit_weighting
hdf5 string

attribute: interpolation_method
hdf5 string

attribute: linfit_preshift
hdf5 string

attribute: linfit_dampening
hdf5 string

attribute: maximum_number_of_iterations
hdf5 string

attribute: convergence_criterion
hdf5 string

attribute: spike_tolerance_factor
hdf5 string

attribute: fit_window
hdf5 string

attribute: fit_polynomial_degree
hdf5 string

attribute: instrument_format
hdf5 string

attribute: irradiance_calibration_analysis_method
hdf5 string

attribute: irradiance_calibration_polynomial_degree
hdf5 string

attribute: irradiance_calibration_window_limits
hdf5 string

attribute: irradiance_calibration_subwindows
hdf5 string

attribute: irradiance_calibration_shift
hdf5 string

attribute: irradiance_calibration_stretch
hdf5 string

attribute: irradiance_calibration_file
hdf5 string

attribute: fit_slit_function
hdf5 string

attribute: radiance_file
hdf5 string

attribute: solar_reference
hdf5 string

attribute: slit_function_file
hdf5 string

attribute: lowpass_filter
hdf5 string

attribute: highpass_filter
hdf5 string

attribute: radiance_calibration_shift
hdf5 string

attribute: radiance_calibration_stretch
hdf5 string

attribute: radiance_calibration_scale_file
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_ozone_223K
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_ozone_243K
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_nitrogendioxide
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_oxygen_oxygen_dimer
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_ring
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_brominemonoxide
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_residual_inhomo_negative
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_residual_inhomo_positive
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_chlorinedioxide
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_residual_nh
hdf5 string

attribute: xsection_file_residual_tropics
hdf5 string

attribute: intensity_offset_coefficients
hdf5 string

attribute: undersampling_correction
hdf5 string

attribute: input_files
hdf5 array[15]
hdf5 string

attribute: nc_postprocessing_algorithm
hdf5 string

attribute: nc_postprocessing_algorithm_parameters
hdf5 string

attribute: summary
hdf5 string

attribute: time_coverage_resolution
hdf5 string

attribute: processor_name
hdf5 string

attribute: processor_version
hdf5 string

attribute: processing_center
hdf5 string

attribute: collection_identifier
hdf5 string

attribute: algorithm_version
hdf5 string

attribute: history
hdf5 string

attribute: footprint
hdf5 string

idfield namedefinition
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "molecules cm-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 24
fixed value: "BrO slant column density"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 46
fixed value: "brominemonoxide_slant_column_density_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "molecules cm-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 34
fixed value: "BrO slant column density precision"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 39
fixed value: "Fit coefficient of the intensity offset"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 38
fixed value: "intensity_offset_coefficient_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 52
fixed value: "Precision of fit coefficient of the intensity offset"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 38
fixed value: "Fit coefficient of the intensity slope"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 37
fixed value: "intensity_slope_coefficient_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 51
fixed value: "Precision of fit coefficient of the intensity slope"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "molecules cm-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 24
fixed value: "NO2 slant column density"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 46
fixed value: "nitrogendioxide_slant_column_density_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "molecules cm-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 34
fixed value: "NO2 slant column density precision"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 22
fixed value: "10+40 molecules+2 cm-5"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 59
fixed value: "Slant column density of oxygen collision induced absorption"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 50
fixed value: "oxygen_oxygen_dimer_slant_column_density_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 16
fixed value: "molecules+2 cm-5"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 76
fixed value: "Precision of the slant column density of oxygen collision induced absorption"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "molecules cm-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 30
fixed value: "O3 (223K) slant column density"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 41
fixed value: "ozone_223K_slant_column_density_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "molecules cm-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 40
fixed value: "O3 (223K) slant column density precision"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "molecules cm-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 30
fixed value: "O3 (243K) slant column density"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 41
fixed value: "ozone_243K_slant_column_density_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "molecules cm-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 40
fixed value: "O3 (243K) slant column density precision"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 65
fixed value: "Fit coefficient of the inhomogeneity negative shift mean residual"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 46
fixed value: "residual_inhomo_negative_coefficient_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 78
fixed value: "Precision of fit coefficient of the inhomogeneity negative shift mean residual"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 65
fixed value: "Fit coefficient of the inhomogeneity positive shift mean residual"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 46
fixed value: "residual_inhomo_positive_coefficient_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 78
fixed value: "Precision of fit coefficient of the inhomogeneity positive shift mean residual"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 39
fixed value: "Fit coefficient of the NH mean residual"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 33
fixed value: "residual_nh_coefficient_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 52
fixed value: "Precision of fit coefficient of the NH mean residual"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 44
fixed value: "Fit coefficient of the tropics mean residual"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 38
fixed value: "residual_tropics_coefficient_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 57
fixed value: "Precision of fit coefficient of the tropics mean residual"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 34
fixed value: "Fit coefficient of the Ring effect"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 26
fixed value: "ring_coefficient_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 47
fixed value: "Precision of fit coefficient of the Ring effect"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "root mean square residual of the fit"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 38
fixed value: "number_of_spectral_points_in_retrieval"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 17
fixed value: "wavelength offset"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "wavelength stretch"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $corner

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 13
fixed value: "degrees_north"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 22
fixed value: "pixel corner latitudes"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $corner

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 12
fixed value: "degrees_east"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 23
fixed value: "pixel corner longitudes"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "satellite altitude"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "m"

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 22
fixed value: "sub-satellite latitude"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 13
fixed value: "degrees_north"

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 23
fixed value: "sub-satellite longitude"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 12
fixed value: "degrees_east"

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 32
fixed value: "fractional satellite orbit phase"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 6
fixed value: "degree"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 30
fixed value: "solar azimuth angle at surface"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 81
fixed value: "Azimuth angle of the sun at the ground pixel location on the reference ellipsoid."

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 6
fixed value: "degree"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 29
fixed value: "solar zenith angle at surface"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 76
fixed value: "Solar zenith angle at the surface. Angle is measured away from the vertical."

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 6
fixed value: "degree"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 32
fixed value: "viewing azimuth angle at surface"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 91
fixed value: "Azimuth angle of viewing direction at the ground pixel location on the reference ellipsoid."

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 6
fixed value: "degree"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 31
fixed value: "viewing zenith angle at surface"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 20
fixed value: "viewing_zenith_angle"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 136
fixed value: "Viewing zenith angle of the satellite at the ground pixel location on the reference ellipsoid. Angle is measured away from the vertical."

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 54
fixed value: "Effective cloud fraction from the S5P OFFL NO2 product"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 3
fixed value: "hPa"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 61
fixed value: "Cloud optical centroid pressure from the S5P OFFL NO2 product"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint16
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 25
fixed value: "ground pixel quality flag"

attribute: flag_values
hdf5 stringsize: 22
fixed value: "0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 128"

attribute: flag_meanings
hdf5 stringsize: 98
fixed value: "no_error solar_eclipse sun_glint_possible descending night geo_boundary_crossing geolocation_error"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint16
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "molecules cm-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 25
fixed value: "OClO slant column density"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: ancillary_variables
hdf5 stringsize: 46
fixed value: "chlorinedioxide_slant_column_density_precision"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "molecules cm-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 35
fixed value: "OClO slant column density precision"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $corner

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "pixel corner index"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 186
fixed value: "This coordinate variable defines the indices for the pixel corners; index starts at 0 (counter-clockwise, starting from south-western corner of the pixel in ascending part of the orbit)."

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 12
fixed value: "milliseconds"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 47
fixed value: "offset from reference start time of measurement"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $ground_pixel

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 28
fixed value: "across-track dimension index"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 96
fixed value: "This coordinate variable defines the indices across track, from west to east; index starts at 0."

attribute: axis
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "X"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 13
fixed value: "degrees_north"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 21
fixed value: "pixel center latitude"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 8
fixed value: "latitude"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: bounds
hdf5 stringsize: 50
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/GEOLOCATIONS/latitude_bounds"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 12
fixed value: "degrees_east"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 22
fixed value: "pixel center longitude"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 9
fixed value: "longitude"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: bounds
hdf5 stringsize: 51
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/GEOLOCATIONS/longitude_bounds"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "1 "

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "data quality value"

attribute: scale_factor
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: add_offset
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 191
fixed value: "A continuous quality descriptor, varying between 0 (no data) and 1 (full quality data). >= 0.5 = good data, >= 0.7 = good data and large SZA, >= 0.8 = good, large SZA, ascending part of orbit"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint8 (double)
converted unit: "" (multiply by 0.01/1, set 255 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $scanline

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 27
fixed value: "along-track dimension index"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 76
fixed value: "This coordinate variable defines the indices along track; index starts at 0."

attribute: axis
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "Y"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $time

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 33
fixed value: "seconds since 1995-01-01 00:00:00"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 35
fixed value: "reference time for the measurements"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 4
fixed value: "time"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 89
fixed value: "The time in this variable corresponds to the time in the time_reference global attribute."

attribute: axis
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "T"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 24
fixed value: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 48
fixed value: "time of observation as ISO 8601 date-time string"

hdf5 string

detection rule

This product definition is applicable if a product matches the following rule:

substr(0, 3, filename()) == "S5P" and
substr(9, 10, filename()) == "L2__OCLO__"

product variables

time$time = dim(/PRODUCT/time,0)
scanline$scanline = dim(/PRODUCT/scanline,0)
ground_pixel$ground_pixel = dim(/PRODUCT/ground_pixel,0)
corner$corner = dim(/PRODUCT/corner,0)