L2__SO2CBR version 1


This definition is based on version 2.0.0 of the S5P COBRA Sulphur Dioxide Product Format Specification S5P-BIRA-PRF-SO2CBR

root type

hdf5 record
attribute: Conventions
hdf5 string

attribute: institution
hdf5 string

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: time_coverage_resolution
hdf5 string

attribute: orbit
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: processor_version
hdf5 string

attribute: NCPropertiesreal name: _NCProperties
hdf5 string

attribute: history
hdf5 string

attribute: summary
hdf5 string

attribute: tracking_id
hdf5 string

attribute: id
hdf5 string

attribute: time_reference
hdf5 string

attribute: time_coverage_start
hdf5 string

attribute: time_coverage_end
hdf5 string

attribute: processor_name
hdf5 string

attribute: processing_center
hdf5 string

attribute: file_class
hdf5 string

attribute: collection_identifier
hdf5 string

attribute: footprint
hdf5 string

attribute: input_files
hdf5 array[12]
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 string

idfield namedefinition
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win1

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 68
fixed value: "computed coefficients of the polynomial function in fitting window 1"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 68
fixed value: "computed coefficients of the polynomial function in fitting window 2"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 68
fixed value: "computed coefficients of the polynomial function in fitting window 3"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $number_of_subwindows_win1

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 49
fixed value: "calibration rms per subwindow in fitting window 1"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $number_of_subwindows_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 49
fixed value: "calibration rms per subwindow in fitting window 2"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $number_of_subwindows_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 49
fixed value: "calibration rms per subwindow in fitting window 3"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $number_of_subwindows_win1

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 69
fixed value: "irradiance wavelengths shift values per subwindow in fitting window 1"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $number_of_subwindows_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 76
fixed value: "irradiance wavelengths shift fitted values per subwindow in fitting window 2"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $number_of_subwindows_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 69
fixed value: "irradiance wavelengths shift values per subwindow in fitting window 3"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $number_of_subwindows_win1

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 78
fixed value: "irradiance wavelengths squeeze fitted values per subwindow in fitting window 1"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $number_of_subwindows_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 78
fixed value: "irradiance wavelengths squeeze fitted values per subwindow in fitting window 1"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

dim_1: $number_of_subwindows_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 78
fixed value: "irradiance wavelengths squeeze fitted values per subwindow in fitting window 3"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_subwindows_win1

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 67
fixed value: "calibration wavelength center in each subwindow in fitting window 1"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_subwindows_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 67
fixed value: "calibration wavelength center in each subwindow in fitting window 2"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_subwindows_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 89
fixed value: "calibration wavelength center in each subwindow of the wavelength calibration in window 3"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win1

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 48
fixed value: "degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win1 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 48
fixed value: "degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win2 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 48
fixed value: "degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win3 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_calibrations

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 38
fixed value: "number_of_calibrations dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_subwindows_win1

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 41
fixed value: "number_of_subwindows_win1 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_subwindows_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 41
fixed value: "number_of_subwindows_win2 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_subwindows_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 41
fixed value: "number_of_subwindows_win3 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $layer

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 16
fixed value: "averaging kernel"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 33
fixed value: "cloud fraction intensity weighted"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 42
fixed value: "VCD clear sky vs. cloudy weighting factor."

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 53
fixed value: "random error of the cloud fraction intensity weighted"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 28
fixed value: "DOAS polynomial coefficients"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 42
fixed value: "Values of the DOAS polynomial coefficients"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 28
fixed value: "DOAS polynomial coefficients"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 42
fixed value: "Values of the DOAS polynomial coefficients"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 43
fixed value: "radiance wavelength shift from the doas fit"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 63
fixed value: "radiance wavelength shift from the doas fit in fitting window 2"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 63
fixed value: "radiance wavelength shift from the doas fit in fitting window 3"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 45
fixed value: "radiance wavelength squeeze from the doas fit"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 63
fixed value: "radiance wavelength shift from the doas fit in fitting window 2"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 63
fixed value: "radiance wavelength shift from the doas fit in fitting window 3"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 51
fixed value: "root mean square of the sulfur dioxide slant column"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 45
fixed value: "root mean square residual in fitting window 1"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 56
fixed value: "root mean square residual of the fit in fitting window 2"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 56
fixed value: "root mean square residual of the fit in fitting window 3"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $number_of_slant_columns_win1

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 50
fixed value: "slant columns of all absorbers in fitting window 1"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: index_meaning
hdf5 stringsize: 67
fixed value: "SO2_203K_Bogumil_deconv_resampled_301_364_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs"

hdf5 double
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $number_of_slant_columns_win1

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 63
fixed value: "slant column random errors of all absorbers in fitting window 1"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: index_meaning
hdf5 stringsize: 67
fixed value: "SO2_203K_Bogumil_deconv_resampled_301_364_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $number_of_slant_columns_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 50
fixed value: "slant columns of all absorbers in fitting window 2"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: index_meaning
hdf5 stringsize: 468
fixed value: "SO2_203K_Bogumil_deconv_resampled_301_364_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x1080.bis O3_228K_Brion_vac_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2010.bis O3_243K_Brion_vac_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2010.bis o3lambda_Io_S5P_OPT_SFP.xs#1#float64#2#451x2002.bis o3squared_Io_S5P_OPT_SFP.xs#1#float64#2#451x2002.bis Ringev1_HR_200_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x1100.bis Ringev2_HR_870_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x1100.bis "

hdf5 double
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $number_of_slant_columns_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 53
fixed value: "slant column random all absorbers in fitting window 2"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: index_meaning
hdf5 stringsize: 468
fixed value: "SO2_203K_Bogumil_deconv_resampled_301_364_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x1080.bis O3_228K_Brion_vac_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2010.bis O3_243K_Brion_vac_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2010.bis o3lambda_Io_S5P_OPT_SFP.xs#1#float64#2#451x2002.bis o3squared_Io_S5P_OPT_SFP.xs#1#float64#2#451x2002.bis Ringev1_HR_200_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x1100.bis Ringev2_HR_870_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x1100.bis "

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $number_of_slant_columns_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 50
fixed value: "slant columns of all absorbers in fitting window 3"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: index_meaning
hdf5 stringsize: 276
fixed value: "SO2_203K_vandaele_extrapol_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2010.bis no2_cb_vac_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2010.bis ring_sao2010_combined_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2010.bis o4_hand_vac_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2001.bis "

hdf5 double
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $number_of_slant_columns_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 63
fixed value: "slant column random errors of all absorbers in fitting window 3"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: index_meaning
hdf5 stringsize: 276
fixed value: "SO2_203K_vandaele_extrapol_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2010.bis no2_cb_vac_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2010.bis ring_sao2010_combined_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2010.bis o4_hand_vac_NOMOPS_BF2bd2-6_band_3.xs#1#float64#2#451x2001.bis "

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 59
fixed value: "number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win2 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 59
fixed value: "number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win3 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint16
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 42
fixed value: "number of iterations used in the retrieval"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint16
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint16
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 55
fixed value: "number of iterations used in the retrieval for window 2"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint16
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint16
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 55
fixed value: "number of iterations used in the retrieval for window 3"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint16
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_slant_columns_win1

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 44
fixed value: "number_of_slant_columns_win1 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_slant_columns_win2

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 44
fixed value: "number_of_slant_columns_win2 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $number_of_slant_columns_win3

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 44
fixed value: "number_of_slant_columns_win3 dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint16
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 52
fixed value: "Number of spectral points used in the DOAS retrieval"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint16
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint16
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 65
fixed value: "Number of spectral points used in the DOAS retrieval for window 2"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint16
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint16
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 65
fixed value: "Number of spectral points used in the DOAS retrieval for window 3"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint16
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 24
fixed value: "Processing quality flags"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 65
fixed value: "Flags indicating conditions that affect quality of the retrieval."

attribute: flag_meanings
hdf5 stringsize: 2498
fixed value: "success radiance_missing irradiance_missing input_spectrum_missing reflectance_range_error ler_range_error snr_range_error sza_range_error vza_range_error lut_range_error ozone_range_error wavelength_offset_error initialization_error memory_error assertion_error io_error numerical_error lut_error ISRF_error convergence_error cloud_filter_convergence_error max_iteration_convergence_error aot_lower_boundary_convergence_error other_boundary_convergence_error geolocation_error ch4_noscat_zero_error h2o_noscat_zero_error max_optical_thickness_error aerosol_boundary_error boundary_hit_error chi2_error svd_error dfs_error radiative_transfer_error optimal_estimation_error profile_error cloud_error model_error number_of_input_data_points_too_low_error cloud_pressure_spread_too_low_error cloud_too_low_level_error generic_range_error generic_exception input_spectrum_alignment_error abort_error wrong_input_type_error wavelength_calibration_error coregistration_error slant_column_density_error airmass_factor_error vertical_column_density_error signal_to_noise_ratio_error configuration_error key_error saturation_error solar_eclipse_filter cloud_filter altitude_consistency_filter altitude_roughness_filter sun_glint_filter mixed_surface_type_filter snow_ice_filter aai_filter cloud_fraction_fresco_filter aai_scene_albedo_filter small_pixel_radiance_std_filter cloud_fraction_viirs_filter cirrus_reflectance_viirs_filter cf_viirs_swir_ifov_filter cf_viirs_swir_ofova_filter cf_viirs_swir_ofovb_filter cf_viirs_swir_ofovc_filter cf_viirs_nir_ifov_filter cf_viirs_nir_ofova_filter cf_viirs_nir_ofovb_filter cf_viirs_nir_ofovc_filter refl_cirrus_viirs_swir_filter refl_cirrus_viirs_nir_filter diff_refl_cirrus_viirs_filter ch4_noscat_ratio_filter ch4_noscat_ratio_std_filter h2o_noscat_ratio_filter h2o_noscat_ratio_std_filter diff_psurf_fresco_ecmwf_filter psurf_fresco_stdv_filter ocean_filter time_range_filter pixel_or_scanline_index_filter geographic_region_filter input_spectrum_warning wavelength_calibration_warning extrapolation_warning sun_glint_warning south_atlantic_anomaly_warning sun_glint_correction snow_ice_warning cloud_warning AAI_warning pixel_level_input_data_missing data_range_warning low_cloud_fraction_warning altitude_consistency_warning signal_to_noise_ratio_warning deconvolution_warning so2_volcanic_origin_likely_warning so2_volcanic_origin_certain_warning interpolation_warning saturation_warning high_sza_warning cloud_retrieval_warning cloud_inhomogeneity_warning"

attribute: flag_masks
hdf5 array[111]
hdf5 uint32
endianness: little endian

attribute: flag_values
hdf5 array[111]
hdf5 uint32
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: scale_factor
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: add_offset
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "data quality value"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 132
fixed value: "A continuous quality descriptor, varying between 0 (no data) and 1 (full quality data). Recommend to ignore data with qa_value < 0.5"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint8 (double)
converted unit: "" (multiply by 0.01/1, set 255 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 72
fixed value: "flag describing the selected fitting window for sulfur dioxide retrieval"

attribute: flag_values
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 105
fixed value: "scaling box of the total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 15km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 56
fixed value: "sulfur dioxide slant column density cobra retrieval flag"

attribute: flag_meanings
hdf5 stringsize: 66
fixed value: "0: not applied, 1: not all iterations done, 2: all iterations done"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: flag_values
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

hdf5 uint8
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 105
fixed value: "scaling box of the total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 1km altitude w.r.t. the topography"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 104
fixed value: "scaling box of the total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 7km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 90
fixed value: "clear sky air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 15km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 90
fixed value: "clear sky air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 1km altitude w.r.t. the topography"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 89
fixed value: "clear sky air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 7km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 66
fixed value: "clear sky air mass factor for the boundary layer polluted scenario"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 91
fixed value: "cloudy sky air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 15km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 91
fixed value: "cloudy sky air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 1km altitude w.r.t. the topography"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 90
fixed value: "cloudy sky air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 7km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 67
fixed value: "cloudy sky air mass factor for the boundary layer polluted scenario"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "sulfur dioxide volcano activity flag"

attribute: flag_meanings
hdf5 stringsize: 135
fixed value: "no detection,detection,clear detection close to known volcano,clear detection close to known anthropogenic source,detection at high SZA"

attribute: flag_values
hdf5 array[5]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $layer

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 45
fixed value: "volume mixing ratio profile of sulfur dioxide"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 90
fixed value: "background corrected sulfur dioxide slant column density for final selected fitting window"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 119
fixed value: "background corrected sulfur dioxide slant column density obtained by a DOAS retrieval for final selected fitting window"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 61
fixed value: "systematic error of the corrected sulfur dioxide slant column"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 77
fixed value: "background corrected sulfur dioxide slant column density for fitting window 1"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 77
fixed value: "background corrected sulfur dioxide slant column density for fitting window 2"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 77
fixed value: "background corrected sulfur dioxide slant column density for fitting window 3"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 86
fixed value: "total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 15km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 124
fixed value: "systematic error of the total air mass factor using kernels for a sulfur dioxide plume at 15km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 106
fixed value: "random error of the total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 15km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 110
fixed value: "systematic error of the total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 15km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 86
fixed value: "total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 1km altitude w.r.t. the topography"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 124
fixed value: "systematic error of the total air mass factor using kernels for a sulfur dioxide plume at 1km altitude w.r.t. the topography"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 106
fixed value: "random error of the total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 1km altitude w.r.t. the topography"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 110
fixed value: "systematic error of the total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 1km altitude w.r.t. the topography"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 85
fixed value: "total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 7km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 123
fixed value: "systematic error of the total air mass factor using kernels for a sulfur dioxide plume at 7km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 105
fixed value: "random error of the total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 7km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 109
fixed value: "systematic error of the total air mass factor for a sulfur dioxide plume at 7km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 58
fixed value: "total air mass factor for boundary layer polluted scenario"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 78
fixed value: "systematic error of the total air mass factor for the kernel polluted scenario"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 82
fixed value: "random error of the total air mass factor for the boundary layer polluted scenario"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 86
fixed value: "systematic error of the total air mass factor for the boundary layer polluted scenario"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 41
fixed value: "atmosphere_mole_content_of_sulfur_dioxide"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 112
fixed value: "total vertical column density of sulfur dioxide for a sulfur dioxide plume at 15km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 56
fixed value: "atmosphere_mole_content_of_sulfur_dioxide_standard_error"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 132
fixed value: "random error of the total vertical column density of sulfur dioxide for a sulfur dioxide plume at 15km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 136
fixed value: "systematic error of the total vertical column density of sulfur dioxide for a sulfur dioxide plume at 15km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 41
fixed value: "atmosphere_mole_content_of_sulfur_dioxide"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 112
fixed value: "total vertical column density of sulfur dioxide for a sulfur dioxide plume at 1km altitude w.r.t. the topography"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 56
fixed value: "atmosphere_mole_content_of_sulfur_dioxide standard_error"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 132
fixed value: "random error of the total vertical column density of sulfur dioxide for a sulfur dioxide plume at 1km altitude w.r.t. the topography"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 136
fixed value: "systematic error of the total vertical column density of sulfur dioxide for a sulfur dioxide plume at 1km altitude w.r.t. the topography"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 41
fixed value: "atmosphere_mole_content_of_sulfur_dioxide"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 111
fixed value: "total vertical column density of sulfur dioxide for a sulfur dioxide plume at 7km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 56
fixed value: "atmosphere_mole_content_of_sulfur_dioxide_standard_error"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 123
fixed value: "random error of the total vertical column of sulfur dioxide for a sulfur dioxide plume at 7km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 127
fixed value: "systematic error of the total vertical column of sulfur dioxide for a sulfur dioxide plume at 7km altitude w.r.t. the sea level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 97
fixed value: "systematic error of the total vertical column density of sulfur dioxide for the polluted scenario"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: flag_masks
hdf5 array[7]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: flag_meanings
hdf5 stringsize: 98
fixed value: "no_error solar_eclipse sun_glint_possible descending night geo_boundary_crossing geolocation_error"

attribute: flag_values
hdf5 array[7]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 25
fixed value: "ground pixel quality flag"

attribute: max_val
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: min_val
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

hdf5 uint8
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $corner

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 13
fixed value: "degrees_north"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

dim_3: $corner

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 12
fixed value: "degrees_east"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "satellite altitude"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "m"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 111
fixed value: "The altitude of the satellite with respect to the geodetic sub satellite point on the WGS84 reference ellipsoid"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 22
fixed value: "sub satellite latitude"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 13
fixed value: "degrees_north"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 77
fixed value: "Latitude of the geodetic sub satellite point on the WGS84 reference ellipsoid"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 19
fixed value: "satellite_longitude"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 12
fixed value: "degrees_east"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 78
fixed value: "Longitude of the geodetic sub satellite point on the WGS84 reference ellipsoid"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 32
fixed value: "fractional satellite orbit phase"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 63
fixed value: "Relative offset [0.0, ..., 1.0] of the measurement in the orbit"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 19
fixed value: "solar azimuth angle"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 19
fixed value: "solar_azimuth_angle"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 6
fixed value: "degree"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 156
fixed value: "Solar azimuth angle at the ground pixel location on the reference ellipsoid. Angle is measured clockwise from the North (East = 90, South = 180, West = 270)"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "solar zenith angle"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "solar_zenith_angle"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 6
fixed value: "degree"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 116
fixed value: "Solar zenith angle at the ground pixel location on the reference ellipsoid. Angle is measured away from the vertical"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 21
fixed value: "viewing azimuth angle"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 21
fixed value: "viewing_azimuth_angle"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 6
fixed value: "degree"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 160
fixed value: "Satellite azimuth angle at the ground pixel location on the reference ellipsoid. Angle is measured clockwise from the North (East = 90, South = 180, West = 270)"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 20
fixed value: "viewing zenith angle"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 20
fixed value: "viewing_zenith_angle"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 6
fixed value: "degree"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 127
fixed value: "Zenith angle of the satellite at the ground pixel location on the reference ellipsoid. Angle is measured away from the vertical"

hdf5 float
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 record
idfield namedefinition
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $detector_rows

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 29
fixed value: "detector_rows dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $detector_rows

dim_1: $wavelengths

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 21
fixed value: "mol.m-2.nm-1.sr-1.s-1"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $wavelengths

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "nm"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $lat_grid

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 13
fixed value: "degrees_north"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $wavelengths

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 27
fixed value: "wavelengths dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $o3_grid

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "DU"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $o3_grid

dim_1: $detector_rows

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $o3_grid

dim_1: $detector_rows

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $lat_grid

dim_1: $detector_rows

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $lat_grid

dim_1: $detector_rows

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 25
fixed value: "ultraviolet_aerosol_index"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 33
fixed value: "Aerosol index from 380 and 340 nm"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 33
fixed value: "aerosol index from 380 and 340 nm"

attribute: radiation_wavelength
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 12
fixed value: "cloud_albedo"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 31
fixed value: "cloud albedo from the CRB model"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 61
fixed value: "Coregistered cloud albedo based on the OCRA/ROCINN CRB model."

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 27
fixed value: "cloud_albedo_standard_error"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 41
fixed value: "cloud albedo precision from the CRB model"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 74
fixed value: "Error of the coregistered cloud albedo based on the OCRA/ROCINN CRB model."

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 3
fixed value: "TBD"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 55
fixed value: "effective radiometric cloud fraction from the CRB model"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 82
fixed value: "Coregistered effective radiometric cloud fraction using the OCRA/ROCINN CRB model."

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 3
fixed value: "TBD"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 65
fixed value: "effective radiometric cloud fraction precision from the CRB model"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 95
fixed value: "Error of the coregistered effective radiometric cloud fraction using the OCRA/ROCINN CRB model."

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "m"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 3
fixed value: "TBD"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 60
fixed value: "cloud radiometric optical centroid height from the CRB model"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 95
fixed value: "Coregistered height at the level of cloud w.r.t. the geoid/MSL using the OCRA/ROCINN CRB model."

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "m"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 3
fixed value: "TBD"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 70
fixed value: "cloud radiometric optical centroid height precision from the CRB model"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 108
fixed value: "Error of the coregistered height at the level of cloud w.r.t. the geoid/MSL using the OCRA/ROCINN CRB model."

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "Pa"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 3
fixed value: "TBD"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 62
fixed value: "cloud radiometric optical centroid pressure from the CRB model"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 102
fixed value: "Coregistered and converted atmospheric pressure at the level of cloud using the OCRA/ROCINN CRB model."

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "Pa"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 3
fixed value: "TBD"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 72
fixed value: "cloud radiometric optical centroid pressure precision from the CRB model"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 115
fixed value: "Error of the coregistered and converted atmospheric pressure at the level of cloud using the OCRA/ROCINN CRB model."

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 5
fixed value: "m s-1"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 13
fixed value: "eastward_wind"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 49
fixed value: "Eastward wind from ECMWF at 10 meter height level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 4
fixed value: "IcID"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 204
fixed value: "The Instrument Configuration ID defines the type of measurement and its purpose. The number of instrument configuration IDs will increase over the mission as new types of measurements are created and used"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int16
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 9
fixed value: "IcVersion"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 50
fixed value: "Version of the instrument_configuration_identifier"

hdf5 int16
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 5
fixed value: "m s-1"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "northward_wind"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 50
fixed value: "Northward wind from ECMWF at 10 meter height level"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 32
fixed value: "atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "total ozone column"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 38
fixed value: "atmosphere_mole_content_of_ozone error"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 31
fixed value: "total ozone column random error"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 27
fixed value: "scaled small pixel variance"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 59
fixed value: "The scaled variance of the reflectances of the small pixels"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: threshold
hdf5 stringsize: 3
fixed value: "0.3"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 13
fixed value: "snow-ice mask"

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 50
fixed value: "flag indicating snow/ice at center of ground pixel"

attribute: flag_meanings
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "snow_free snow_ice"

attribute: flag_values
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint8
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "surface_albedo"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 23
fixed value: "surface albdeo at 328nm"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 14
fixed value: "surface_albedo"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 23
fixed value: "surface albdeo at 376nm"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 16
fixed value: "surface altitude"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 16
fixed value: "surface_altitude"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "m"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 172
fixed value: "The mean of the sub-pixels of the surface altitude above the reference geoid (WGS84) within the approximate field of view, based on the GMTED2010 surface elevation database"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 26
fixed value: "surface altitude precision"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 31
fixed value: "surface_altitude standard_error"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "m"

attribute: standard_error_multiplier
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 204
fixed value: "The standard deviation of sub-pixels used in calculating the mean surface altitude above the reference geoid (WGS84) within the approximate field of view, based on the GMTED2010 surface elevation database"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 15
fixed value: "land-water mask"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 83
fixed value: "flag indicating land/water and further surface classifications for the ground pixel"

attribute: source
hdf5 string

attribute: flag_meanings
hdf5 stringsize: 883
fixed value: "land, water, some_water, coast, value_covers_majority_of_pixel, water+shallow_ocean, water+shallow_inland_water, water+ocean_coastline-lake_shoreline, water+intermittent_water, water+deep_inland_water, water+continental_shelf_ocean, water+deep_ocean, land+urban_and_built-up_land, land+dryland_cropland_and_pasture, land+irrigated_cropland_and_pasture, land+mixed_dryland-irrigated_cropland_and_pasture, land+cropland-grassland_mosaic, land+cropland-woodland_mosaic, land+grassland, land+shrubland, land+mixed_shrubland-grassland, land+savanna, land+deciduous_broadleaf_forest, land+deciduous_needleleaf_forest, land+evergreen_broadleaf_forest, land+evergreen_needleleaf_forest, land+mixed_forest, land+herbaceous_wetland, land+wooded_wetland, land+barren_or_sparsely_vegetated, land+herbaceous_tundra, land+wooded_tundra, land+mixed_tundra, land+bare_ground_tundra, land+snow_or_ice"

attribute: flag_values
hdf5 array[35]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: flag_masks
hdf5 array[35]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint8
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "Pa"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 20
fixed value: "surface_air_pressure"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 20
fixed value: "surface_air_pressure"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "K"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 23
fixed value: "surface_air_temperature"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 23
fixed value: "surface_air_temperature"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $layer

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 2
fixed value: "Pa"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $layer

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[4]
attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "pixel corner index"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 185
fixed value: "This coordinate variable defines the indices for the pixel corners; index starts a 0 (counter-clockwise, starting from south-western corner of the pixel in ascending part of the orbit)."

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[2]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 47
fixed value: "offset from reference start time of measurement"

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: axis
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "X"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 28
fixed value: "across-track dimension index"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 95
fixed value: "This coordinate variable defines the indices across track, from west to east; index starts at 0"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 21
fixed value: "pixel center latitude"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 13
fixed value: "degrees_north"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 8
fixed value: "latitude"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: bounds
hdf5 stringsize: 50
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/GEOLOCATIONS/latitude_bounds"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $layer

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 21
fixed value: "layer dimension index"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 22
fixed value: "pixel center longitude"

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 12
fixed value: "degrees_east"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 9
fixed value: "longitude"

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: bounds
hdf5 stringsize: 51
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/GEOLOCATIONS/longitude_bounds"

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: scale_factor
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: add_offset
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_min
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: valid_max
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 uint8
endianness: little endian

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 18
fixed value: "data quality value"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 132
fixed value: "A continuous quality descriptor, varying between 0 (no data) and 1 (full quality data). Recommend to ignore data with qa_value < 0.5"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

hdf5 uint8 (double)
converted unit: "" (multiply by 0.01/1, set 255 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $scanline

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "1"

attribute: axis
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "Y"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 27
fixed value: "along-track dimension index"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 75
fixed value: "This coordinate variable defines the indices along track; index starts at 0"

hdf5 int32
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 41
fixed value: "atmosphere_mole_content_of_sulfur_dioxide"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 101
fixed value: "total vertical column of sulfur dioxide for the polluted scenario derived from the total slant column"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $time

dim_1: $scanline

dim_2: $ground_pixel

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 7
fixed value: "mol m-2"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 56
fixed value: "atmosphere_mole_content_of_sulfur_dioxide_standard_error"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 118
fixed value: "precision of the total vertical column of sulfur dioxide for the polluted scenario derived from the total slant column"

attribute: coordinates
hdf5 stringsize: 36
fixed value: "/PRODUCT/longitude /PRODUCT/latitude"

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_DU
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: multiplication_factor_to_convert_to_molecules_percm2
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $time

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: units
hdf5 stringsize: 33
fixed value: "seconds since 2010-01-01 00:00:00"

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 stringsize: 4
fixed value: "time"

attribute: axis
hdf5 stringsize: 1
fixed value: "T"

attribute: long_name
hdf5 stringsize: 35
fixed value: "reference time for the measurements"

attribute: comment
hdf5 stringsize: 88
fixed value: "The time in this variable corresponds to the time in the time_reference global attribute"

hdf5 int32

detection rule

This product definition is applicable if a product matches the following rule:

substr(0, 3, filename()) == "S5P" and
substr(9, 10, filename()) == "L2__SO2CBR"

product variables

corner$corner = dim(/PRODUCT/corner,0)
ground_pixel$ground_pixel = dim(/PRODUCT/ground_pixel,0)
layer$layer = dim(/PRODUCT/layer,0)
scanline$scanline = dim(/PRODUCT/scanline,0)
time$time = dim(/PRODUCT/time,0)
detector_rows$detector_rows = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/INPUT_DATA/BACKGROUND_CORRECTION/detector_rows,0)
wavelengths$wavelengths = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/INPUT_DATA/BACKGROUND_CORRECTION/wavelengths,0)
number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win2$number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win2 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win2,0)
number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win3$number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win3 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/number_of_doas_polynomial_coefficients_win3,0)
number_of_slant_columns_win1$number_of_slant_columns_win1 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/number_of_slant_columns_win1,0)
number_of_slant_columns_win2$number_of_slant_columns_win2 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/number_of_slant_columns_win2,0)
number_of_slant_columns_win3$number_of_slant_columns_win3 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/number_of_slant_columns_win3,0)
degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win1$degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win1 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/WAVELENGTH_CALIBRATIONS/degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win1,0)
degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win2$degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win2 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/WAVELENGTH_CALIBRATIONS/degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win2,0)
degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win3$degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win3 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/WAVELENGTH_CALIBRATIONS/degrees_of_polynomial_shift_win3,0)
number_of_calibrations$number_of_calibrations = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/WAVELENGTH_CALIBRATIONS/number_of_calibrations,0)
number_of_subwindows_win1$number_of_subwindows_win1 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/WAVELENGTH_CALIBRATIONS/number_of_subwindows_win1,0)
number_of_subwindows_win2$number_of_subwindows_win2 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/WAVELENGTH_CALIBRATIONS/number_of_subwindows_win2,0)
number_of_subwindows_win3$number_of_subwindows_win3 = dim(/PRODUCT/SUPPORT_DATA/DETAILED_RESULTS/WAVELENGTH_CALIBRATIONS/number_of_subwindows_win3,0)