id | field name | definition |
0 | year |
1 | month |
2 | day |
3 | bartels_seq |
4 | bartels_day |
5 | kp |
6 | kp_daily_sum |
ascii uint16 | size: 3 |
mapping: " " -> 1000
7 | ap |
ascii array[8] | size: 24 |
ascii uint16 | size: 3 |
mapping: " " -> 1000
8 | ap_daily_mean |
ascii uint16 | size: 3 |
mapping: " " -> 1000
available: byteoffset(.) + 56 <= filesize() and substr(55, 1, bytes(.,56)) != "\n"
9 | cp |
ascii float | size: 3 |
mapping: " " -> nan
available: byteoffset(.) + 59 <= filesize() and exists(:/ap_daily_mean) and substr(58, 1, bytes(.,59)) != "\n"
10 | c9 |
ascii uint8 | size: 1 |
mapping: " " -> 10
available: byteoffset(.) + 62 <= filesize() and exists(:/cp) and substr(61, 1, bytes(.,62)) != "\n"
11 | sunspot_number |
ascii uint16 | size: 3 |
mapping: " " -> 1000
available: byteoffset(.) + 63 <= filesize() and exists(:/c9) and substr(62, 1, bytes(.,63)) != "\n"
12 | f10_7 |
ascii float | size: 5 |
mapping: " " -> nan
available: byteoffset(.) + 66 <= filesize() and exists(:/sunspot_number) and substr(65, 1, bytes(.,66)) != "\n"
13 | flux_qualifier |
ascii uint8 | size: 1 |
mapping: " " -> 10
available: byteoffset(.) + 71 <= filesize() and exists(:/f10_7) and substr(70, 1, bytes(.,71)) != "\n"
14 | newline |
ascii string [line separator] |
hidden: true