MMA_SHA_2C_HDR version 0
This definition is based on version 2H of the Product Specification for L2 Products and Auxiliary Products SW-DS-DTU-GS-0001
root type
xml record |
id | field name | definition |
0 | Earth_Explorer_Header |
xml record |
Earth Explorer Header File
attribute: xsi_noNamespaceSchemaLocation | real name: xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation
available: optional
attribute: noNamespaceSchemaLocation |
available: optional
attribute: schemaVersion |
available: optional
id | field name | definition |
0 | Fixed_Header |
1 | Variable_Header |
xml record |
Variable Header Section
id | field name | definition |
0 | MPH |
1 | SPH |
detection rule
This product definition is applicable if a product matches the following rule:
exists(/Earth_Explorer_Header/Fixed_Header/File_Type) and at(/Earth_Explorer_Header/Fixed_Header/File_Type, str(.) == "MMA_SHA_2C")