AuxiliaryCalibration version 1


This definition is based on version 2.10 of the Sentinel-1 IPF Auxiliary Product Specification S1-RS-MDA-52-7443

root type

xml record
Calibration auxiliary file definition (AUX_CAL)

idfield namedefinition
xml record
attribute: schemaVersion
xml string

attribute: noNamespaceSchemaLocation
xml string

available: optional

idfield namedefinition
xml record
List of calibration parameter records.

attribute: count
xml string

idfield namedefinition
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
xml record
Calibration parameter record. There must be one record per swath (16 nominal swaths) per polarisation (4 polarisation combinations for SM, IW or EW, 2 for WV) for a minimum total of 58. There are 128 possible swath number values supported by the downlink, so the maximum number of combinations of swath number and polarisation that can be defined is 512.

idfield namedefinition
xml string
Canonical name of the swath to which this set of calibration parameters applies.
xml string
Polarisation to which this set of calibration parameters applies. Used along with the swathNumber to index the applicable calibrationParams record.
xml record
Two way elevation antenna pattern parameters. The EAPs are used to correct the corresponding radiometric variation of the data in the range direction. The EAPs are also used for the estimation and removal of the thermal noise level.

idfield namedefinition
ascii double
Elevation angle of the nominal near range extent of the beam.

unit: "degrees"
ascii double
Elevation angle of the nominal far range extent of the beam.

unit: "degrees"
ascii double
Elevation angle increment. This parameter defines the step size between the pattern values in the two way elevation antenna pattern.

unit: "degrees"
ascii array[dim_0]
Two-way antenna elevation pattern gain values. The centre value in the vector corresponds to the referenceAntennaAngle in the Roll Steering parameters described in the Instrument auxiliary file (the vector must contain an odd number of values), and the values before and after the centre value correspond to steps of elevationAngleIncrement from the centre value. The pattern contains attribute "count" floating point values separated by spaces. The first value in the antenna pattern vector corresponds to -((count - 1)/2) * elevationAngleIncrement degrees, and the last value corresponds to +((count - 1)/2) * elevationAngleIncrement degrees.

dim_0: int(str(@count))

attribute: count
ascii string

ascii complex
ascii record
idfield namedefinition
ascii float
unit: "dB"
ascii float
unit: "dB"
xml record
Two way azimuth antenna pattern (AAP) parameters.

idfield namedefinition
ascii double
Azimuth angle increment. This parameter defines the step size between the values in the two way azimuth antenna pattern.

unit: "degrees"
ascii array[dim_0]
Two way azimuth antenna pattern values. The centre value of the vector corresponds to 0 degrees (the vector must contain an odd number of values), and the values before and after the centre value correspond to steps of azimuthAngleIncrement degrees from the centre value. The pattern contains attribute "count" floating point values separated by spaces. The first value in the antenna pattern vector corresponds to -((count - 1)/2) * azimuthAngleIncrement degrees, and the last value corresponds to +((count - 1)/2) * azimuthAngleIncrement degrees.

dim_0: int(str(@count))

attribute: count
ascii string

ascii float
unit: "dB"
xml record
Two way azimuth antenna element pattern values. The AAEP maps azimuth steering angles to gain power and is used during de-scalloping of TOPSAR data. The AAEP is specific to IW and EW modes and is ignored for all others.

idfield namedefinition
ascii double
Azimuth angle increment. This parameter defines the step size between the values in the two way azimuth antenna element pattern.

unit: "degrees"
ascii array[dim_0]
Two way azimuth antenna element pattern values. The centre value of the vector corresponds to 0 degrees (the vector must contain an odd number of values), and the values before and after the centre value correspond to steps of azimuthAngleIncrement degrees from the centre value. The pattern contains attribute "count" floating point values separated by spaces. The first value in the antenna pattern vector corresponds to -((count - 1)/2) * azimuthAngleIncrement degrees, and the last value corresponds to +((count - 1)/2) * azimuthAngleIncrement degrees.

dim_0: int(str(@count))

attribute: count
ascii string

ascii float
unit: "dB"
ascii double
Absolute calibration constant value to apply during processing. The calibration constant C0 (described in the Sentinel-1 SAR Instrument Calibration and Characterisation Plan) should be merged into this field to achieve an overall gain value.

unit: "dB"
ascii double
Noise calibration factor used in the estimation of the thermal noise.

unit: "dB"

detection rule

This product definition is applicable if a product matches the following rule:

exists(/auxiliaryCalibration@schemaVersion) and
str(.) == "2.10")