AuxiliarySimulatedCrossSpectra version 1


This definition is based on version 3.14 of the Sentinel-1 IPF Auxiliary Product Specification S1-RS-MDA-52-7443

root type

hdf5 record
attribute: compress
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int64
endianness: little endian

attribute: xsize
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int64
endianness: little endian

attribute: ysize
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int64
endianness: little endian

attribute: incangle
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int64
endianness: little endian

attribute: rangedist
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 double
endianness: little endian

attribute: radarvel
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int64
endianness: little endian

attribute: wavenumber
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 double
endianness: little endian

attribute: polarization
hdf5 string

attribute: reshalfwidth
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 double
endianness: little endian

attribute: resgrowthrate
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 double
endianness: little endian

attribute: NCPropertiesreal name: _NCProperties
hdf5 string

idfield namedefinition
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from hdf5 file

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

available: optional

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $u10

dim_1: $dir

dim_2: $iwa

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $u10

dim_1: $dir

dim_2: $iwa

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from hdf5 file

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

available: optional

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $kx

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

available: optional

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $ky

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

available: optional

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from hdf5 file

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

available: optional

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from hdf5 file

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

available: optional

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3]
dim_0: $u10

dim_1: $dir

dim_2: $iwa

dim_3: $tau

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[4]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3, dim_4, dim_5]
dim_0: $u10

dim_1: $dir

dim_2: $iwa

dim_3: $tau

dim_4: $ky

dim_5: $kx

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[6]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3, dim_4, dim_5]
dim_0: $u10

dim_1: $dir

dim_2: $iwa

dim_3: $tau

dim_4: $ky

dim_5: $kx

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[6]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0, dim_1, dim_2]
dim_0: $u10

dim_1: $dir

dim_2: $iwa

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[3]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from hdf5 file

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

available: optional

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from hdf5 file

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

available: optional

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from hdf5 file

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: CLASS
hdf5 string

attribute: NAME
hdf5 string

attribute: Netcdf4Dimidreal name: _Netcdf4Dimid
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $u10_hsratio

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)
hdf5 array[dim_0]
dim_0: $u10_hsratio

attribute: Netcdf4Coordinatesreal name: _Netcdf4Coordinates
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 int32
endianness: little endian

attribute: FillValuereal name: _FillValue
hdf5 array[1]
hdf5 float
endianness: little endian

attribute: standard_name
hdf5 string

attribute: long_name
hdf5 string

attribute: units
hdf5 string

hdf5 float (double)
converted unit: "" (set -999 to NaN)

detection rule

This product definition is applicable if a product matches the following rule:

substr(0, 12, filename()) == "s1--aux-scs-" and

product variables

u10$u10 = dim(/u10,0)
dir$dir = dim(/dir,0)
iwa$iwa = dim(/iwa,0)
tau$tau = dim(/tau,0)
ky$ky = dim(/ky,0)
kx$kx = dim(/kx,0)
u10_hsratio$u10_hsratio = dim(/u10_hsratio,0)