L1AuxiliaryProcessorParameters version 0


This definition is based on both versions 2.8Draft and 2.9/2.10 of the Sentinel-1 IPF Auxiliary Product Specification S1-RS-MDA-52-7443

root type

xml record
idfield namedefinition
xml record
L1 Processor parameters auxiliary file definition (AUX_PP1).

attribute: schemaVersion
xml string

available: optional

attribute: noNamespaceSchemaLocation
xml string

available: optional

idfield namedefinition
xml record
List of L1 products containing the applicable auxiliary parameters for each. This list contains an entry for each product the IPF is capable of generating, indexed by its unique product identifier.

attribute: count
xml string

idfield namedefinition
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
xml record
Product auxiliary parameters. This DSR contains all of the auxiliary parameters required to process a single product. The parameters are stored in structures that are grouped together by the logical processing steps used during image creation. The parameters within this DSR and its children are not polarisation dependent and in general apply to the entire product; however, in some cases a distinction must be made amongst swaths and when this is necessary the records are indexed with a swath identifier.

idfield namedefinition
xml string
Product type identifier as per S1 IPF ICD to which this set of parameters applies. The productId is used to index and find the correct set of auxiliary parameters for each product the IPF is capable of generating.
xml record
Common processing auxiliary parameters. This record holds the parameters that are common among multiple steps in the image processing chain.

idfield namedefinition
ascii uint8
Flag to control the correction of the constant biases from the I and Q channels. IQ bias correction will be performed if and only if this flag is set to "true".

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Flag to control the correction of the IQ gain imbalance. IQ gain imbalance correction will be performed if and only if this flag is set to "true".

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Flag to control the correction of the IQ orthogonality. IQ orthorgonality correction will be performed if and only if this flag is set to "true".

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Flag to compensate for the bi-static delay. Correction will be performed if and only if this flag is set to "true".

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Flag to control the correction of the gain variation across the receive window. Receive variation correction will be performed if and only this flag is set to "true".

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
xml record
Ellipsoid and DEM parameters.

idfield namedefinition
xml string
Name of the reference ellipsoid.
ascii double
Semi-major axis of ellipsoid [m].

unit: "m"
ascii double
Semi-minor axis of ellipsoid [m].

unit: "m"
ascii uint8
This flag is used to control the use of a DEM during processing. Set to true if a DEM is to be used during processing, false otherwise.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
xml record
Azimuth processing block parameters record indexed by swath. There will be one record per swath.

attribute: count
xml string

idfield namedefinition
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
xml record
Azimuth processing block parameters record indexed by swath. There will be one record per swath.

idfield namedefinition
xml string
Swath identifier. This parameter defines the swath to which this record applies.
ascii float
Total processing bandwidth [Hz] (excluding any additional bandwidth resulting from the taperBwExtentFraction). This parameter defines the bandwidth (Bw) to use during processing. The processing bandwidth (Bw) must be 0 < Bw <= PRF.
ascii uint32
Azimuth processing block size [lines].
ascii uint32
Extra azimuth block overlap to account for possible variation of Doppler centroid frequency from azimuth block to azimuth block [lines].
ascii array[dim_0]
Maximum expected Doppler centroid frequency [Hz]. Used to calculate the SM SLC azimuth matched filter throwaway component of azimuth block overlap as applicable to all azimuth blocks in a segment.

dim_0: if(exists(@count), int(str(@count)), 1)

attribute: count
ascii string

available: optional

ascii float
ascii double
This parameter specifies the expected mean of the samples in the output image and is used for verifying that the calculated mean of the output samples is within the tolerated threshold.
ascii double
Threshold for setting the outputDataMeanOutsideNominalRange flag in the output product annotations. This is the value T, such that the measured mean must fall between the outputMeanExpected-T and outputMeanExpected+T.
ascii double
This parameter specifies the expected standard deviation of the samples in the output image and is used for verifying that the calculated std. dev. of the output samples is within the tolerated threshold.
ascii double
Threshold for setting the outputDataStdDevOutsideNominalRange flag in the output product annotations. This is the value D, such that the measured standard deviation must fall between the outputStdDevExpected-D and outputStdDevExpected+D.
xml string
Name of the TOPS filter convention to use during processing. This field controls how the TOPS ramping/de-ramping filters are defined. If set to "Only Echo Lines" then the filter is defined using only the echo lines in a burst; otherwise, if set to "All Lines" then the filter is defined using all the lines in a burst.
ascii double
Additional time to add to the start and end of the orbit model generated by the IPF [s]. This provides margin for performing interpolation near the boundaries of the sensing start and stop times and extrapolation beyond the boundaries of the sensing start and stop times. For example, if the sensing start time is Tstart, the sensing stop time is Tstop and orbitModelMargin is 2.0, then the orbit model generated by the IPF will range from (Tstart - 2.0) .. (Tstop + 2.0)

available: optional
xml record
Pre-processing auxiliary parameters. This record contains the auxiliary parameters required during image pre-processing.

idfield namedefinition
ascii double
This parameter specifies the expected mean of the input I and Q samples and is used in verifying that the calculated mean of the input samples is within the tolerated threshold.
ascii double
Threshold for setting the inputDataMeanOutsideNominalRange flag in the output product annotations. This is the value T, such that the measured mean must fall between the inputMeanExpected-T and inputMeanExpected+T. This threshold is used for both the I and Q channels.
ascii double
This parameter specifies the expected standard deviation of the input I and Q samples and is used in verifying that the calculated std. dev. of the input samples is within the tolerated threshold.
ascii double
Threshold for setting the inputDataStdDevOutsideNominalRange flag in the output product annotations. This is the value D, such that the measured std. dev. must fall between the inputStdDevExpected-D and inputStdDevExpected+D. This threshold is used for both the I and Q channels.
ascii double
Spacing of terrain height estimates along azimuth [s]. The calculation, terrainHeightAziSpacing + terrainHeightAziBlockSize, defines the location (relative to the start of the segment) and size of the azimuth blocks used to generate each terrain height estimate. These two parameters should be set to ensure that there is an overlapping region within each adjacent azimuth block.

unit: "s"
ascii double
Size of the block along azimuth used to calculate an average terrain height [s]. The calculation, terrainHeightAziSpacing + terrainHeightAziBlockSize, defines the location (relative to the start of the segment) and size of the azimuth blocks used to generate each terrain height. . These parameters should be set to ensure that there is an overlapping region within each adjacent azimuth block.

unit: "s"
xml string
Chirp replica to use during processing. The extracted replica will be used if this parameter is set to "Extracted" and the IPF determines that the reconstructed replica is valid; otherwise, the nominal chirp will be used if this field is set to "Nominal" or the reconstructed replica is deemed invalid.
xml record
Thresholds used to assess the quality of the replica reconstruction and the PG product.

idfield namedefinition
ascii double
Maximum allowable IRW (3-dB width) of the cross-correlation with the nominal replica [samples]. Used for setting the replicaReconstructionFailedFlag in the output product annotations.
ascii double
Maximum allowable PSLR of the cross correlation with the nominal replica [dB]. Used for setting the replicaReconstructionFailedFlag in the output product annotations.

unit: "dB"
ascii double
Maximum allowable ISLR of the cross correlation with the nominal replica [dB]. Used for setting the replicaReconstructionFailedFlag in the output product annotations.

unit: "dB"
ascii float
Maximum deviation from the mean allowed for the PG product amplitude, measured as a fraction of the standard deviation. Relative PG product validation shall fail if this value is exceeded.
ascii float
Maximum deviation from the mean allowed for the PG product phase, measured as a fraction of the standard deviation. Relative PG product validation shall fail if this value is exceeded.
ascii float
Maximum deviation allowed for a PG product amplitude from the corresponding PG product model value. Absolute PG product validation shall fail if this value is exceeded.
ascii float
Maximum deviation allowed for a PG product phase from the corresponding PG product model value [radians]. Absolute PG product validation shall fail if this value is exceeded.

unit: "radians"
ascii float
Maximum number of invalid PG product values allowed, expressed as a fraction of the total number of PG values. The PG product model will be used instead of the extracted PG product values if this value is exceeded.
ascii double
Threshold for setting the missingLinesSignificant flag in the output product annotations. This parameter ranges between 0 and 1 and specifies the percentage of missing lines to total lines [%]. For TOPS products, this threshold is relative to each individual swath, in other words the missingLinesSignificant flag is set to true if the number of missing lines in any of the swaths is above the missingLinesThreshold.

unit: "%"
ascii uint32
This parameter specifies the number of consecutive missing lines in the input data which constitute a gap [lines].
ascii uint32
Threshold for setting the significantGapsInInputData flag in the output product annotations. This parameter specifies the number of missing gaps permitted in the input data. For TOPS products, this threshold is relative to each individual swath, in other words the significantGapsInInputData flag is set to true if the number of missing gaps in any of the swaths is above the missingGapsThreshold.
ascii uint8
Flag controlling the calculation of the internal calibration from the calibration pulses extracted from the downlink. If this flag is set to true then the internal calibration information will be calculated by the IPF using the calibration pulses extracted from the downlink. If this flag is set to false then the internal calibration information will not be calculated from the calibration pulses extracted from the downlink. In addition, if this flag is set to false, the values provided for chirpReplicaSource and pgSource will be ignored and set to "Nominal" and "Model" espectively.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
xml string
PG source to use during processing. The PG derived from the extracted replica will be used if this parameter is set to "Extracted" and the IPF determines that the reconstructed replica is valid; otherwise, the pgModel from the AUX_INS data will be used if this field is set to "Model" or the reconstructed replica is deemed invalid.

available: optional
xml record
Doppler centroid processing auxiliary parameters. This record contains the auxiliary parameters required during Doppler centroid processing.

idfield namedefinition
xml string
Doppler centroid estimation method. Although the DCE from both orbit & attitude and data are always performed and the results provided in the output product annotations, this parameter is used to specify exactly which Doppler centroid estimation method to use during the image focusing.
xml string
Type of input data used for Doppler centroid estimation. Options are "Raw" and "Range Compressed".
ascii array[dim_0]
Pre-defined Doppler centroid coefficients. These Doppler centroid coefficients shall be used during processing if and only if the dcMethod element is set to "Pre-defined". This parameter is an array of floating point numbers separated by spaces.

dim_0: int(str(@count))

attribute: count
ascii string

ascii float
ascii float
Doppler centroid estimation root mean squared (RMS) error threshold. If theRMS error of the Doppler centroid estimate from data is above this threshold they shall not be used during processing; instead, the Doppler centroid calculated from orbit and attitude shall be used, unless overridden by the dcMethod = Pre-defined.

available: optional
xml record
SLC processing auxiliary parameters. This record contains the auxiliary parameters required during SLC image processing.

idfield namedefinition
ascii uint8
Elevation antenna pattern correction flag. True if the EAP is to be applied, false otherwise.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Apply range spreading loss correction flag. True if the RSL is to be applied, false otherwise.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Thermal noise estimation flag. True if thermal noise estimation is to be performed, false otherwise.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
xml string
The type of range matched filter to use during processing. "Unextended": range reference function is unextended in frequency domain; "Extended Flat": range reference function is extended and flat in frequency domain; and, "Extended Tapered": range reference function is extended and tapered in frequency domain.
xml record
List of swath-dependent SLC processing parameters. There is one record per swath for each mode.

attribute: count
xml string

idfield namedefinition
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
xml record
idfield namedefinition
xml string
Swath identifier. This parameter defines the swath to which this record applies.
ascii array[dim_0]
Product specific gain. This parameter defines the gain that is applied to each output sample during azimuth processing.

dim_0: if(exists(@count), int(str(@count)), 1)

attribute: count
ascii string

available: optional

ascii double
ascii float
Azimuth instantaneous bandwidth [Hz]. This field is applicable only to IW and EW modes.

unit: "Hz"
ascii double
Nominal width of the beam [radians].

unit: "radians"

available: optional
xml record
Post processing auxiliary parameters. This record contains the auxiliary parameters required during image post processing. This includes: SLC post-processing, GRD processing and Quick-look image processing.

idfield namedefinition
xml record
Range processing parameters. This list contains the swath-dependent auxiliary parameters required for range processing. The list contains a separate record for each swath, indexed using the applicable swath identifier. For SM SLC products and SM, IW and EW GRD products there is one entry in the list. For IW and EW SLC products, there is one entry per swath (3 and 5 respectively). For all WV products there are two entries in the list.

attribute: count
xml string

idfield namedefinition
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
xml record
This record contains the set of auxiliary parameters required during range processing. For each product type, there is one record for each applicable swath within the product. There will be one record per swath for each mode. For example, for S1 IW there will be 3 records, and for ASAR IM there will be 7 records.

idfield namedefinition
xml string
Swath identifier. This parameter defines the swath to which this record applies.
xml string
Name of the weighting window to use during processing.
ascii double
Value of the weighting window coefficient to use during processing.
ascii double
Total processing bandwidth [Hz]. This parameter defines the bandwidth (Bw) to use during processing. For range, the processing bandwidth (Bw) must be 0 < Bw <= pulse Bw, for azimuth the processing bandwidth (Bw) must be 0 < Bw <= PRF.

unit: "Hz"
ascii double
Look bandwidth [Hz]. This parameter defines the bandwidth to use for each look during processing.

unit: "Hz"
ascii uint32
Number of looks. This parameter defines the number of looks to use during multi-look processing.
ascii double
Spacing between pixels in the output image [m].

unit: "m"
ascii int32
Number of ground range samples to be discarded at both edges.
xml record
Azimuth processing parameters. This list contains the swath-dependent auxiliary parameters required for azimuth processing. The list contains a separate record for each swath, indexed using the applicable swath identifier. For SM SLC products and SM, IW and EW GRD products there is one entry in the list. For IW and EW SLC products, there is one entry per swath (3 and 5 respectively). For all WV products there are two entries in the list.

attribute: count
xml string

idfield namedefinition
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
xml record
This record contains the set of auxiliary parameters required during azimuth processing. For each product type, there is one record for each applicable swath within the product. There will be one record per swath for each mode. For example, for S1 IW there will be 3 records, and for ASAR IM there will be 7 records.

idfield namedefinition
xml string
Swath identifier. This parameter defines the swath to which this record applies.
xml string
Name of the weighting window to use during processing.
ascii double
Value of the weighting window coefficient to use during processing.
ascii double
Total processing bandwidth [Hz]. This parameter defines the bandwidth (Bw) to use during processing. For range, the processing bandwidth (Bw) must be 0 < Bw <= pulse Bw, for azimuth the processing bandwidth (Bw) must be 0 < Bw <= PRF.

unit: "Hz"
ascii double
Look bandwidth [Hz]. This parameter defines the bandwidth to use for each look during processing.

unit: "Hz"
ascii uint32
Number of looks. This parameter defines the number of looks to use during multi-look processing.
ascii double
Spacing between pixels in the output image [m].

unit: "m"
ascii int32
Number of ground range samples to be discarded at both edges.
ascii uint32
The decimation factor used on annotation vectors when written to the output product. Inside the IPF, each annotation vector could have a point for every range sample. To reduce product size, only points every annotationVectorStepSize are written to the output annotation vectors.
ascii uint8
Flag to control the generation of the absolute calibration LUTs. True if the calibration LUTs are to be created, false otherwise.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Azimuth Antenna Pattern Flag. True if the AAP is to be applied, false otherwise.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Perform de-scalloping for TOPS by applying the Azimuth Antenna Element Pattern. True if TOPS de-scalloping is to be performed by applying the AAEP, false otherwise. This flag is applicable only to IW and EW modes and is ignored for all others.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
True to detect power and square root extract measurement data, false otherwise.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
True to merge the swaths of output data and annotations, false otherwise. Only valid for IW and EW, not applicable to other modes.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
True if the output of post-processing is an internal SLC product, in which case post-processing will pass the input SLC product through without applying further processing.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
xml record
GRD processing auxiliary parameters. This record contains the auxiliary parameters required during GRD image processing.

idfield namedefinition
ascii uint8
Slant Range to Ground Range (SRGR) conversion flag. True if SRGR conversion is to be performed, false otherwise.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Thermal noise removal flag. True if thermal noise removal is to be performed, false otherwise.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Create Quick-look image flag. This flag controls the creation of a Quick-look image. It is set to true if a Quick-look image should be created; or, false otherwise.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
xml record
Quick-look processing auxiliary parameters. This record contains the auxiliary parameters required during Quick-look image processing. This structure need only be present if the createQlImageFlag is true.

idfield namedefinition
ascii uint32
Range decimation factor for the image.
ascii uint32
Range averaging factor for the image.
ascii uint32
Azimuth decimation factor for the image.
ascii uint32
Azimuth averaging factor for the image.

available: optional
xml record
List of application LUTs. This element is a list of all available application LUTs. The application identifier used to index the list comes from the Job Order.

attribute: count
xml string

idfield namedefinition
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
xml record
Application LUT record. This element contains the information required to identify the application scaling LUT specified in the Job Order. The ICD currently defines four application scaling LUTs, one for each mode. However, more can be added, so long as the applicationLutId matches the Application_LUT processing parameter in the Job Order.

idfield namedefinition
xml string
Name of this application scaling LUT.
xml record
List of application scaling LUTs for this applicationLutId. There is one entry for each output pixel type.

attribute: count
xml string

idfield namedefinition
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
xml record
Application scaling LUT record. This record provides the scaling LUT for products in the format specified by the outputPixels field.

idfield namedefinition
xml string
Pixel format. Application scaling LUTs are specific to output pixel data type. This field specifies the output pixel type to which this LUT applies.
ascii double
Incidence angle of the first value of the LUT [degrees].

unit: "degrees"
ascii double
Step size of the incidence angle between each value [degrees].

unit: "degrees"
ascii array[dim_0]
Application LUT values. This element is a vector containing attribute "count" floating point values separated by spaces [linear].

dim_0: int(str(@count))

attribute: count
ascii string

ascii float

detection rule

This product definition is applicable if a product matches the following rule:
