L2AuxiliaryProcessorParameters version 6


This definition is based on version 3.14 of the Sentinel-1 IPF Auxiliary Product Specification S1-RS-MDA-52-7443

root type

xml record
idfield namedefinition
xml record
attribute: schemaVersion
xml string

available: optional

attribute: noNamespaceSchemaLocation
xml string

available: optional

idfield namedefinition
xml record
attribute: count
xml string

idfield namedefinition
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
xml record
idfield namedefinition
xml string
xml record
idfield namedefinition
xml record
idfield namedefinition
xml record
idfield namedefinition
ascii double
Frequency separation of neighbouring looks.

unit: "Hz"
ascii double
Range look filter width.

unit: "Hz"
ascii double
Azimuth look filter width.

unit: "Hz"
ascii uint64
Number of individual looks.
ascii uint64
Number of range pixels from input L1 product to be used in the estimation of the OSW. Only used for SM, for WV all range pixels are used.
ascii uint64
Number of azimuth pixels from input L1 product to be used in the estimation of the OSW. Only used for SM, for WV all range pixels are used.
xml record
idfield namedefinition
ascii float
Shortest wavelength of output polar grid.

unit: "m"
ascii float
Longest wavelength of output polar grid.

unit: "m"
ascii uint64
Number of wavenumber bins in polar grid.
ascii uint64
Number of directional bins in polar grid.
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii float
Parameters relative to velocity bunching.

attribute: beam
ascii string

available: optional
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii uint8
Parameters relative to the calibration of the MTF to compensate for wind-dependent Hs Range Ratio. The parameter has an attribute named "beam" to allow decoupling the activation depending on the beam for WV (i.e: allowed attribute value WV1,WV2, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6)

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1

attribute: beam
ascii string

available: optional
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii uint8
Parameters relative to the calibration of the MTF to compensate for wind-dependent Hs Eff Ratio. The parameter has an attribute named "beam" to allow decoupling the activation depending on the beam for WV (i.e: allowed attribute value WV1,WV2, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6)

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1

attribute: beam
ascii string

available: optional
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii float
Value of the contrast between two partitions below which they should be merged during the removal of the low frequency noise (non-wave signatures).

attribute: beam
ascii string

available: optional
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii float
Factor applied to the contrast between two partitions below which they should be merged during the swell spectrum partitioning.

attribute: beam
ascii string

available: optional
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii uint8
Decide or not to merge partitions during the swell spectrum partitioning for which the spectral distance between the integral parameters is above the variable merge_close_thr (row below).

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1

attribute: beam
ascii string

available: optional
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii float
Factor applied to the contrast between two partitions below which they should be merged during the swell spectrum partitioning.

attribute: beam
ascii string

available: optional
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii float
During the partitioning process, value for which swell spectrum values are not considered to present any relevant peak for the detection of the local peak.

attribute: beam
ascii string

available: optional
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii uint8
Allow activating the computation of the total significant wave height, value=True to activate the calculation, otherwise False

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1

attribute: beam
ascii string

available: optional
ascii uint8
Allow activating the computation of the peak direction from Group analysis, value=True to activate the calculation, otherwise False

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii uint8
Allow to trigger the denoising on OSW

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1
ascii float
Threshold on percentage of Sea Coverage. Imagettes having a percentage of Sea Coverage below this threshold will not be processed with a full OSW inversion. Variables not generated will contain fill values. Default is 0%.

available: optional
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii uint8
If true, the model inference is performed using the models provided in AUX_ML2 auxiliary product, and if a failure is occurring, the LOP process stops with error. If false, the model inference is performed using the models provided in AUX_ML2 auxiliary product, however, if a failure is occurring, the LOP continues the processing either replacing the result of inference by legacy inversion process (if existing), or by using fill values. The model it applies to can be selected by the "for" attribute, with allowed values "TotalHS" and "Quality Flag"

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1

attribute: for
ascii string

available: optional
xml record
idfield namedefinition
ascii double
Size of the SAR derived wind field in the range direction. Wind cells should typically be square therefore nominally rangeCellSize = azimuthCellSize.

unit: "m"
ascii double
Size of the SAR derived wind field in the azimuth direction. Wind cells should typically be square therefore nominally azimuthCellSize = rangeCellSize.

unit: "m"
ascii double
Distance to shore where the processing is not performed.

unit: "km"
ascii double
Standard deviation error of the wind speed provided by ancillary wind information.

unit: "m/s"
ascii double
Standard deviation error of the wind direction provided by ancillary wind information.

unit: "degrees"
xml array[dim_0]
dim_0: determined automatically from xml file
ascii uint8
Index of the Geophysical Model Function (GMF) to be used for the wind inversion, used for either for VV or HH polarisation data. Options supported are integers in the range [0, 8]. 0=cmod2_i3_nn, 1=cmod_ifr2_nn, 2=cmod_ifr2_bc_nn, 3=cmod4_nn, 4=cmod2_i3, 5=cmod_ifr2, 6=cmod_ifr2_bc, 7=cmod4, 8=cmod5. The concerned polarisation is discriminated by the attribute named Polarisation with supported value 'VV' or 'HH'

attribute: polarisation
ascii string

available: optional
ascii uint8
Index for the Polarisation Ratio Function to be used for the wind inversion (used for HH polarisation data). This function converts HH NRCS into VV NRCS before applying the GMF specified by gmfIndex (2nd value) to retrieve the wind. Options supported are integers from 0 to 3. 0=Thomson; 1=Elfouhaily; 2=Mouche-1; 3=Mouche2
ascii double
Value above which minimization in the inversion is considered low quality. Valid value range is between 0 and 1e29.
ascii double
Value above which the calibration of the product is considered to be incorrect. Valid value range is between 0 and 10 dB.

unit: "dB"
ascii double
Value above which the NRCS estimated at the SAR wind cell resolution is considered as low quality. Valid value range is between -30 and 10 dB.

unit: "dB"
ascii double
Probability of false alarm for the removal of bright target.
ascii uint8
Allow activating the noise correction, value=True to activate the noise correction, otherwise False.

mapping: "false" -> 0

mapping: "true" -> 1

available: optional
xml record
idfield namedefinition
ascii double
Size of the Doppler estimation block in the range direction.

unit: "m"
ascii double
Size of the Doppler estimation block in the azimuth direction.

unit: "m"
ascii double
Size of grid cell interval in range direction.

unit: "m"
ascii double
Size of grid cell interval in azimuth direction

unit: "m"

detection rule

This product definition is applicable if a product matches the following rule:

exists(/l2AuxiliaryProcessorParameters@schemaVersion) and
str(.) == "3.14")