
Combine multiple products from files or directories by appending them across the time dimension and storing the result into a single output file.

    harpmerge [options] <file|dir> [<file|dir> ...] <output product file>
        Concatenate all products as specified by the file and directory paths
        into a single product.
        If a directory is specified then all files (recursively) from that
        directory are included.
        If a file is a .pth file then the file paths from that text file
        (one per line) are included. These file paths can be absolute or
        relative and can point to files, directories, or other .pth files.
        Note that the 'source_product' attribute of products in a .pth file
        needs to be unique; if a .pth file references multiple products with
        the same 'source_product' value then only the last product in the
        list will be kept.

            -a, --operations <operation list>
                List of operations to apply to each product.
                An operation list needs to be provided as a single expression.
                See the 'operations' section of the HARP documentation for
                more details.
                Operations will be performed before a product is appended.

            -ar, --reduce-operations <operation list>
                List of operations to apply after each append.
                This advanced option allows for memory efficient application
                of time reduction operations (such as bin()) that would
                normally be provided as part of the post operations.

             -ap, --post-operations <operation list>
                 List of operations to apply to the merged product.
                 An operation list needs to be provided as a single expression.
                 See the 'operations' section of the HARP documentation for
                 more details.

            -o, --options <option list>
                List of options to pass to the ingestion module.
                Only applicable if an input product is not in HARP format.
                Options are separated by semi-colons. Each option consists
                of an <option name>=<value> pair. An option list needs to be
                provided as a single expression.

            -l, --list
                Print to stdout each filename that is currently being merged.

            -f, --format <format>
                Output format:
                    netcdf (default)

            --hdf5-compression <level>
                Set data compression level for storing in HDF5 format.
                0=disabled, 1=low, ..., 9=high.

                Do not update the global history attribute.

        If the merged product is empty, a warning will be printed and the
        tool will return with exit code 2 (without writing a file).

    harpmerge -h, --help
        Show help (this text).

    harpmerge -v, --version
        Print the version number of HARP and exit.