Archive configuration

An archive configuration file is a text file that describes an archive. The configuration file for an archive with id foo should be called foo.cfg.

The configuration file format resembles Windows INI files in that it consists of named sections starting with a [section] header followed by name = value entries. Each section will be discussed in detail below.

Section “archive”

This section contains general archive settings and may contain the following settings:

  • database: The backend used for storing product properties. The currently supported backends are postgresql and sqlite.

  • storage: The backend used for storing product data. The currently supported backends are none, fs, s3 and swift.

  • cascade_grace_period: Number of minutes after which a product may be considered for automatic removal. The default is 0 (immediately).

  • max_cascade_cycles: Maximum number of iterations of the automatic removal algorithm. The default is 25.

  • namespace_extensions: White space separated list of names of Python packages or modules that contain namespace definitions (see Extensions. The default is the empty list.

  • product_type_extensions: White space separated list of names of Python modules or packages that contain product type plug-ins (see Extensions. The default is the empty list.

  • hook_extensions: White space separated list of names of Python modules or packages that contain hook extensions (see Extensions. The default is the empty list.

  • remote_backend_extensions: White space separated list of names of Python modules or packages that contain remote backend plug-ins (see Extensions). The default is the empty list.

  • auth_file: [Optional] JSON file containing the credentials to download using muninn-pull and/or for S3/Swift access credentials.

  • tempdir: [Optional] path where temporary data should be stored.

Section “postgresql”

This section contains backend specific settings for the postgresql backend and may contain the following settings:

  • library: Python library used to connect to postgresql. The default is psycopg2. The only other library that is currently supported is pg8000.

  • connection_string: Mandatory. A postgresql connection string of the database containing product properties. The default is the empty string, which will connect to the default database for the user invoking muninn. See psycopg and/or pg8000 documentation for the syntax.

  • table_prefix: Prefix that should be used for all table names, indices, and constraints. This is to allow multiple muninn catalogues inside a single database (or have a muninn catalogue together with other tables). The prefix will be prefixed without separation characters, so any underscores, etc. need to be included in the option value.

Section “sqlite”

This section contains backend specific settings for the sqlite backend and may contain the following settings:

  • connection_string: Mandatory. A full path to the sqlite database file containing the product properties. This file will be automatically created by muninn when it first tries to access the database.

  • table_prefix: Prefix that should be used for all table names, indices, and constraints. This is to allow multiple muninn catalogues inside a single database (or have a muninn catalogue together with other tables). The prefix will be prefixed without separation characters, so any underscores, etc. need to be included in the option value.

  • mod_spatialite_path: Path/name of the mod_spatialite library. Will be set to ‘mod_spatialite’ by default (which only works if library is on search path). Change this to e.g. /usr/local/lib/mod_spatialite to set an explicit path (no filename extension needed).

Section “none”

This section contains backend specific settings for the none storage backend, for which there are currently none.

When using this backend, muninn does not maintain an archive storage, and instead uses the remote_url product property to point to products in local storage.

Section “fs”

This section contains backend specific settings for the filesystem storage backend and may contain the following settings:

  • root: Mandatory. The root path on disk of the archive.

  • use_symlinks: If set to true, an archived product will consist of symbolic links to the original product, instead of a copy of the product. The default is false.

Section “s3”

This section contains backend specific settings for the S3 storage backend and may contain the following settings:

  • bucket: Mandatory. The bucket containing the archive.
  • prefix: [Optional] archive prefix within bucket.
  • host: Mandatory. S3 host name or URL.
  • port: Optional. S3 host port.
  • region: Optional. Name of the S3 region.
  • access_key: Mandatory*. S3 authentication access key.
  • secret_access_key: Mandatory*. S3 authentication secret access key.
  • download_args: [Optional] JSON representation of boto3 download_file ExtraArgs parameter.
  • upload_args: [Optional] JSON representation of boto3 upload_file ExtraArgs parameter.
  • copy_args: [Optional] JSON representation of boto3 copy ExtraArgs parameter.
  • transfer_config: [Optional] JSON representation of boto3.s3.transfer.TransferConfig parameters.

[*] access_key and secret_access_key can be taken from a credentials file pointed to by auth_file. The entry in the credentials file should then have a key value equal to the host value in the archive configuration and it should contain fields for auth_type (set to S3), bucket (set equal to the bucket value in the archive configuration), and of course contain the access_key and secret_access_key fields.

Section “swift”

This section contains backend specific settings for the Swift storage backend and may contain the following settings:

  • container: Mandatory. The container containing the archive.
  • user: Mandatory*. Swift authentication user name.
  • key: Mandatory*. Swift authentication key.
  • authurl: Mandatory. Swift authentication auth URL.

[*] user and key can be taken from a credentials file pointed to by auth_file. The entry in the credentials file should then have a key value equal to the authurl value in the archive configuration and it should contain a field for auth_type (set to Swift), and of course contain the user and key fields.

Example configuration file

database = postgresql
storage = fs
namespace_extensions = muninn_sentinel5p
product_type_extensions = muninn_generic_products muninn_sentinel5p
auth_file = /home/alice/credentials.json

root = /home/alice/archives/foo

connection_string = dbname=foo user=alice password=wonderland host=

Example credentials file

  "": {
     "username": "one",
     "password": "password_one"
  "": {
     "username": "two",
     "password": "password_two"
  "": {
     "username": "two",
     "password": "password_two"
  "": {
     "auth_type": "oauth2",
     "grand_type": "ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant",
     "username": "myuser",
     "password": "somepassword",
     "client_id": "thisclient",
     "client_secret": "somesecret",
     "token_url": ""
  "s3://some-bucket": {
     "host": "",
     "access_key": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "": {
     "auth_type": "S3",
     "bucket": "my-bucket",
     "access_key": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "": {
     "auth_type": "S3",
     "bucket": "another-bucket",
     "port": 443,
     "access_key": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",