Installation instructions

To be able to use muninn, you will need:

  • A Unix-based operating system (e.g. Linux).
  • Python2 version 2.7 or Python3 version 3.6 or higher.

For the postgresql database backend:

  • psycopg2 version 2.2 or higher (or pg8000 version 1.13 or higher)
  • PostgreSQL version 8.4 or higher.
  • PostGIS version 2.0 or higher.

For the sqlite database backend:

  • pysqlite >=2.8.3 or python built with sqlite3 loadable extension support
  • libspatialite 4.2.0 or higher

For the S3 storage backend:

  • boto3

For the Swift storage backend:

  • swiftclient

To be able to install muninn, you will need:

  • setuptools

Optional dependencies:

  • requests: to perform a muninn-pull on http/https urls
  • requests-oauthlib and oauthlib: to perform a muninn-pull using oauth2 authentication
  • tabulate: provides more output format options for muninn-search
  • tqdm: to show a progress bar for muninn-update
  • paramiko: to enable the SFTP remote backend

Muninn is distributed as a source distribution created using setuptools. It can be installed in several ways, for example using pip or by invoking manually. Installation using with the default prefix will often require super user privileges.

Using pip:

$ pip install muninn-6.4.1.tar.gz


$ tar xvfz muninn-6.4.1.tar.gz
$ cd muninn-6.4.1
$ python install

The muninn distribution contains a generic archiving framework that cannot be used in a meaningful way without product type plug-ins. Therefore, after installing muninn, you will need to install (or implement) one or more muninn extensions (see Extensions).

The extensions required by each archive should be added to the corresponding archive configuration file (see Configuration). If you install extensions in a custom location, please update the PYTHONPATH environment variable accordingly.

Ensure the MUNINN_CONFIG_PATH environment variable, which should contain the muninn configuration search path, is set. The configuration search path is a colon (:) separated list of any combination of explicit paths to archive configuration files and directories that will be scanned for archive configuration files.

All muninn command-line tools, as well as the library function, refer to an archive using its “archive id”. This is a name that corresponds to an archive configuration file (see Configuration) located in one of the directories on the muninn configuration search path.

For example, given an archive id foo, muninn expects to find a configuration file called foo.cfg on the search path.