
binary record "Level_1B_Rayleigh_Frequency_Step_Data_Statistics_04_03"size: 36
Frequency Step Data Statistics

idfield namedefinition
binary int32size: 4
A measurement is a valid measurement if it is usable, the number of atmospheric height bins with the specified range is not 0, all range bins in the specified range are valid, and at least 1 corresponding reference pulse is valid
binary int32size: 4
Number of measurements usable. The measurement is usable if the spacecraft attitude is on target; the number of corresponding valid pulses is over Meas_Cavity_Lock_Status_Thresh, Mie measurement is not corrupted, and measurement data was acquired after laser frequency has settled
binary int32size: 4
Number of measurements of frequency step for which valid ground bins where identified
binary int32size: 4
Number reference pulses usable. Reference pulse is usable when the laser frequency is locked and the data is not corrupted
binary int32size: 4
Number of measurements that are not counted for NumValid_Measurements AND not counted for Num_Measurements_Usable
binary int32size: 4
Number reference pulses with Pulse_Validity_Status_Flag set to false of all valid measurements (measurements where Measurement_Valid Table 5-16 set to true) that contain only pulses with a frequency offset of the current frequency step
binary int32size: 4
Number of measurements with satellite not on target status
binary int32size: 4
Total number of corrupt measurement bins
binary int32size: 4
Total number of corrupt reference pulses