
binary record "Level_1B_Wind_Velocity_MDSR_04_11"
idfield namedefinition
binary timesize: 12
Satellite time at start of BRC

unit: "s since 2000-01-01"

value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./seconds) + float(./microseconds) / 1000000
binary recordsize: 12
ENVISAT binary datetime

idfield namedefinition
binary int32size: 4
days since January 1st, 2000 (may be negative)

unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
binary uint32size: 4
seconds since start of day

unit: "s"
binary uint32size: 4
microseconds since start of second

unit: "1e-6 s"
binary uint8size: 1
Flag indicating whether horizontal or line-of-sight wind is used. This flag can be set to either "true" or "false". A "true" value indicates that the line of sight wind velocity is computed, and a "false" value indicates that horizontal wind velocity is computed
binary recordsize: 482
Observation Wind Profile

idfield namedefinition
binary uint8size: 1
Mie internal reference quality flag. This field is a 8-bit long, bit-packed field, of reference pulse validity information. When the data is valid, this field will be 0. Bit 1: Overall validity. Data invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 2: For Mie, peak not found 1, otherwise 0. For Rayleigh, this is always 0; Bit 3: All reference pulses corresponding to the current measurement eliminated (source packet invalid, data corruption, or laser frequency unlocked) 1, otherwise 0; Bit 4: Default 0; Bit 5: Default 0; Bit 6: Default 0; Bit 7: Default 0; Bit 8: Default 0
binary uint8size: 1
Rayleigh internal reference quality flag. This field is a 8-bit long, bit-packed field, of reference pulse validity information. When the data is valid, this field will be 0. Bit 1: Overall validity. Data invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 2: For Rayleigh, Rayleigh response not found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 3: All reference pulses corresponding to the current measurement eliminated (source packet invalid, data corruption, or laser frequency unlocked) 1, otherwise 0; Bit 4: Polynomial root selection in Newton iteration did not succeed 1, otherwise 0; Bit 5: Default 0; Bit 6: Default 0; Bit 7: Default 0; Bit 8: Default 0
binary array[24]size: 240
binary recordsize: 10
Mie altitude bin wind velocity information for each altitude

idfield namedefinition
binary uint16size: 2
This field is a 2 byte, bit-packed field, where the first 4 bits represent contain the bin-level validity information, the next 4 bits are measurement-level validity information, and bits 9 to 16 provide bin signal processing validity flags. When the data is valid, this field will be 0. Bit 1: Overall validity. Data invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 2: Set to 1 if signal-to-noise below SNR_Threshold, default 0; Bit 3: Data saturation found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 4: Data spike found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 5: Reference pulse invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 6: Source packet invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 7: Number of corresponding valid pulses is below Meas_Cavity_Lock_Status_Thresh 1, otherwise 0; Bit 8: Spacecraft attitude not on target 1, otherwise 0; Bit 9: For Mie, peak not found 1, otherwise 0. For Rayleigh, rayleigh response not found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 10: Set to 1 if the absolute wind velocity above Wind_Velocity_Threshold, default 0; Bit 13: Bin was ground bin canidate but the thickness above DEM threshold was not met; Bit 14: Bin was ground bin candidate but useful signal threshold on sum of all ground bin candidates was not met; Bit 15: Bin was ground bin candidate but peak shift threshold on output peak location of MieCore applied to signal sum of all ground bin candidates was not met; Bit 16: Bin was ground bin candidate but FWHM threshold on output FWHM of MieCore applied to signal sum of all ground bin candidates was not met.
binary doublesize: 8
Wind velocity at the altitude bin. Value will be positive for a wind direction away from the spacecraft and negative for a wind toward the spacecraft.

unit: "m/s"
binary array[24]size: 240
binary recordsize: 10
Rayleigh altitude bin wind velocity information for each altitude

idfield namedefinition
binary uint16size: 2
This field is a 2 byte, bit-packed field, where the first 4 bits represent contain the bin-level validity information, the next 4 bits are measurement-level validity information, and bits 9 to 16 provide bin signal processing validity flags. When the data is valid, this field will be 0. Bit 1: Overall validity. Data invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 2: Set to 1 if signal-to-noise below SNR_Threshold, default 0; Bit 3: Data saturation found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 4: Data spike found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 5: Reference pulse invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 6: Source packet invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 7: Number of corresponding valid pulses is below Meas_Cavity_Lock_Status_Thresh 1, otherwise 0; Bit 8: Spacecraft attitude not on target 1, otherwise 0; Bit 9: For Mie, peak not found 1, otherwise 0. For Rayleigh, rayleigh response not found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 10: Set to 1 if the absolute wind velocity above Wind_Velocity_Threshold, default 0; Bit 11: Set to 1 if polynomial fit of error responses was used but no valid root of the polynomial was found, otherwise 0; Bit 12: Bin was detected as ground bin, otherwise 0. Bit 13: Bin was ground bin canidate but the thickness above DEM threshold was not met; Bit 14: Bin was ground bin candidate but useful signal threshold on sum of all ground bin candidates was not met; Bit 15: Bin was ground bin candidate but response shift threshold on output response calculated for signal sum of all ground bin candidates was not met; Bit 16: Spare, set to 0.
binary doublesize: 8
Wind velocity at the altitude bin. Value will be positive for a wind direction away from the spacecraft and negative for a wind toward the spacecraft.

unit: "m/s"
binary array[dim_0]
dim_0: int(/sph/n_max)
binary recordsize: 502
List of measurement wind profiles

idfield namedefinition
binary uint8size: 1
Mie internal reference quality flag. This field is a 8-bit long, bit-packed field, of reference pulse validity information. When the data is valid, this field will be 0. Bit 1: Overall validity. Data invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 2: For Mie, peak not found 1, otherwise 0. For Rayleigh, this is always 0; Bit 3: All reference pulses corresponding to the current measurement eliminated (source packet invalid, data corruption, or laser frequency unlocked) 1, otherwise 0; Bit 4: Default 0; Bit 5: Default 0; Bit 6: Default 0; Bit 7: Default 0; Bit 8: Default 0
binary uint8size: 1
Rayleigh internal reference quality flag. This field is a 8-bit long, bit-packed field, of reference pulse validity information. When the data is valid, this field will be 0. Bit 1: Overall validity. Data invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 2: For Rayleigh, Rayleigh response not found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 3: All reference pulses corresponding to the current measurement eliminated (source packet invalid, data corruption, or laser frequency unlocked) 1, otherwise 0; Bit 4: Default 0; Bit 5: Default 0; Bit 6: Default 0; Bit 7: Default 0; Bit 8: Default 0
binary array[24]size: 240
binary recordsize: 10
Mie altitude bin wind velocity information for each altitude

idfield namedefinition
binary uint16size: 2
This field is a 2 byte, bit-packed field, where the first 4 bits represent contain the bin-level validity information, the next 4 bits are measurement-level validity information, and bits 9 to 16 provide bin signal processing validity flags. When the data is valid, this field will be 0. Bit 1: Overall validity. Data invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 2: Set to 1 if signal-to-noise below SNR_Threshold, default 0; Bit 3: Data saturation found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 4: Data spike found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 5: Reference pulse invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 6: Source packet invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 7: Number of corresponding valid pulses is below Meas_Cavity_Lock_Status_Thresh 1, otherwise 0; Bit 8: Spacecraft attitude not on target 1, otherwise 0; Bit 9: For Mie, peak not found 1, otherwise 0. For Rayleigh, rayleigh response not found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 10: Set to 1 if the absolute wind velocity above Wind_Velocity_Threshold, default 0; Bit 11: Spare, set to 0; Bit 12: Bin was detected as ground bin, otherwise 0; Bit 13 to Bit 16: Spare, set to 0.
binary doublesize: 8
Wind velocity at the altitude bin. If the Bin_Quality_Flag is non-zero (invalid), this value will be set to 0

unit: "m/s"
binary uint16size: 2
This field is a 2 byte, bit-packed field, where the first 4 bits contain bin-level validity information, and the next 4 bits measurement-level validity information, where bits 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 are a logical OR of copies of the useful signal Data_Quality_Flag of all ground bins. Bit 9 to 12 provide bin signal processing validity flags. When the data is valid, this field will be 0. Bit 1: Overall validity. Data invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 2: Set to 1 if signal-to-noise below SNR_Threshold, default 0; Bit 3: Data saturation found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 4: Data spike found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 5: Reference pulse invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 6: Source packet invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 7: Number of corresponding valid pulses is below Meas_Cavity_Lock_Status_Thresh 1, otherwise 0; Bit 8: Spacecraft attitude not on target 1, otherwise 0; Bit 9: For Mie, peak not found 1, otherwise 0. For Rayleigh, rayleigh response not found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 10: Set to 1 if the absolute wind velocity above Wind_Velocity_Threshold, default 0; Bit 11: For Rayleigh set to 1 if polynomial fit of errors responses was used but no valid root of the polynomial was found, otherwise 0. For Mie: spare, set to 0; Bit 12: No ground bin was detected in measurement , otherwise 0; Bit 13 to Bit 16: spare, set to 0
binary doublesize: 8
LOS wind velocity for the accumulated signal of all ground bins. LOS value will be positive for a wind direction away from the spacecraft and negative for a wind toward the spacecraft.

unit: "m/s"
binary array[24]size: 240
binary recordsize: 10
Rayleigh altitude bin wind velocity information for each altitude

idfield namedefinition
binary uint16size: 2
This field is a 2 byte, bit-packed field, where the first 4 bits represent contain the bin-level validity information, the next 4 bits are measurement-level validity information, and bits 9 to 16 provide bin signal processing validity flags. When the data is valid, this field will be 0. Bit 1: Overall validity. Data invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 2: Set to 1 if signal-to-noise below SNR_Threshold, default 0; Bit 3: Data saturation found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 4: Data spike found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 5: Reference pulse invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 6: Source packet invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 7: Number of corresponding valid pulses is below Meas_Cavity_Lock_Status_Thresh 1, otherwise 0; Bit 8: Spacecraft attitude not on target 1, otherwise 0; Bit 9: For Mie, peak not found 1, otherwise 0. For Rayleigh, rayleigh response not found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 10: Set to 1 if the absolute wind velocity above Wind_Velocity_Threshold, default 0; Bit 11: Spare, set to 0; Bit 12: Bin was detected as ground bin, otherwise 0; Bit 13 to Bit 16: Spare, set to 0.
binary doublesize: 8
Wind velocity at the altitude bin. If the Bin_Quality_Flag is non-zero (invalid), this value will be set to 0

unit: "m/s"
binary uint16size: 2
This field is a 2 byte, bit-packed field, where the first 4 bits contain bin-level validity information, and the next 4 bits measurement-level validity information, where bits 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 are a logical OR of copies of the useful signal Data_Quality_Flag of all ground bins. Bit 9 to 12 provide bin signal processing validity flags. When the data is valid, this field will be 0. Bit 1: Overall validity. Data invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 2: Set to 1 if signal-to-noise below SNR_Threshold, default 0; Bit 3: Data saturation found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 4: Data spike found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 5: Reference pulse invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 6: Source packet invalid 1, otherwise 0; Bit 7: Number of corresponding valid pulses is below Meas_Cavity_Lock_Status_Thresh 1, otherwise 0; Bit 8: Spacecraft attitude not on target 1, otherwise 0; Bit 9: For Mie, peak not found 1, otherwise 0. For Rayleigh, rayleigh response not found 1, otherwise 0; Bit 10: Set to 1 if the absolute wind velocity above Wind_Velocity_Threshold, default 0; Bit 11: For Rayleigh set to 1 if polynomial fit of errors responses was used but no valid root of the polynomial was found, otherwise 0. For Mie: spare, set to 0; Bit 12: No ground bin was detected in measurement , otherwise 0; Bit 13 to Bit 16: spare, set to 0
binary doublesize: 8
LOS wind velocity for the accumulated signal of all ground bins. LOS value will be positive for a wind direction away from the spacecraft and negative for a wind toward the spacecraft.

unit: "m/s"