
binary record "Level_2BC_Mie_Wind_PCD_ADSR_03_80"size: 189
idfield namedefinition
binary uint32size: 4
unique L2B wind result identification number for this L2B file
binary timesize: 12
Start date and time of Measurement

unit: "s since 2000-01-01"

value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./seconds) + float(./microseconds) / 1000000
binary recordsize: 12
ENVISAT binary datetime

idfield namedefinition
binary int32size: 4
days since January 1st, 2000 (may be negative)

unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
binary uint32size: 4
seconds since start of day

unit: "s"
binary uint32size: 4
microseconds since start of second

unit: "1e-6 s"
binary recordsize: 153
Structure in which the wind retrieval output QC parameters for the Mie channel are collected

idfield namedefinition
binary uint16size: 2
Error estimate reported by the Mie processing algorithm, given in cm/s and rounded to the nearest integer

unit: "cm/s"
binary int16size: 2
Reference HLOS wind taken from the matching profile in the AUX_MET file that was used for processing (and as is used for calculating O-B statistics), given in cm/s and rounded to the nearest integer.

unit: "cm/s"
binary uint8size: 1
First flag describing Mie processing results for the current wind result. Bit 1: MaxItLorFit threshold reached for measurement fit, Bit 2: ResErrThresh threshold reached for measurement fit, Bit 3: MaxItNonLinOpt threshold reached for measurement fit, Bit 4: PeakHeightLoThresh threshold reached for measurement fit, Bit 5: PeakHeightUpThresh threshold reached for measurement fit, Bit 6: FWHMLoThresh threshold reached for measurement fit, Bit 7: FWHMUpThresh threshold reached for measurement fit, Bit 8: PeakLocThresh threshold reached for measurement fit
binary uint8size: 1
Second flag describing Mie processing results for the current wind result. Bit 1: MaxItLorFit threshold reached for internal reference fit, Bit 2: ResErrThresh threshold reached for internal reference fit, Bit 3: MaxItNonLinOpt threshold reached for internal reference fit, Bit 4: PeakHeightLoThresh threshold reached for internal reference fit, Bit 5: PeakHeightUpThresh threshold reached for internal reference fit, Bit 6: FWHMLoThresh threshold reached for internal reference fit, Bit 7: FWHMUpThresh threshold reached for internal reference fit, Bit 8: PeakLocThresh threshold reached for internal reference fit
binary uint8size: 1
Third flag describing Mie processing results for the current wind result. Bit 1: SNR threshold failed for this wind result (signal was too low), Bit 2: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 3: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 4: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 5: the wind was flagged invalid since it includes measurements that may have ground echoes according to the DEM as reported by the AUX_MET_12 input file, Bit 6: the wind was flagged invalid since it includes measurements that may have ground echoes according to the DEM as reported by the L1B product, Bit 7: the wind was flagged invalid since it contains measurements for which the L1B product reported ground echoes at this range bin level or above, Bit 8: the wind was flagged invalid because the classification “clear” is not trusted for the Mie channel (the user has set Flag_Clear_Mie_Results_Invalid to True)
binary uint8size: 1
Fourth flag describing Mie processing results for the current wind result. Bit 1: the wind was manually flagged invalid since this range bin is currently untrusted due to a “hot pixel”, Bit 2: the wind was in the O-B bias check automatically flagged invalid. This range bin is currently untrusted because it may be affected by an uncorrected “hot pixel”, Bit 3: the wind result was flagged invalid due to blacklisting, Bit 4: flagged invalid due to climatological sanity check, Bit 5: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 6: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 7: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 8: reserved (always set to 0)
binary uint8size: 1
First input screening flag describing in detail which condition caused this current wind result to be invalid. Bit 1: L1B_Laser_Freq_Unlocked_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 2: L1B_Ref_Pulses_Unlocked_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 3: L1B_Laser_Freq_Offset_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 4: L1B_Laser_UV_Energy_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 5: L1B_Laser_Freq_Offs_Stdev_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 6: L1B_Laser_UV_Energy_Stdev_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 7: L1B_Mie_Mean_Emit_Freq_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 8: L1B_Mie_Emit_Freq_Stdev_Check failed (BRC level check).
binary uint8size: 1
Second input screening flag describing in detail which condition caused this current wind result to be invalid. Bit 1: L1B_Rayleigh_Mean_Emit_Freq_Chk failed (BRC level check), Bit 2: L1B_RayleighEmitFreqStdev_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 3: L1B_Sat_Not_on_Target_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 4: L1B_Mie_Corrupt_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 5: L1B_Rayleigh_Corrupt_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 6: L1B_Mie_Ref_PulsesCorrupt_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 7: L1B_Rayl_RefPulsesCorrupt_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 8: L1B_Mie_Invalid_Meas_Check failed (BRC level check).
binary uint8size: 1
Third input screening flag describing in detail which condition caused this current wind result to be invalid. Bit 1: L1B_Mie_Invalid_RefPulses_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 2: L1B_Rayl_Invalid_Meas_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 3: L1B_Rayl_InvalidRefPulses_Check failed (BRC level check), Bit 4: invalid ref. pulses check failed (meas level check), Bit 5: avg. laser freq. offset check failed (meas level check), Bit 6: avg. UV energy check failed (meas level check), Bit 7: laser freq. offset stdev check failed (meas level check), Bit 8: UV energy stdev check failed (meas level check).
binary uint8size: 1
Fourth input screening flag describing in detail which condition caused this current wind result to be invalid. Bit 1: vel_of_att_uncertainty_error check failed (meas level check), Bit 2: mie_mean_emitted_freq check failed (meas level check), Bit 3: mie_emitted_freq_std_dev check failed (meas level check), Bit 4: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 5: moon blinding check failed (meas level check), Bit 6: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 7: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 8: reserved (always set to 0).
binary uint8size: 1
Fifth input screening flag describing in detail which condition caused this current wind result to be invalid. Bit 1: Mie_Meas_Invalid_Check failed (meas bin level check), Bit 2: scattering ratio check failed (meas bin level check), Bit 3: refined scattering ratio check failed (meas bin level check), Bit 4: SNR check failed (meas bin level check), Bit 5: refined SNR check failed (meas bin level check), Bit 6: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 7: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 8: reserved (always set to 0).
binary uint8size: 1
Sixth input screening flag describing in detail which condition caused this current wind result to be invalid. Bit 1: Overall validity flag raised for any meas. included in this wind (copied L1B QC bit), Bit 2: SNR ratio below given threshold flag raised for any meas. included in this wind (copied L1B QC bit), Bit 3: Data saturation found flag raised for any meas. included in this wind (copied L1B QC bit), Bit 4: Data spike found flag raised for any meas. included in this wind (copied L1B QC bit), Bit 5: reserved (always set to 0), Bit 6: Source packet invalid flag raised for any meas. included in this wind (copied L1B QC bit), Bit 7: Laser frequency not locked flag raised for any meas. included in this wind (copied L1B QC bit), Bit 8: Spacecraft attitude not on target raised for any meas. included in this wind (copied L1B QC bit).
binary doublesize: 8
Amplitude of the curve used for fitting the internal reference spectrum
binary doublesize: 8
Residual after the fit to the internal reference spectrum is performed (should also give an idea of the reliability of the fit)
binary doublesize: 8
Offset of the curve used for fitting the internal reference spectrum
binary doublesize: 8
FWHM of the curve used for fitting internal reference the spectrum.
binary doublesize: 8
Peak location result from fitting the internal reference spectrum.
binary doublesize: 8
Offset subtraction as applied to the fit result of the internal reference spectrum.
binary uint8size: 1
Validity flag indicating the succes of fitting the internal reference spectrum.
binary doublesize: 8
Refined SNR value derived by fitting the internal reference spectrum.
binary doublesize: 8
Refined Scattering Ratio value derived by fitting the internal reference spectrum.
binary doublesize: 8
Amplitude of the curve used for fitting the Mie spectrum
binary doublesize: 8
Residual after the fit to the Mie spectrum is performed (should also give an idea of the reliability of the fit)
binary doublesize: 8
Offset of the curve used for fitting the Mie spectrum
binary doublesize: 8
FWHM of the curve used for fitting the Mie spectrum. This gives a measure of the wind variability in this rangebin
binary doublesize: 8
Peak location result from fitting the measured atmospheric Mie spectrum.
binary doublesize: 8
Offset subtraction as applied to the fit result of the measured atmospheric Mie spectrum.
binary uint8size: 1
Validity flag indicating the succes of fitting the measured atmospheric Mie spectrum.
binary doublesize: 8
SNR of the measured atmospheric Mie spectrum
binary doublesize: 8
Refined Scattering ratio value derived by fitting the accumulated measured atmospheric Mie spectrum
binary doublesize: 8

unit: "1/m"
binary bytessize: 1

hidden: true
binary bytessize: 20

hidden: true