id | field name | definition |
0 | Product |
xml string |
Product File Name
1 | Proc_Stage_Code |
xml string |
Processing stage code. For level 0: OPER = Routine Operations, TEST = Test. For level 1 and 2: RPR0 = Reprocessing, OFFL = Routine Operations, NRT_ = Near Real Time, TEST = Test, LTA_ = Long Term Archive
2 | Ref_Doc |
xml string |
Reference DFCB Document describing the product
3 | Proc_Time |
xml time |
Processing Time (Product Generation Time)
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: if(length(.) == 0, nan, if(str(., 30) == "UTC=9999-99-99T99:99:99.999999", +inf, if(str(., 30) == "UTC=0000-00-00T00:00:00.000000", -inf, time(str(.), "'UTC='yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS"))))
4 | Software_Version |
xml string |
Processor Name and software version number
5 | Phase |
xml string |
Phase number. If not used set to 'X'
6 | Cycle |
ascii uint8 |
Cycle Number. If not used set to 000
7 | Rel_Orbit |
ascii int16 |
Relative Orbit Number at sensing start time. If not used set to 00000
8 | Abs_Orbit |
ascii uint32 |
Absolute Orbit Number at sensing start time. If not used set to 000000
9 | State_Vector_Time |
xml time |
UTC state vector time
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: if(length(.) == 0, nan, if(str(., 30) == "UTC=9999-99-99T99:99:99.999999", +inf, if(str(., 30) == "UTC=0000-00-00T00:00:00.000000", -inf, time(str(.), "'UTC='yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS"))))
10 | Delta_UT1 |
ascii double |
Universal Time Correction: DUT1 = UT1 - UTC
unit: "s"
attribute: unit |
ascii string | size: 1 |
fixed value: "s"
11 | X_Position |
ascii double |
X position in Earth Fixed Reference If not used set to +0000000.000
unit: "m"
attribute: unit |
ascii string | size: 1 |
fixed value: "m"
12 | Y_Position |
ascii double |
Y position in Earth Fixed Reference If not used set to +0000000.000
unit: "m"
attribute: unit |
ascii string | size: 1 |
fixed value: "m"
13 | Z_Position |
ascii double |
Z position in Earth Fixed Reference If not used set to +0000000.000
unit: "m"
attribute: unit |
ascii string | size: 1 |
fixed value: "m"
14 | X_Velocity |
ascii double |
X velocity in Earth Fixed Reference If not used set to +0000.000000
unit: "m/s"
attribute: unit |
ascii string | size: 3 |
fixed value: "m/s"
15 | Y_Velocity |
ascii double |
Y velocity in Earth Fixed Reference If not used set to +0000.000000
unit: "m/s"
attribute: unit |
ascii string | size: 3 |
fixed value: "m/s"
16 | Z_Velocity |
ascii double |
Z velocity in Earth Fixed Reference If not used set to +0000.000000
unit: "m/s"
attribute: unit |
ascii string | size: 3 |
fixed value: "m/s"
17 | State_Vector_Source |
xml string |
Source of Orbit State Vector. Record: FP = FOS predicted; DN = DORIS Level 0 navigator; DP = DORIS precise orbit; FR = FOS restituted; DI = DORIS Preliminary
18 | Product_Err |
ascii uint8 |
Product Error Flag; Set to 1 if errors have been reported in the product, otherwise it is 0.
mapping: "False" -> 0
mapping: "false" -> 0
mapping: "True" -> 1
mapping: "true" -> 1
19 | Tot_Size |
ascii int64 |
Total size of product
unit: "bytes"
attribute: unit |
ascii string | size: 5 |
fixed value: "bytes"