binary record "ADSR_IM_SQ"size: 170
idfield namedefinition
binary timesize: 12
Zero doppler time at which SQ information applies

unit: "s since 2000-01-01"

value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./seconds) + float(./microseconds) / 1000000
binary recordsize: 12
ENVISAT binary datetime

idfield namedefinition
binary int32size: 4
days since January 1st, 2000 (may be negative)

unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
binary uint32size: 4
seconds since start of day

unit: "s"
binary uint32size: 4
microseconds since start of second

unit: "1e-6 s"
binary int8size: 1
Attachment Flag (set to 1 if all MDSRs corresponding to this ADSR are blank, set to zero otherwise).Note: in practice for ASAR products, this flag will always be zero since this ADSR is updated once per slice or scene. Therefore, if there are no MDSRs, this ADSR is not produced at all
binary uint8size: 1
Input data mean outside nominal range flag. 0 = mean of I and Q input values are both within specified range from expected mean. For expected mean of x, the measured mean must fall between x-threshold to x+threshold. 1 = otherwise
binary uint8size: 1
Input data standard deviation outside nominal range flag. 0 = standard deviation values of I and Q input values are both within specified range of expected standard deviation. For expected std. dev. x, the measured std. dev. must fall between x-threshold to x+threshold. 1 = otherwise
binary uint8size: 1
Significant gaps in the input data flag. An input data gap is defined as a contiguous block of N missing lines (the value of N is predefined for each product). 0 = number of input gaps <= threshold value. 1 = number of input data gaps > threshold value
binary uint8size: 1
Missing lines significant flag. 0 = percentage of missing lines <= threshold value 1 = percentage of missing lines > threshold value. The number of missing lines is the number of lines missing from the input data excluding data gaps
binary uint8size: 1
Doppler Centroid Uncertain flag. 0 = confidence measure >= specified value. 1 = confidence measure < specified value (note: if more than one Doppler centroid estimation is performed in a slice the flag is set if any confidence measure is less than the threshold)
binary uint8size: 1
Doppler ambiguity estimate uncertain flag. 0 = confidence measure >= specified value. 1 = confidence measure < specified value
binary uint8size: 1
Output data mean outside nominal range flag. 0 = mean of I and Q output values for SLC image or mean of detected pixels for a detected product, are both within specified range from expected mean. For expected mean of x, the measured mean must fall between x-threshold to x+threshold. 1 = otherwise.
binary uint8size: 1
Output data standard deviation outside nominal range flag. 0 = std. dev. of I and Q output values for SLC image or std. dev. of detected pixels for a detected product, are both within specified range from expected std. dev. For expected std. dev. of x, the measured std. dev must fall between x-threshold and x+threshold. 1 = otherwise
binary uint8size: 1
Chirp extraction failed or is of low quality flag. 0 = able to extract all chirps or chirp extraction not requested (nominal chirp used) AND all quality measures were acceptable. 1 = unable to extract a chirp during processing and chirp extraction was requequested or the quality is below the acceptable levels.
binary uint8size: 1
Data sets missing flag. 0 = all data sets which are supposed to be in the product are present. 1 = any data sets (including ADSs) are missing from the product which are supposed to be included under normal circumstances. Which data sets are missing can be determined by an examination of the DSDs in the SPH.
binary uint8size: 1
Invalid downlink parameters flag. 0 = all parameters read from the downlinked data were valid. 1 = displayed if any downlink parameter is out of range and therefore a default value has been used during processing.
binary bytessize: 7

hidden: true
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the chirp quality flag - Maximum percentage broadening permitted in cross-correlation pulse width compared to theoretical width

unit: "%"
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the chirp quality flag - First sidelobe of the chirp cross correlation function

unit: "dB"
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the chirp quality flag - ISLR of the chirp cross correlation function

unit: "dB"
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the mean of input data quality flag - For an expected mean value of x, this is the value T, such that the measured mean must fall between the x-T and x+T.
binary floatsize: 4
Expected mean input value for this product for both I and Q.
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the standard deviation of input data quality flag - For an expected std. dev. value of y, this is the value D, such that the measured std. dev. must fall between the y-D and y+D.
binary floatsize: 4
Expected input std. dev. for this product for both I and Q.
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the Doppler Centroid quality flag - Threshold for Doppler Centroid confidence
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the Doppler Centroid ambiguity quality flag - Threshold for setting the Doppler Centroid ambiguity confidence flag
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the mean of output data quality flag - For an expected mean value of x, this is the value T, such that the measured mean must fall between the x-T and x+T.
binary floatsize: 4
Expected mean output value for this product. For an SLC product this is the expected mean of both the I and Q values.
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the standard deviation of output data quality flag - For an expected std. dev. value of y, this is the value D, such that the measured std. dev. must fall between the y-D and y+D.
binary floatsize: 4
Expected output std. dev. for this product. For an SLC product this is the expected output std. dev. for both I and Q values.
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the missing lines quality flag - maximum percentage of missing lines to total lines.

unit: "%"
binary floatsize: 4
Threshold for setting the missing gaps quality flag - maximum number of missing gaps allowed
binary floatsize: 4
Number of missing lines which constitute a gap
binary bytessize: 15

hidden: true
binary array[2]size: 8
Input data mean (i channel, q channel)
binary floatsize: 4
binary array[2]size: 8
Input data standard deviation (i channel, q channel)
binary floatsize: 4
binary floatsize: 4
Number of gaps (composed of a predetermined number of consecutive missing lines)
binary floatsize: 4
Number of missing lines (excluding gaps)
binary array[2]size: 8
Output data mean (detected samples, followed by zero, or i channel followed by q channel for SLC)
binary floatsize: 4
binary array[2]size: 8
Output data standard deviation (detected samples followed by zero, or i channel followed by q channel for SLC)
binary floatsize: 4
binary uint32size: 4
Total number of errors detected in ISP headers
ascii stringsize: 3
Swath Number. IS1, IS2, IS3, IS4, IS5, IS6, or IS7 for IM, WV and AP modes. SS1, SS2, SS3, SS4, or SS5 for WSS products. WS for WS and GM modes where only one ADSR for the whole scene is provided.
binary bytessize: 13

hidden: true