
binary record "GOM_LIM_1P_ADSR_limb_v0"size: 129
idfield namedefinition
binary timesize: 12
Start time of the DSR

unit: "s since 2000-01-01"

value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./seconds) + float(./microseconds) / 1000000
binary recordsize: 12
ENVISAT binary datetime

idfield namedefinition
binary int32size: 4
days since January 1st, 2000 (may be negative)

unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
binary uint32size: 4
seconds since start of day

unit: "s"
binary uint32size: 4
microseconds since start of second

unit: "1e-6 s"
binary uint8size: 1
Attachment flag (set to 1 if there are no Limb MDSRs corresponding to this ADSR, set to zero otherwise)
binary floatsize: 4
Offset for the background spectra coding

unit: "e"
binary floatsize: 4
Gain for the background spectra coding
binary int32 (double)size: 4
Latitude of the spacecraft. One value provided during the measurement, generally at half-measurement (the temporal shift is given by the time shift for the ray tracing/geolocation in the Occultation data GADS)

unit: "1e-6 degrees_north"

converted unit: "degrees_north" (multiply by 1/1000000)
binary int32 (double)size: 4
Longitude of the spacecraft. One value provided during the measurement, generally at half-measurement (the temporal shift is given by the time shift for the ray tracing/geolocation in the Occultation data GADS)

unit: "1e-6 degrees_east"

converted unit: "degrees_east" (multiply by 1/1000000)
binary uint32 (double)size: 4
Altitude of the spacecraft. One value provided during the measurement, generally at half-measurement (the temporal shift is given by the time shift for the ray tracing/geolocation in the Occultation data GADS)

unit: "1e-2 m"

converted unit: "m" (multiply by 1/100)
binary array[2]size: 8
Latitude of the apparent tangent point. The two values for the apparent tangent points correspond to the lower (first value) and the upper (second value) background bands
binary int32 (double)size: 4
unit: "1e-6 degrees_north"

converted unit: "degrees_north" (multiply by 1/1000000)
binary array[2]size: 8
Longitude of the apparent tangent point. The two values for the apparent tangent points correspond to the lower (first value) and the upper (second value) background bands
binary int32 (double)size: 4
unit: "1e-6 degrees_east"

converted unit: "degrees_east" (multiply by 1/1000000)
binary array[2]size: 8
Altitude of the apparent tangent point. The two values for the apparent tangent points correspond to the lower (first value) and the upper (second value) background bands
binary uint32 (double)size: 4
unit: "1e-2 m"

converted unit: "m" (multiply by 1/100)
binary array[2]size: 8
Error on the latitude of the apparent tangent point. The two values for the apparent tangent points correspond to the lower (first value) and the upper (second value) background bands
binary int32 (double)size: 4
unit: "1e-7 degrees_north"

converted unit: "degrees_north" (multiply by 1/10000000)
binary array[2]size: 8
Error on the longitude of the apparent tangent point. The two values for the apparent tangent points correspond to the lower (first value) and the upper (second value) background bands
binary int32 (double)size: 4
unit: "1e-7 degrees_east"

converted unit: "degrees_east" (multiply by 1/10000000)
binary array[2]size: 8
Error on the altitude of the apparent tangent point. The two values for the apparent tangent points correspond to the lower (first value) and the upper (second value) background bands
binary uint32 (double)size: 4
unit: "1e-3 m"

converted unit: "m" (multiply by 1/1000)
binary array[16]size: 32
PCD at measurement level
binary uint16size: 2
binary bytessize: 16

hidden: true