
binary record "GOM_NL__2P_ADSR_accuracy_estimation"size: 671
idfield namedefinition
binary timesize: 12
Start time of the Data Set Record

unit: "s since 2000-01-01"

value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./seconds) + float(./microseconds) / 1000000
binary recordsize: 12
ENVISAT binary datetime

idfield namedefinition
binary int32size: 4
days since January 1st, 2000 (may be negative)

unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
binary uint32size: 4
seconds since start of day

unit: "s"
binary uint32size: 4
microseconds since start of second

unit: "1e-6 s"
binary uint8size: 1
Attachment flag. 1 = all MDSRs corresponding to this ADSR are blank; 0 = otherwise.
binary floatsize: 4
Chi^2 final value
binary int8size: 1
Scale factor for the elements of the co-variance matrix (spectral inversion). The scale factor is a power of 10 to be applied on each of the covariance elements: Scaled covariance matrix element (field below) = Covariance matrix element (computed in level-2 processing) * 10^-(pow10_line).
binary array[78]size: 312
Covariance matrix for line densities after spectral inversion. 12x12 matrix corresponding to the 6 species specified in the MDS plus one potential spare species plus 5 parameters for aerosol spectral dependency. The matrix is symmetrical: only half of the matrix (78 values) is written in the product. The order of the 12 parameters: O3, NO2, NO3, Air, OClO, Aerosols, 5 parameters for aerosol spectral dependence, 1 spare gas.
binary floatsize: 4
unit: "1/cm4"
binary int8size: 1
Scale factor for the elements of the covariance matrix (vertical inversion). The scale factor is the power of 10 to be applied on each of the covariance matrix elements: Scaled covariance matrix element (field below) = Covariance matrix element (computed in level-2 processing) * 10^-(pow10_loc).
binary array[12, 7]size: 336
Covariance matrix for local densities after vertical inversion. 12*7 matrix corresponding to the 7 altitude dependent covariance terms per species. The order of the 12 parameters is: O3, NO2, NO3, Air, O2, H2O, OClO, Aerosol, and 4 spare gases. The diagonal element is always written in the last column of the 12*7 matrix. For a given line (i.e. given by species) and for the six first acquisitions (or layers) the information is written in the DSR are those initially on the right of the diagonal of the covariance matrix. For others, the natural order is used, that is to record the values initially on the left of the diagonal of the covariance matrix.
binary floatsize: 4
unit: "1/cm6"
binary bytessize: 4

hidden: true