
binary record "GOM_TRA_1P_MDSR_transmission_v1"size: 36921
idfield namedefinition
binary timesize: 12
Start time of the Data Set Record

unit: "s since 2000-01-01"

value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./seconds) + float(./microseconds) / 1000000
binary recordsize: 12
ENVISAT binary datetime

idfield namedefinition
binary int32size: 4
days since January 1st, 2000 (may be negative)

unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
binary uint32size: 4
seconds since start of day

unit: "s"
binary uint32size: 4
microseconds since start of second

unit: "1e-6 s"
binary int8size: 1
Quality Indicator (-1 for blank MDSR, 0 otherwise)
binary array[2336]size: 9344
Full transmission spectra
binary floatsize: 4
unit: ""
binary array[2336]size: 9344
Covariance function of the full transmission
binary floatsize: 4
unit: ""
binary array[2336]size: 4672
Scaled estimated central background
binary uint16size: 2
unit: "e"
binary array[2336]size: 4672
Error bar for the estimated central background
binary uint16 (double)size: 2
unit: "1e-1 %"

converted unit: "%" (multiply by 1/10)
binary array[500]size: 2000
Photometers engineering data (FP1)
binary floatsize: 4
unit: "e"
binary array[500]size: 2000
Photometers engineering data (FP2)
binary floatsize: 4
unit: "e"
binary array[50]size: 100
Error bar for the photometers engineering data (FP1)
binary uint16 (double)size: 2
unit: "1e-1 %"

converted unit: "%" (multiply by 1/10)
binary array[50]size: 100
Error bar for the photometers engineering data (FP2)
binary uint16 (double)size: 2
unit: "1e-1 %"

converted unit: "%" (multiply by 1/10)
binary array[2336]size: 4672
PCD at sample level (SP) for the spectrometers. Each unsigned short integer is composed of the following bit flags: bit 0: FL_sat(k,L,f) - saturation flag for the lower band (0 = no saturation; 1 = saturated); bit 1: FL_sat(k,C,f) - saturation flag for the central band (0 = no saturation; 1 = saturated); bit 2: FL_sat(k,U,f) - saturation flag for the upper band (0 = no saturation; 1 = saturated); bit 3: FL_bad(k,L) - bad pixel flag for the lower band (0 = no bad pixel in the sample; 1 = at least one bad pixel); bit 4: FL_bad(k,C) - bad pixel flag for the central band (0 = no bad pixel in the sample; 1 = at least one bad pixel); bit 5: FL_bad(k,U) - bad pixel flag for the upper band (0 = no bad pixel in the sample; 1 = at least one bad pixel); bit 6: FL_cr(k,L,f) - cosmic ray detection for lower band (0 = no cosmic ray detected in the sample; 1 = one cosmic ray in the sample); bit 7: Fl_cr(k,C,f) - cosmic ray detection for the central band (0 = no cosmic ray detected in the sample; 1 = one cosmic ray in the sample); bit 8: FL_cr(k,U,f) - cosmic ray detection for the upper band (0 = no cosmic ray detected in the sample; 1 = one cosmic ray in the sample); bit 9-10: FL_bg(k,f) - background data flag (0 = central background computed with no flagged sample; 1 = less than 25% flagged samples; 2 = less than 50% flagged samples; 3 = more than 50% flagged samples); bit 11-12: FL_ft(k,f) - full transmission computation (0 = no problems identified; 1 = reference star spectrum value is zero; 2 = one of the spatial bands is flagged for saturation); bit 13: FL_off(k) - pixel is in an invalid spectral range (0 = pixel is in a valid range; 1 = pixel is in an invalid spectral range); bit 14: FL_rsp(k,f) - pixel has been computed with flagged data during resampling process (0 = no problem; 1 = current data computed with flagged data); bit 15: Not used anymore.
binary uint16size: 2
binary array[2]size: 4
PCD at sample level (FP) for the fast photometers. The first integer refers to photometer 1, the second to photometer 2. Each unsigned integer contains the following information: bit 0: FL^FP_sat(fc,f,fp) - photometers saturation flag (0 = no saturation; 1 = saturated sample); bit 1-15: not used.
binary uint16size: 2