id | field name | definition |
0 | ave_ku_wvforms_if |
binary array[128] | size: 256 |
Average Ku band waveforms corrected for IF transfer function (128 samples)
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "1/2048"
1 | cen_ku_dft_if |
binary array[2] | size: 4 |
Central Ku band filters from DFT corrected for IF transfer function (2 samples)
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "1/2048"
2 | ave_s_wvforms_if |
binary array[64] | size: 128 |
Average S band waveforms corrected for IF transfer function (64 samples)
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "1/8192"
3 | ind_2_dft_samp |
binary array[2] | size: 4 |
Indexes of 2 DFT samples (64 samples)
4 | offset_fft_filt |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Delta offset in FFT filters units
unit: "1/256"
5 | spare_1 |
binary bytes | size: 18 |
hidden: true
6 | noise_pow_meas |
binary int16 | size: 2 |
Noise power measurement
unit: "1/2048"
7 | agc_noise_pow_meas |
binary int16 (double) | size: 2 |
AGC of noise power measurement
unit: "1e-2 dB"
converted unit: "dB" (multiply by 1/100)
8 | ref_pow_val |
binary int16 (double) | size: 2 |
reference power value
unit: "1e-2 dB"
converted unit: "dB" (multiply by 1/100)
9 | spare_2 |
binary bytes | size: 10 |
hidden: true