id | field name | definition |
binary double | size: 8 |
Black Body temperature
unit: "K"
2 | GFtbFilteredBBT |
binary double | size: 8 |
Filtered Black Body temperature
unit: "K"
3 | GEPSIdConf_Line |
4 | GEPSIasiMode |
5 | GCcsConfAvhrrChannel |
binary array[30, 6] | size: 720 |
Avhrr channel configuration
binary record | size: 4 |
Avhrr channel configuration
id | field name | definition |
0 | spare_1 |
binary bytes | size: 3:6 |
hidden: true
1 | Availability |
binary uint8 | size: 0:2 |
Availability (00 = AVHRR channels not available, 10 = AVHRR channels available, 01 = AVHRR channels transition between available and not available channels)
6 | GEPSGranulNumber |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Granule Number
7 | GEPSDatlasi |
binary array[30] | size: 180 |
Date of IASI measure (corrected UTC)
binary time | size: 6 |
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
8 | GEPSOPSProcessingMode |
9 | GEPS_SP |
binary array[30] | size: 120 |
Scan position for all observational targets
10 | GEPS_CCD |
binary array[30] | size: 30 |
Corner cube direction for all observational targets
11 | GGeoSubSatellitePosition |
binary array[2] | size: 16 |
Geodetic position of the centre of IIS at image number 15 (approximation of subsatellite position)
binary double | size: 8 |
unit: "degrees"
12 | GEPSOPSFlagNan |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
This flag is raised when a Nan error has occured during the processing
13 | GEPSEndEclipseTime |
binary time | size: 6 |
Date of the end of the previous satellite eclipse
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
14 | GSmeTScan |
binary double | size: 8 |
Estimated temperature of the scanning miror
unit: "K"
15 | GSmeFlagDateNOK |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Flag for inconsistency between current date and ascending node
16 | GFtbBBTRes |
binary double | size: 8 |
Quality index for the filtering of the black-body temperature
17 | GFtbFlagBBTNonQual |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Quality flag of the black-body temperature
18 | GEPS_LN |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Number of the IASI line since the beginning of the dump
19 | GDocFlagUnderOverFlow |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 120 |
Indicates that there is an under or an over-flow
20 | GDocNbUnderFlow |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 480 |
Number of underflow occurred during spectra decoding
21 | GDocNbOverFlow |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 480 |
Number of overflow occurred during spectra decoding
22 | GDocPosUnderFlow |
binary array[30, 4, 3] | size: 1440 |
Buffer of 3 positions of underflow occurred during spectra decoding
23 | GDocPosOverFlow |
binary array[30, 4, 3] | size: 1440 |
Buffer of 3 positions of overflow occurred during spectre decoding
24 | BCodSpecVerlf |
binary array[4320] | size: 8640 |
Full bit stream of IASI coded level 0 data (i.e. full spectra) data corresponding to VDS (verification data selection)
binary int16 | size: 2 |
unit: "W/("
25 | GlacOffsetIISAvhrr |
binary array[30, 2] | size: 480 |
IASI imager AVHRR imager coregistration offset
26 | GlacCorrelQual |
binary array[30] | size: 240 |
Correlation quality index
27 | GlacPosMaxQual |
binary array[30] | size: 240 |
Quality index of maximum correlation position
28 | GlacFlagCoregNonValid |
binary array[30] | size: 30 |
Flag for imagers IASI/AVHRR non coregistration
29 | GlacFlagCoregNonQual |
binary array[30] | size: 30 |
Flag for imagers IASI/AVHRR non coregistration
30 | GIacVarImagIIS |
binary array[30] | size: 240 |
Variance of IIS image
31 | GCcsOffsetSondAvhrr |
binary array[30, 4, 2] | size: 1920 |
IASI sounder/AVHRR coregistration offset
binary double | size: 8 |
unit: ""
32 | GCcsOffsetSondIIS |
binary array[30, 4, 2] | size: 1920 |
IASI sounder/imager coregistration offset
binary double | size: 8 |
unit: "degrees"
33 | GQisCcsQualIndex |
binary array[30] | size: 240 |
FOV sounder radiances analysis quality index
34 | GCcsFlagDateNOK |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Flag for inconsistency between current date and ascending node
35 | GCcsRadAnalNbClass |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 480 |
Number of clases in the sounder FOV
36 | GCcsFlagPostProcessing |
binary array[30] | size: 120 |
Post-processing flag
37 | GCcsNonClassifRate |
binary array[30] | size: 240 |
Rate of unclassified points
38 | GCcsVarianceRate |
binary array[30] | size: 240 |
Standard deviation (1s) of the classified image
39 | GSsdWnShift |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 960 |
Spectral shift calculated for the spectral window
binary double | size: 8 |
unit: "1/m"
40 | GSsdWnShiftQual |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 960 |
Quality index of calculated spectral shift
41 | GSsdFlagSpectralShiftNonQual |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 120 |
Quality flag of spectral shift determination
42 | GSssWnShiftMean |
binary array[2, 4] | size: 64 |
Mean spectral shift for 1 pixel during 1 IASI line
binary double | size: 8 |
unit: "1/m"
43 | GSssWnShiftMeanQual |
binary array[2, 4] | size: 64 |
Quality index of mean spectral shift for each PN and CCD
44 | GSssFlagNonSelPix |
binary array[2, 4] | size: 8 |
Flag for pixel not selected
45 | GSssFlagDateNOK |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Flag for inconsistency between current date and ascending node
46 | GlaxAxeY |
binary array[2] | size: 16 |
Y coordinates of interferometric axis
binary double | size: 8 |
unit: "degrees"
47 | GlaxAxeZ |
binary array[2] | size: 16 |
Z coordinates of interferometric axis
binary double | size: 8 |
unit: "degrees"
48 | GlaxFlagAxeNonQual |
binary array[2] | size: 2 |
Interferometric axis determination quality flag
49 | GlaxAxeQual |
binary array[2] | size: 16 |
Interferometric axis position quality flag
50 | GlaxAxeRes |
binary array[2] | size: 16 |
Verisimilitude index of the measure/model shift
51 | GFaxAxeY |
binary array[2] | size: 16 |
Y filtered coordinates of interferometric axis
binary double | size: 8 |
unit: "degrees"
52 | GFaxAxeZ |
binary array[2] | size: 16 |
Z filtered coordinates of interferometric axis
binary double | size: 8 |
unit: "degrees"
53 | GFaxFlagAxeNonQual |
binary array[2] | size: 2 |
Interferometric axis filtered position quality flag
54 | GFaxAxeRes |
binary array[2] | size: 16 |
Filtering quality index
55 | GIsfFlagPdsNonValid |
binary array[2] | size: 2 |
Interpolation weight validity flag
56 | GIccRadCalOffsetImag |
binary array[64, 64] | size: 4096 |
Offset coefficient of image radiometric calibration
binary int8 | size: 1 |
unit: "W/("
57 | GlccRadCalSlopeImag |
binary array[64, 64] | size: 16384 |
Slope coefficient of image radiometric calibration
58 | GlccFlagInit |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Indicator of the initiaisation of the radiometric calibration
59 | GQisFlagQual |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 120 |
Quality flag for the system
60 | GQisQualIndex |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 960 |
Quality index for the sounder products
61 | GQisQualIndexIIS |
binary array[30] | size: 240 |
Quality index for the IIS imager products
62 | GQisQualIndexLoc |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 960 |
Geometric Quality index for the sounder products
63 | GQisQualIndexRad |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 960 |
Radiometric Quality index for the sounder products
64 | GQisQualIndexSpect |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 960 |
Spectral Quality index for the sounder products
65 | MMcxNoiseCalRad |
binary array[30, 4, 28] | size: 13440 |
Noise of complex radiometric calibration
binary float | size: 4 |
unit: "K"
66 | MMcxBiasCalRad |
binary array[30, 4, 28] | size: 13440 |
Bias of complex radiometric calibration
binary float | size: 4 |
unit: "K"
67 | MMcxFlagNoiseCalRad |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 120 |
Flag for radiometric calibration noise threshold crossing
68 | MMcxFlagBlasCalRad |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 120 |
Flag for radiometric calibration bias threshold crossing
69 | MMcxCoeffCalRad |
binary array[30, 4, 3] | size: 2880 |
Error coefficient for radiometric calibration
70 | MDptVarImagMax |
binary double | size: 8 |
Maximum value of the pseudo-variance in the IIS image
71 | MDptVarImagMean |
binary double | size: 8 |
Mean value of the pseudo-variance in the IIS image
72 | MDptPixQual |
binary double | size: 8 |
Quality index for the imager
73 | GHecFlagDateNOK |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Flag for inconsistency between current date and ascending node
74 | Data_PX |
binary array[30, 30, 4] | size: 7200 |
Words 4 to 31 and words 150 to 151 of PC packet
75 | Data_IP |
binary array[21, 34, 4] | size: 5712 |
Words 4 to 22 and 32 bits for the equailization counter
76 | GOPSFlaPixMiss |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 120 |
Flag for degraded mode: sounder-pixel is temporarily missing
77 | GOPSFlaDataGap |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Flag for degraded mode: spectral gap
78 | GOPSFltIsrfemOff |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 120 |
Flag for degraded mode: ISRFEM chain not activated for this SN number
79 | GOPSDatIsrfemOff |
binary time | size: 6 |
Apparation date of ISrfemOff degraded case
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
80 | GOPSFItBandMiss |
binary array[30] | size: 30 |
Flag for degraded mode: spectral band is temporarily missing
81 | GOPSDatBandMiss |
binary time | size: 6 |
Apparation date of BandMiss degraded case
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
82 | GOPSFltBBTMiss |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Flag for degraded mode: black body temperature is temporarily missing
83 | GOPSDatBBTMiss |
binary time | size: 6 |
Apparation date of BBTMiss degraded case
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
84 | GOPSFltImgEWMiss |
binary array[30] | size: 30 |
Flag for degraded mode: one operational image is temporarily missing
85 | GOPSDatImgEWMiss |
binary time | size: 6 |
Apparation date of ImgEWMiss degraded case
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
86 | GOPSFltImgBBMiss |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Flag for degraded mode: one black body image is temporarily missing
87 | GOPSDatImgBBMiss |
binary time | size: 6 |
Apparation date of ImgBBMiss degraded case
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
88 | GOPSFltImgCSMiss |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Flag for degraded mode: one cold space image is temporarily missing
89 | GOPSDatImgCSMiss |
binary time | size: 6 |
Apparation date of ImgCSMiss degraded case
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
90 | GOPSFlaIISCalibMiss |
binary array[4] | size: 4 |
Flags of availability of the 4 calibration images (32, 33, 35 and 36)
91 | GOPSFltRadAvhrrMiss |
binary array[30] | size: 30 |
Flag for degraded mode: AVHRR radiances are temporarily missing
92 | GOPSDatRadAvhrrMiss |
binary time | size: 6 |
Apparation date of RadAvhrrMiss degraded case
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
93 | GOPSFlagPacketVPMiss |
binary array[5] | size: 5 |
Flag for degraded mode: one VP instrument packet is missing
94 | GOPSFlagPacketAPMiss |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Flag for degraded mode: one AP instrument packet is missing
95 | GOPSFlagPacketPXMiss |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 120 |
Flag for degraded mode: one PX instrument packet is missing
96 | GOPSFlagPacketIPMiss |
binary array[30] | size: 30 |
Flag for degraded mode: one IP instrument packet is missing
97 | spare_1 |
binary bytes | size: 1250 |
Spare: 10% of engineering product
hidden: true