id | field name | definition |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Quality of MDR has been degraded from nominal due to an instrument degradation
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Quality of MDR has been degraded from nominal due to a processing degradation
3 | GEPSIasiMode |
4 | GEPSOPSProcessingMode |
5 | GEPSIdConf |
6 | GEPSLocIasiAvhrr_IASI |
binary array[30, 4, 2] | size: 1200 |
Measure positioning relatively to AVHRR: position of 4 IASI sounder pixels in AVHRR raster with last dimension equal to 2 corresponding to (line, column)
binary vsf_integer | size: 5 |
binary record | size: 5 |
Variable Scale Factor Integer
id | field name | definition |
0 | scale_factor |
binary int8 | size: 1 |
scale factor
1 | value |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
32-bit integer
7 | GEPSLocIasiAvhrr_IIS |
binary array[30, 25, 2] | size: 7500 |
Measure positioning relatively to AVHRR: position of IIS pixels for a subgrid 5*5 of IIS with last dimension equal to 2 corresponding to (line, column)
binary vsf_integer | size: 5 |
binary record | size: 5 |
Variable Scale Factor Integer
id | field name | definition |
0 | scale_factor |
binary int8 | size: 1 |
scale factor
1 | value |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
32-bit integer
8 | OBT |
binary array[30] | size: 180 |
On Board Time (Coarse time + Fine time)
binary bytes | size: 6 |
On Board time counter (coarse time + fine time)
9 | OnboardUTC |
binary array[30] | size: 180 |
Date of IASI measure (on board UTC)
binary time | size: 6 |
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
10 | GEPSDatIasi |
binary array[30] | size: 180 |
Date of IASI measure (Corrected UTC)
binary time | size: 6 |
unit: "s since 2000-01-01"
value: float(./days) * 86400 + float(./milliseconds) / 1000
binary record | size: 6 |
EPS short cds
id | field name | definition |
0 | days |
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
days since January 1st, 2000 (must be positive)
unit: "days since 2000-01-01"
1 | milliseconds |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
milliseconds since start of day
unit: "1e-3 s"
11 | GIsfLinOrigin |
binary array[2] | size: 8 |
Zero point in line in the interpolation grid of the spectral database
12 | GIsfColOrigin |
binary array[2] | size: 8 |
Zero point in column in the interpolation grid of the spectral database
13 | GIsfPds1 |
binary array[2] | size: 8 |
Weight of interpolation point 1
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
converted unit: "" (multiply by 1/1000000)
14 | GIsfPds2 |
binary array[2] | size: 8 |
Weight of interpolation point 2
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
converted unit: "" (multiply by 1/1000000)
15 | GIsfPds3 |
binary array[2] | size: 8 |
Weight of interpolation point 3
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
converted unit: "" (multiply by 1/1000000)
16 | GIsfPds4 |
binary array[2] | size: 8 |
Weight of interpolation point 4
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
converted unit: "" (multiply by 1/1000000)
17 | GEPS_CCD |
binary array[30] | size: 30 |
Corner Cube Direction for all observational targets
18 | GEPS_SP |
binary array[30] | size: 120 |
Scan position for all observational targets
19 | GIrcImage |
binary array[30, 64, 64] | size: 245760 |
Calibrated IASI images
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "W/("
20 | GQisFlagQual |
binary array[30, 4, 3] | size: 360 |
Quality flag for the system
21 | GQisFlagQualDetailed |
binary array[30, 4] | size: 240 |
Detailed quality flag for the system
22 | GQisQualIndex |
binary vsf_integer | size: 5 |
System-IASI general quality index
binary record | size: 5 |
Variable Scale Factor Integer
id | field name | definition |
0 | scale_factor |
binary int8 | size: 1 |
scale factor
1 | value |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
32-bit integer
23 | GQisQualIndexIIS |
binary vsf_integer | size: 5 |
IIS imager quality index inside 1c product
binary record | size: 5 |
Variable Scale Factor Integer
id | field name | definition |
0 | scale_factor |
binary int8 | size: 1 |
scale factor
1 | value |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
32-bit integer
24 | GQisQualIndexLoc |
binary vsf_integer | size: 5 |
Geometric quality index for sounder product
binary record | size: 5 |
Variable Scale Factor Integer
id | field name | definition |
0 | scale_factor |
binary int8 | size: 1 |
scale factor
1 | value |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
32-bit integer
25 | GQisQualIndexRad |
binary vsf_integer | size: 5 |
Radiometric quality index for sounder product
binary record | size: 5 |
Variable Scale Factor Integer
id | field name | definition |
0 | scale_factor |
binary int8 | size: 1 |
scale factor
1 | value |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
32-bit integer
26 | GQisQualIndexSpect |
binary vsf_integer | size: 5 |
Spectral quality index for sounder product
binary record | size: 5 |
Variable Scale Factor Integer
id | field name | definition |
0 | scale_factor |
binary int8 | size: 1 |
scale factor
1 | value |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
32-bit integer
27 | GQisSysTecIISQual |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
System -TEC quality index for IIS
28 | GQisSysTecSondQual |
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
System -TEC quality index for sounder
29 | GGeoSondLoc |
binary array[30, 4, 2] | size: 960 |
Location of pixel centre in geodetic coordinates (long, lat) for each sounder pixel
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
unit: "1e-6 degrees"
converted unit: "degrees" (multiply by 1/1000000)
30 | GGeoSondAnglesMETOP |
binary array[30, 4, 2] | size: 960 |
Measurement angles for each sounder pixel (zenith, azimuth)
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
unit: "1e-6 degrees"
converted unit: "degrees" (multiply by 1/1000000)
31 | GGeoIISAnglesMETOP |
binary array[30, 25, 2] | size: 6000 |
Measurement angles for a subgrid of IASI imager (zenith, azimuth)
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
unit: "1e-6 degrees"
converted unit: "degrees" (multiply by 1/1000000)
32 | GGeoSondAnglesSUN |
binary array[30, 4, 2] | size: 960 |
Solar angles at the surface for each sounder pixel (zenith, azimuth)
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
unit: "1e-6 degrees"
converted unit: "degrees" (multiply by 1/1000000)
33 | GGeoIISAnglesSUN |
binary array[30, 25, 2] | size: 6000 |
Solar angles at the surface for a subgrid (5x5) of IASI imager (zenith, azimuth)
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
unit: "1e-6 degrees"
converted unit: "degrees" (multiply by 1/1000000)
34 | GGeoIISLoc |
binary array[30, 25, 2] | size: 6000 |
Location of pixel centre in geodetic coordinates for a sub grid (5x5) of the imager pixels
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
unit: "1e-6 degrees"
converted unit: "degrees" (multiply by 1/1000000)
binary uint32 | size: 4 |
Distance of satellite from Earth centre
unit: "m"
36 | IDefSpectrDWn |
binary vsf_integer | size: 5 |
Sample width of IASI spectra
unit: "1/m"
binary record | size: 5 |
Variable Scale Factor Integer
id | field name | definition |
0 | scale_factor |
binary int8 | size: 1 |
scale factor
1 | value |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
32-bit integer
37 | IDefNsfirst |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Number of the first sample of IASI spectra
38 | IDefNslast |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
Number of the last sample of IASI spectra
39 | GSmcSpect |
binary array[30, 4, 8700] | size: 2088000 |
Level 1a spectra
binary int16 | size: 2 |
unit: "W/("
40 | IDefCovarMatEigenVal1b |
binary array[100, 2] | size: 1000 |
Level 1a noise variance-covariance matrix index. (IDefCovarMatEigenVal1b is the same for Level 1a and 1b.)
binary vsf_integer | size: 5 |
binary record | size: 5 |
Variable Scale Factor Integer
id | field name | definition |
0 | scale_factor |
binary int8 | size: 1 |
scale factor
1 | value |
binary int32 | size: 4 |
32-bit integer