id | field name | definition |
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Quality of MDR has been degraded from nominal due to an instrument degradation. Occurs if any of F_NN_DT, F_NN_PDP, F_NN_RAD, F_NN_WLS_U, F_NN_WLS_I, F_NN_SLS_U, F_NN_SLS_I, F_SAT, F_MIN in PCD_BASIC has been raised. Up to processor version 3.2.11, F_HOT also counted as instrument degradation
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Quality of MDR has been degraded from nominal due to a processing degradation. Occurs if F_MISS or F_OLD_CAL_DATA in PCD_BASIC have been raised
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
Observation mode (0 = nadir, 1 = north pole scanning, 2 = south pole scanning, 3 = other scanning, 4 = nadir static, 5 = other static, 6 = dark, 7 = LED, 8 = WLS, 9 = SLS, 10 = SLS over diffuser, 11 = sun, 12 = moon, 13 = idle, 14 = test, 15 = dump, 16 = invalid)
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
PMD transfer mode (1 = band + raw, 2 = band + mixed, 3 = raw transfer, 4 = various (PMD transfer mode changes within a scan))
binary uint8 | size: 1 |
PMD readout mode (0 = nominal, 1 = solar, 2 = calibration, 3 = various (PMD readout mode changes within a scan))
binary array[65] | size: 260 |
Scanner viewing angle with additional element at end of scan
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
unit: "1e-6 degrees"
converted unit: "degrees" (multiply by 1/1000000)
binary record "" | size: 832 |
9 | GEO_MOON |
10 | PDP_TEMP |
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
Temperature of the pre-disperser prism for reference to the corresponding spectral calibration parameters
unit: "1e-3 K"
converted unit: "K" (multiply by 1/1000)
11 | FPA_TEMP |
binary array[6] | size: 24 |
FPA temperature, per channel
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
unit: "1e-3 K"
converted unit: "K" (multiply by 1/1000)
12 | RAD_TEMP |
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
Radiator temperature
unit: "1e-3 K"
converted unit: "K" (multiply by 1/1000)
binary array[10] | size: 40 |
Integration times of the channel bands (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3, 4, 5, 6, shortwave PS and PP)
binary int32 (double) | size: 4 |
unit: "1e-6 s"
converted unit: "s" (multiply by 1/1000000)
14 | ISP_HEAD |
binary array[16] | size: 15648 |
Header of the Instrument Science Packet
binary record "" | size: 978 |
binary array[10] | size: 20 |
Number of elements per band data record for the 10 bands that follow (l1, l2, ..., l10)
16 | NUM_RECS |
binary array[10] | size: 20 |
Number of band data records for the 10 bands that follow (b1, b2, ..., b10)
17 | BAND_1A |
binary array[dim_0, dim_1] |
Band data record for Band 1a
dim_0: int(../NUM_RECS[0])
dim_1: int(../REC_LENGTH[0])
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "BU"
18 | BAND_1B |
binary array[dim_0, dim_1] |
Band data record for Band 1b
dim_0: int(../NUM_RECS[1])
dim_1: int(../REC_LENGTH[1])
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "BU"
19 | BAND_2A |
binary array[dim_0, dim_1] |
Band data record for Band 2a
dim_0: int(../NUM_RECS[2])
dim_1: int(../REC_LENGTH[2])
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "BU"
20 | BAND_2B |
binary array[dim_0, dim_1] |
Band data record for Band 2b
dim_0: int(../NUM_RECS[3])
dim_1: int(../REC_LENGTH[3])
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "BU"
21 | BAND_3 |
binary array[dim_0, dim_1] |
Band data record for Band 3
dim_0: int(../NUM_RECS[4])
dim_1: int(../REC_LENGTH[4])
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "BU"
22 | BAND_4 |
binary array[dim_0, dim_1] |
Band data record for Band 4
dim_0: int(../NUM_RECS[5])
dim_1: int(../REC_LENGTH[5])
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "BU"
23 | BAND_PP |
binary array[dim_0, dim_1] |
Band data record for PMD p
dim_0: int(../NUM_RECS[6])
dim_1: int(../REC_LENGTH[6])
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "BU"
24 | BAND_PS |
binary array[dim_0, dim_1] |
Band data record for PMD s
dim_0: int(../NUM_RECS[7])
dim_1: int(../REC_LENGTH[7])
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "BU"
25 | BAND_SWPP |
binary array[dim_0, dim_1] |
Band data record for short wavelength range (block B) PMD p
dim_0: int(../NUM_RECS[8])
dim_1: int(../REC_LENGTH[8])
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "BU"
26 | BAND_SWPS |
binary array[dim_0, dim_1] |
Band data record for short wavelength range (block B) PMD s
dim_0: int(../NUM_RECS[9])
dim_1: int(../REC_LENGTH[9])
binary uint16 | size: 2 |
unit: "BU"