
group harp_documentation

The HARP Generated documentation module contains public functions to output documentation that can be generated automatically by HARP. This includes the ingestion definitions and derived variable conversions.


int harp_doc_list_conversions(const harp_product *product, const char *variable_name, int (*print)(const char*, ...))

Print the full listing of available variable conversions.

If product is NULL then all possible conversions will be printed. If a product is provided then only conversions that can be made using the content of that product will be shown. The print function parameter should be a function that resembles printf(). The most common case use is to just use printf() itself. For example:

harp_doc_list_conversions(product, printf);

  • product – Pointer to a HARP product (can be NULL).

  • variable_name – Name of the target variable for which to show conversions (can be NULL).

  • print – Reference to a printf compatible function.


  • 0, Success.

  • -1, Error occurred (check harp_errno).

int harp_doc_export_ingestion_definitions(const char *path)

Generate reStructuredText documentation for all ingestion definitions.


path – Path to directory in which the documentation files will be written.


  • 0, Success.

  • -1, Error occurred (check harp_errno).