
group harp_geometry

The HARP Geometry module contains public functions for dealing with polygons and points on a spherical surface.


int harp_geometry_get_point_distance(double latitude_a, double longitude_a, double latitude_b, double longitude_b, double *distance)

Calculate the distance between two points on the surface of the Earth in meters

This function assumes a spherical earth

  • latitude_a – Latitude of first point

  • longitude_a – Longitude of first point

  • latitude_b – Latitude of second point

  • longitude_b – Longitude of second point

  • distance – Pointer to the C variable where the surface distance in [m] between the two points will be stored.


  • 0, Success.

  • -1, Error occurred (check harp_errno).

int harp_geometry_has_point_in_area(double latitude_point, double longitude_point, int num_vertices, double *latitude_bounds, double *longitude_bounds, int *in_area)

Determine whether a point is in an area on the surface of the Earth

This function assumes a spherical earth.

The latitude/longitude bounds can be either vertices of a polygon (num_vertices>=3) or represent corner points that define a bounding rect (num_vertices==2).

  • latitude_point – Latitude of the point

  • longitude_point – Longitude of the point

  • num_vertices – The number of vertices of the bounding polygon/rect of the area

  • latitude_bounds – Latitude values of the bounds of the area polygon/rect

  • longitude_bounds – Longitude values of the bounds of the area polygon/rect

  • in_area – Pointer to the C variable where the result will be stored (1 if point is in the area, 0 otherwise).


  • 0, Success.

  • -1, Error occurred (check harp_errno).

int harp_geometry_has_area_overlap(int num_vertices_a, double *latitude_bounds_a, double *longitude_bounds_a, int num_vertices_b, double *latitude_bounds_b, double *longitude_bounds_b, int *has_overlap, double *fraction)

Determine the amount of overlap of two areas on the surface of the Earth

This function assumes a spherical earth. The overlap fraction is calculated as area(intersection)/min(area(A),area(B)).

The latitude/longitude bounds for A and B can be either vertices of a polygon (num_vertices>=3), or represent corner points that define a bounding rect (num_vertices==2).

  • num_vertices_a – The number of vertices of the bounding polygon/rect of the first area

  • latitude_bounds_a – Latitude values of the bounds of the area of the first polygon/rect

  • longitude_bounds_a – Longitude values of the bounds of the area of the first polygon/rect

  • num_vertices_b – The number of vertices of the bounding polygon/rect of the second area

  • latitude_bounds_b – Latitude values of the bounds of the area of the second polygon/rect

  • longitude_bounds_b – Longitude values of the bounds of the area of the second polygon/rect

  • has_overlap – Pointer to the C variable where the result will be stored (1 if there is overlap, 0 otherwise).

  • fraction – Pointer to the C variable where the overlap fraction will be stored (use NULL if not needed).


  • 0, Success.

  • -1, Error occurred (check harp_errno).

int harp_geometry_get_area(int num_vertices, double *latitude_bounds, double *longitude_bounds, double *area)

Calculate the area size for a polygon on the surface of the Earth

This function assumes a spherical earth.

The latitude/longitude bounds for A and B can be either vertices of a polygon (num_vertices>=3), or represent corner points that define a bounding rect (num_vertices==2).

  • num_vertices – The number of vertices of the bounding polygon/rect

  • latitude_bounds – Latitude values of the bounds of the polygon/rect

  • longitude_bounds – Longitude values of the bounds of the polygon/rect

  • area – Pointer to the C variable where the area size will be stored (in [m2]).


  • 0, Success.

  • -1, Error occurred (check harp_errno).