SWARM products
An overview of the named types for this product class is provided here.
product type | description | product definitions | ||
ACCANOM_0_ | Science Data, Standard measurement mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCANOM_0_ | ||
ACCANOM_0__HDR | Science Data, Standard measurement mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCANOM_0__HDR | ||
ACCBNOM_0_ | Science Data, Standard measurement mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCBNOM_0_ | ||
ACCBNOM_0__HDR | Science Data, Standard measurement mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCBNOM_0__HDR | ||
ACCCNOM_0_ | Science Data, Standard measurement mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCCNOM_0_ | ||
ACCCNOM_0__HDR | Science Data, Standard measurement mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCCNOM_0__HDR | ||
ACCATEST0_ | Science Data, Selftesting mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCATEST0_ | ||
ACCATEST0__HDR | Science Data, Selftesting mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCATEST0__HDR | ||
ACCBTEST0_ | Science Data, Selftesting mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCBTEST0_ | ||
ACCCTEST0__HDR | Science Data, Selftesting mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCCTEST0__HDR | ||
ACCCTEST0_ | Science Data, Selftesting mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCCTEST0_ | ||
ACCBTEST0__HDR | Science Data, Selftesting mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCBTEST0__HDR | ||
ASMASCA_0_ | Scalar Mode Science Data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMASCA_0_ | ||
ASMASCA_0__HDR | Scalar Mode Science Data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMASCA_0__HDR | ||
ASMBSCA_0_ | Scalar Mode Science Data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMBSCA_0_ | ||
ASMBSCA_0__HDR | Scalar Mode Science Data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMBSCA_0__HDR | ||
ASMCSCA_0_ | Scalar Mode Science Data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMCSCA_0_ | ||
ASMCSCA_0__HDR | Scalar Mode Science Data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMCSCA_0__HDR | ||
ASMAVEC_0_ | Vector Mode Science Data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMAVEC_0_ | ||
ASMAVEC_0__HDR | Vector Mode Science Data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMAVEC_0__HDR | ||
ASMBVEC_0_ | Vector Mode Science Data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMBVEC_0_ | ||
ASMBVEC_0__HDR | Vector Mode Science Data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMBVEC_0__HDR | ||
ASMCVEC_0_ | Vector Mode Science Data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMCVEC_0_ | ||
ASMCVEC_0__HDR | Vector Mode Science Data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMCVEC_0__HDR | ||
ASMABUR_0_ | Burst Mode Science Data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMABUR_0_ | ||
ASMABUR_0__HDR | Burst Mode Science Data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMABUR_0__HDR | ||
ASMBBUR_0_ | Burst Mode Science Data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMBBUR_0_ | ||
ASMBBUR_0__HDR | Burst Mode Science Data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMBBUR_0__HDR | ||
ASMCBUR_0_ | Burst Mode Science Data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMCBUR_0_ | ||
ASMCBUR_0__HDR | Burst Mode Science Data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMCBUR_0__HDR | ||
ASMAMAG_0_ | SpectroMag Mode Science Data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMAMAG_0_ | ||
ASMAMAG_0__HDR | SpectroMag Mode Science Data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMAMAG_0__HDR | ||
ASMBMAG_0_ | SpectroMag Mode Science Data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMBMAG_0_ | ||
ASMBMAG_0__HDR | SpectroMag Mode Science Data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMBMAG_0__HDR | ||
ASMCMAG_0_ | SpectroMag Mode Science Data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMCMAG_0_ | ||
ASMCMAG_0__HDR | SpectroMag Mode Science Data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMCMAG_0__HDR | ||
ASMALAS_0_ | SpectroLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMALAS_0_ | ||
ASMALAS_0__HDR | SpectroLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMALAS_0__HDR | ||
ASMBLAS_0_ | SpectroLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMBLAS_0_ | ||
ASMBLAS_0__HDR | SpectroLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMBLAS_0__HDR | ||
ASMCLAS_0_ | SpectroLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMCLAS_0_ | ||
ASMCLAS_0__HDR | SpectroLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMCLAS_0__HDR | ||
ASMAPOW_0_ | SpectroPowerLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMAPOW_0_ | ||
ASMAPOW_0__HDR | SpectroPowerLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMAPOW_0__HDR | ||
ASMBPOW_0_ | SpectroPowerLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMBPOW_0_ | ||
ASMBPOW_0__HDR | SpectroPowerLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMBPOW_0__HDR | ||
ASMCPOW_0_ | SpectroPowerLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMCPOW_0_ | ||
ASMCPOW_0__HDR | SpectroPowerLaser Mode Science Data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMCPOW_0__HDR | ||
GPSAOBS_0_ | GPS Observation Data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSAOBS_0_ | ||
GPSAOBS_0__HDR | GPS Observation Data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSAOBS_0__HDR | ||
GPSBOBS_0_ | GPS Observation Data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSBOBS_0_ | ||
GPSBOBS_0__HDR | GPS Observation Data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSBOBS_0__HDR | ||
GPSCOBS_0_ | GPS Observation Data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSCOBS_0_ | ||
GPSCOBS_0__HDR | GPS Observation Data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSCOBS_0__HDR | ||
GPSANAV_0_ | GPS Navigation Data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSANAV_0_ | ||
GPSANAV_0__HDR | GPS Navigation Data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSANAV_0__HDR | ||
GPSBNAV_0_ | GPS Navigation Data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSBNAV_0_ | ||
GPSBNAV_0__HDR | GPS Navigation Data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSBNAV_0__HDR | ||
GPSCNAV_0_ | GPS Navigation Data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSCNAV_0_ | ||
GPSCNAV_0__HDR | GPS Navigation Data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSCNAV_0__HDR | ||
GPSAGPS_0_ | GPS Low Frequency Data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSAGPS_0_ | ||
GPSAGPS_0__HDR | GPS Low Frequency Data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSAGPS_0__HDR | ||
GPSBGPS_0_ | GPS Low Frequency Data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSBGPS_0_ | ||
GPSBGPS_0__HDR | GPS Low Frequency Data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSBGPS_0__HDR | ||
GPSCGPS_0_ | GPS Low Frequency Data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSCGPS_0_ | ||
GPSCGPS_0__HDR | GPS Low Frequency Data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSCGPS_0__HDR | ||
GPSAAGN_0_ | AGC Status Data - Navigate, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSAAGN_0_ | ||
GPSAAGN_0__HDR | AGC Status Data - Navigate, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSAAGN_0__HDR | ||
GPSBAGN_0_ | AGC Status Data - Navigate, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSBAGN_0_ | ||
GPSBAGN_0__HDR | AGC Status Data - Navigate, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSBAGN_0__HDR | ||
GPSCAGN_0_ | AGC Status Data - Navigate, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSCAGN_0_ | ||
GPSCAGN_0__HDR | AGC Status Data - Navigate, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSCAGN_0__HDR | ||
GPSAAGS_0_ | AGC Status Data - Standby, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSAAGS_0_ | ||
GPSAAGS_0__HDR | AGC Status Data - Standby, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSAAGS_0__HDR | ||
GPSBAGS_0_ | AGC Status Data - Standby, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSBAGS_0_ | ||
GPSBAGS_0__HDR | AGC Status Data - Standby, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSBAGS_0__HDR | ||
GPSCAGS_0_ | AGC Status Data - Standby, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSCAGS_0_ | ||
GPSCAGS_0__HDR | AGC Status Data - Standby, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSCAGS_0__HDR | ||
GPSANOIS0_ | Noise Histogram Data, Standby, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSANOIS0_ | ||
GPSANOIS0__HDR | Noise Histogram Data, Standby, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSANOIS0__HDR | ||
GPSBNOIS0_ | Noise Histogram Data, Standby, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSBNOIS0_ | ||
GPSBNOIS0__HDR | Noise Histogram Data, Standby, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSBNOIS0__HDR | ||
GPSCNOIS0_ | Noise Histogram Data, Standby, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSCNOIS0_ | ||
GPSCNOIS0__HDR | Noise Histogram Data, Standby, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSCNOIS0__HDR | ||
EFIANOM_0_ | EFI Data, Normal Mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIANOM_0_ | ||
EFIANOM_0__HDR | EFI Data, Normal Mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIANOM_0__HDR | ||
EFIBNOM_0_ | EFI Data, Normal Mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIBNOM_0_ | ||
EFIBNOM_0__HDR | EFI Data, Normal Mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIBNOM_0__HDR | ||
EFICNOM_0_ | EFI Data, Normal Mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFICNOM_0_ | ||
EFICNOM_0__HDR | EFI Data, Normal Mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFICNOM_0__HDR | ||
EFIALPC_0_ | EFI Data, LP-Calibration Mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIALPC_0_ | ||
EFIALPC_0__HDR | EFI Data, LP-Calibration Mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIALPC_0__HDR | ||
EFIBLPC_0_ | EFI Data, LP-Calibration Mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIBLPC_0_ | ||
EFIBLPC_0__HDR | EFI Data, LP-Calibration Mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIBLPC_0__HDR | ||
EFICLPC_0_ | EFI Data, LP-Calibration Mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFICLPC_0_ | ||
EFICLPC_0__HDR | EFI Data, LP-Calibration Mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFICLPC_0__HDR | ||
EFIATIC_0_ | EFI Data, TII-Calibration Mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIATIC_0_ | ||
EFIATIC_0__HDR | EFI Data, TII-Calibration Mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIATIC_0__HDR | ||
EFIBTIC_0_ | EFI Data, TII-Calibration Mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIBTIC_0_ | ||
EFIBTIC_0__HDR | EFI Data, TII-Calibration Mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIBTIC_0__HDR | ||
EFICTIC_0_ | EFI Data, TII-Calibration Mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFICTIC_0_ | ||
EFICTIC_0__HDR | EFI Data, TII-Calibration Mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFICTIC_0__HDR | ||
STRANOM_0_ | STR Attitude Data, Nominal, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRANOM_0_ | ||
STRANOM_0__HDR | STR Attitude Data, Nominal, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRANOM_0__HDR | ||
STRBNOM_0_ | STR Attitude Data, Nominal, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRBNOM_0_ | ||
STRBNOM_0__HDR | STR Attitude Data, Nominal, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRBNOM_0__HDR | ||
STRCNOM_0_ | STR Attitude Data, Nominal, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRCNOM_0_ | ||
STRCNOM_0__HDR | STR Attitude Data, Nominal, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRCNOM_0__HDR | ||
STRARED_0_ | STR Attitude Data, Redundant, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRARED_0_ | ||
STRARED_0__HDR | STR Attitude Data, Redundant, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRARED_0__HDR | ||
STRBRED_0_ | STR Attitude Data, Redundant, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRBRED_0_ | ||
STRBRED_0__HDR | STR Attitude Data, Redundant, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRBRED_0__HDR | ||
STRCRED_0_ | STR Attitude Data, Redundant, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRCRED_0_ | ||
STRCRED_0__HDR | STR Attitude Data, Redundant, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRCRED_0__HDR | ||
VFMANOM_0_ | VFM Science Data, 50Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMANOM_0_ | ||
VFMANOM_0__HDR | VFM Science Data, 50Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMANOM_0__HDR | ||
VFMBNOM_0_ | VFM Science Data, 50Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMBNOM_0_ | ||
VFMBNOM_0__HDR | VFM Science Data, 50Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMBNOM_0__HDR | ||
VFMCNOM_0_ | VFM Science Data, 50Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMCNOM_0_ | ||
VFMCNOM_0__HDR | VFM Science Data, 50Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMCNOM_0__HDR | ||
VFMAN10_0_ | VFM Science Data, 10Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMAN10_0_ | ||
VFMAN10_0__HDR | VFM Science Data, 10Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMAN10_0__HDR | ||
VFMBN10_0_ | VFM Science Data, 10Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMBN10_0_ | ||
VFMBN10_0__HDR | VFM Science Data, 10Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMBN10_0__HDR | ||
VFMCN10_0_ | VFM Science Data, 10Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMCN10_0_ | ||
VFMCN10_0__HDR | VFM Science Data, 10Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMCN10_0__HDR | ||
VFMAN_1_0_ | VFM Science Data, 1Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMAN_1_0_ | ||
VFMAN_1_0__HDR | VFM Science Data, 1Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMAN_1_0__HDR | ||
VFMBN_1_0_ | VFM Science Data, 1Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMBN_1_0_ | ||
VFMBN_1_0__HDR | VFM Science Data, 1Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMBN_1_0__HDR | ||
VFMCN_1_0_ | VFM Science Data, 1Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMCN_1_0_ | ||
VFMCN_1_0__HDR | VFM Science Data, 1Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMCN_1_0__HDR | ||
HK_ANOM_0_ | Auxiliary HK, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | HK_ANOM_0_ | ||
HK_ANOM_0__HDR | Auxiliary HK, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | HK_ANOM_0__HDR | ||
HK_BNOM_0_ | Auxiliary HK, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | HK_BNOM_0_ | ||
HK_BNOM_0__HDR | Auxiliary HK, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | HK_BNOM_0__HDR | ||
HK_CNOM_0_ | Auxiliary HK, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | HK_CNOM_0_ | ||
HK_CNOM_0__HDR | Auxiliary HK, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | HK_CNOM_0__HDR | ||
ASMASCI_1A | ASM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMASCI_1A_v1 | ||
ASMASCI_1A_HDR | ASM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMASCI_1A_HDR | ||
ASMBSCI_1A | ASM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMBSCI_1A_v1 | ||
ASMBSCI_1A_HDR | ASM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMBSCI_1A_HDR | ||
ASMCSCI_1A | ASM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMCSCI_1A_v1 | ||
ASMCSCI_1A_HDR | ASM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMCSCI_1A_HDR | ||
VFMASCI_1A | VFM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMASCI_1A | ||
VFMASCI_1A_HDR | VFM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMASCI_1A_HDR | ||
VFMBSCI_1A | VFM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMBSCI_1A | ||
VFMBSCI_1A_HDR | VFM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMBSCI_1A_HDR | ||
VFMCSCI_1A | VFM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | VFMCSCI_1A | ||
VFMCSCI_1A_HDR | VFM scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMCSCI_1A_HDR | ||
STRASCI_1A | STR scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRASCI_1A | ||
STRASCI_1A_HDR | STR scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRASCI_1A_HDR | ||
STRBSCI_1A | STR scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRBSCI_1A | ||
STRBSCI_1A_HDR | STR scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRBSCI_1A_HDR | ||
STRCSCI_1A | STR scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRCSCI_1A | ||
STRCSCI_1A_HDR | STR scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRCSCI_1A_HDR | ||
ACCASCI_1A | ACC scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCASCI_1A | ||
ACCASCI_1A_HDR | ACC scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCASCI_1A_HDR | ||
ACCBSCI_1A | ACC scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCBSCI_1A | ||
ACCBSCI_1A_HDR | ACC scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCBSCI_1A_HDR | ||
ACCCSCI_1A | ACC scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCCSCI_1A | ||
ACCCSCI_1A_HDR | ACC scientific data, 1 Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCCSCI_1A_HDR | ||
EFIA_LP_1A | LP sweep mode data, 1/128 Hz, LP harmonic mode data, 2 Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | EFIA_LP_1A_v1 | ||
3 | binary | EFIA_LP_1A_v3 | ||
EFIA_LP_1A_HDR | LP sweep mode data, 1/128 Hz, LP harmonic mode data, 2 Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIA_LP_1A_HDR | ||
EFIB_LP_1A | LP sweep mode data, 1/128 Hz, LP harmonic mode data, 2 Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | EFIB_LP_1A_v1 | ||
3 | binary | EFIB_LP_1A_v3 | ||
EFIB_LP_1A_HDR | LP sweep mode data, 1/128 Hz, LP harmonic mode data, 2 Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIB_LP_1A_HDR | ||
EFIC_LP_1A | LP sweep mode data, 1/128 Hz, LP harmonic mode data, 2 Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | EFIC_LP_1A_v1 | ||
3 | binary | EFIC_LP_1A_v3 | ||
EFIC_LP_1A_HDR | LP sweep mode data, 1/128 Hz, LP harmonic mode data, 2 Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIC_LP_1A_HDR | ||
EFIATII_1A | TII data, 2 Hz, and 1 Hz (HK), Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIATII_1A | ||
EFIATII_1A_HDR | TII data, 2 Hz, and 1 Hz (HK), Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIATII_1A_HDR | ||
EFIBTII_1A | TII data, 2 Hz, and 1 Hz (HK), Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIBTII_1A | ||
EFIBTII_1A_HDR | TII data, 2 Hz, and 1 Hz (HK), Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIBTII_1A_HDR | ||
EFICTII_1A | TII data, 2 Hz, and 1 Hz (HK), Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFICTII_1A | ||
EFICTII_1A_HDR | TII data, 2 Hz, and 1 Hz (HK), Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFICTII_1A_HDR | ||
GPSANOM_1A | GPS data, 1Hz (MDR_GPS_LEO) and 0.8Hz (MDR_GPS_GPS), Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSANOM_1A | ||
GPSANOM_1A_HDR | GPS data, 1Hz (MDR_GPS_LEO) and 0.8Hz (MDR_GPS_GPS), Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSANOM_1A_HDR | ||
GPSBNOM_1A | GPS data, 1Hz (MDR_GPS_LEO) and 0.8Hz (MDR_GPS_GPS), Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSBNOM_1A | ||
GPSBNOM_1A_HDR | GPS data, 1Hz (MDR_GPS_LEO) and 0.8Hz (MDR_GPS_GPS), Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSBNOM_1A_HDR | ||
GPSCNOM_1A | GPS data, 1Hz (MDR_GPS_LEO) and 0.8Hz (MDR_GPS_GPS), Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | GPSCNOM_1A | ||
GPSCNOM_1A_HDR | GPS data, 1Hz (MDR_GPS_LEO) and 0.8Hz (MDR_GPS_GPS), Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSCNOM_1A_HDR | ||
HK_AAOCS1A | AOCS housekeeping data, 1 Hz (Mag_HK and Thru_HK) and 1/32 Hz (Prop_HK), Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | HK_AAOCS1A_v0 | ||
1 | binary | HK_AAOCS1A_v1 | ||
HK_AAOCS1A_HDR | AOCS housekeeping data, 1 Hz (Mag_HK and Thru_HK) and 1/32 Hz (Prop_HK), Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | HK_AAOCS1A_HDR | ||
HK_BAOCS1A | AOCS housekeeping data, 1 Hz (Mag_HK and Thru_HK) and 1/32 Hz (Prop_HK), Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | HK_BAOCS1A_v0 | ||
1 | binary | HK_BAOCS1A_v1 | ||
HK_BAOCS1A_HDR | AOCS housekeeping data, 1 Hz (Mag_HK and Thru_HK) and 1/32 Hz (Prop_HK), Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | HK_BAOCS1A_HDR | ||
HK_CAOCS1A | AOCS housekeeping data, 1 Hz (Mag_HK and Thru_HK) and 1/32 Hz (Prop_HK), Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | HK_CAOCS1A_v0 | ||
1 | binary | HK_CAOCS1A_v1 | ||
HK_CAOCS1A_HDR | AOCS housekeeping data, 1 Hz (Mag_HK and Thru_HK) and 1/32 Hz (Prop_HK), Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | HK_CAOCS1A_HDR | ||
HK_ABUS_1A | BUS housekeeping data, 0.25 Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | HK_ABUS_1A | ||
HK_ABUS_1A_HDR | BUS housekeeping data, 0.25 Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | HK_ABUS_1A_HDR | ||
HK_BBUS_1A | BUS housekeeping data, 0.25 Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | HK_BBUS_1A | ||
HK_BBUS_1A_HDR | BUS housekeeping data, 0.25 Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | HK_BBUS_1A_HDR | ||
HK_CBUS_1A | BUS housekeeping data, 0.25 Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | HK_CBUS_1A | ||
HK_CBUS_1A_HDR | BUS housekeeping data, 0.25 Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | HK_CBUS_1A_HDR | ||
MAGA_HR_1B | Mag-H Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | MAGA_HR_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | MAGA_HR_1B_v4 | ||
MAGA_HR_1B_HDR | Mag-H Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGA_HR_1B_HDR | ||
MAGA_HR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Mag-H, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGA_HR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGA_HR_1B_MDR_MAG_HR | Mag-H, MDR_MAG_HR, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGA_HR_1B_MDR_MAG_HR | ||
MAGB_HR_1B | Mag-H Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | MAGB_HR_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | MAGB_HR_1B_v4 | ||
MAGB_HR_1B_HDR | Mag-H Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGB_HR_1B_HDR | ||
MAGB_HR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Mag-H, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGB_HR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGB_HR_1B_MDR_MAG_HR | Mag-H, MDR_MAG_HR, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGB_HR_1B_MDR_MAG_HR | ||
MAGC_HR_1B | Mag-H Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | MAGC_HR_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | MAGC_HR_1B_v4 | ||
MAGC_HR_1B_HDR | Mag-H Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGC_HR_1B_HDR | ||
MAGC_HR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Mag-H, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGC_HR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGC_HR_1B_MDR_MAG_HR | Mag-H, MDR_MAG_HR, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGC_HR_1B_MDR_MAG_HR | ||
MAGA_LR_1B | Mag-L Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | MAGA_LR_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | MAGA_LR_1B_v4 | ||
MAGA_LR_1B_HDR | Mag-L Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGA_LR_1B_HDR | ||
MAGA_LR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Mag-L, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGA_LR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGA_LR_1B_MDR_MAG_LR | Mag-L, MDR_MAG_LR, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGA_LR_1B_MDR_MAG_LR_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | MAGA_LR_1B_MDR_MAG_LR_v1 | ||
MAGB_LR_1B | Mag-L Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | MAGB_LR_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | MAGB_LR_1B_v4 | ||
MAGB_LR_1B_HDR | Mag-L Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGB_LR_1B_HDR | ||
MAGB_LR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Mag-L, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGB_LR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGB_LR_1B_MDR_MAG_LR | Mag-L, MDR_MAG_LR, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGB_LR_1B_MDR_MAG_LR_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | MAGB_LR_1B_MDR_MAG_LR_v1 | ||
MAGC_LR_1B | Mag-L Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | MAGC_LR_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | MAGC_LR_1B_v4 | ||
MAGC_LR_1B_HDR | Mag-L Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGC_LR_1B_HDR | ||
MAGC_LR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Mag-L, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGC_LR_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGC_LR_1B_MDR_MAG_LR | Mag-L, MDR_MAG_LR, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGC_LR_1B_MDR_MAG_LR_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | MAGC_LR_1B_MDR_MAG_LR_v1 | ||
MAGA_CA_1B | Mag-C Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | MAGA_CA_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | MAGA_CA_1B_v4 | ||
MAGA_CA_1B_HDR | Mag-C Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGA_CA_1B_HDR | ||
MAGA_CA_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Mag-C, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGA_CA_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGA_CA_1B_MDR_MAG_CA | Mag-C, MDR_MAG_CA, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGA_CA_1B_MDR_MAG_CA_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | MAGA_CA_1B_MDR_MAG_CA_v1 | ||
MAGB_CA_1B | Mag-C Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | MAGB_CA_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | MAGB_CA_1B_v4 | ||
MAGB_CA_1B_HDR | Mag-C Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGB_CA_1B_HDR | ||
MAGB_CA_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Mag-C, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGB_CA_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGB_CA_1B_MDR_MAG_CA | Mag-C, MDR_MAG_CA, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGB_CA_1B_MDR_MAG_CA_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | MAGB_CA_1B_MDR_MAG_CA_v1 | ||
MAGC_CA_1B | Mag-C Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | MAGC_CA_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | MAGC_CA_1B_v4 | ||
MAGC_CA_1B_HDR | Mag-C Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGC_CA_1B_HDR | ||
MAGC_CA_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Mag-C, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGC_CA_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGC_CA_1B_MDR_MAG_CA | Mag-C, MDR_MAG_CA, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGC_CA_1B_MDR_MAG_CA_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | MAGC_CA_1B_MDR_MAG_CA_v1 | ||
MAGAMAN_1B | Magnetic Calibration data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MAGAMAN_1B | ||
MAGAMAN_1B_HDR | Magnetic Calibration data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGAMAN_1B_HDR | ||
MAGAMAN_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Magnetic Calibration data, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGAMAN_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGAMAN_1B_VFM_MAN_RP | Magnetic Calibration data, VFM_MAN_RP, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGAMAN_1B_VFM_MAN_RP | ||
MAGBMAN_1B | Magnetic Calibration data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MAGBMAN_1B | ||
MAGBMAN_1B_HDR | Magnetic Calibration data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGBMAN_1B_HDR | ||
MAGBMAN_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Magnetic Calibration data, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGBMAN_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGBMAN_1B_VFM_MAN_RP | Magnetic Calibration data, VFM_MAN_RP, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGBMAN_1B_VFM_MAN_RP | ||
MAGCMAN_1B | Magnetic Calibration data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MAGCMAN_1B | ||
MAGCMAN_1B_HDR | Magnetic Calibration data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGCMAN_1B_HDR | ||
MAGCMAN_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | Magnetic Calibration data, ASM_VFM_IC, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGCMAN_1B_ASM_VFM_IC | ||
MAGCMAN_1B_VFM_MAN_RP | Magnetic Calibration data, VFM_MAN_RP, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MAGCMAN_1B_VFM_MAN_RP | ||
MAGAEUL_1B | Euler angle estimation of the CRF <- VFM transformation, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGAEUL_1B | ||
MAGBEUL_1B | Euler angle estimation of the CRF <- VFM transformation, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGBEUL_1B | ||
MAGCEUL_1B | Euler angle estimation of the CRF <- VFM transformation, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAGCEUL_1B | ||
EFIA_PL_1B | Plasma product, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIA_PL_1B | ||
EFIA_PL_1B_HDR | Plasma product, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIA_PL_1B_HDR | ||
EFIA_PL_1B_MDR_EFI_PL | Plasma product, MDR_EFI_PL, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EFIA_PL_1B_MDR_EFI_PL | ||
EFIB_PL_1B | Plasma product, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIB_PL_1B | ||
EFIB_PL_1B_HDR | Plasma product, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIB_PL_1B_HDR | ||
EFIB_PL_1B_MDR_EFI_PL | Plasma product, MDR_EFI_PL, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EFIB_PL_1B_MDR_EFI_PL | ||
EFIC_PL_1B | Plasma product, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFIC_PL_1B | ||
EFIC_PL_1B_HDR | Plasma product, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIC_PL_1B_HDR | ||
EFIC_PL_1B_MDR_EFI_PL | Plasma product, MDR_EFI_PL, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EFIC_PL_1B_MDR_EFI_PL | ||
LP_A_CA_1B | Langmuir Probe offset calibration data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | LP_A_CA_1B_v0 | ||
1 | binary | LP_A_CA_1B_v1 | ||
LP_A_CA_1B_HDR | Langmuir Probe offset calibration data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | LP_A_CA_1B_HDR | ||
LP_A_CA_1B_LP__OFF_CA | Langmuir Probe offset calibration data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | LP_A_CA_1B_LP__OFF_CA | ||
LP_B_CA_1B | Langmuir Probe offset calibration data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | LP_B_CA_1B_v0 | ||
1 | binary | LP_B_CA_1B_v1 | ||
LP_B_CA_1B_HDR | Langmuir Probe offset calibration data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | LP_B_CA_1B_HDR | ||
LP_B_CA_1B_LP__OFF_CA | Langmuir Probe offset calibration data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | LP_B_CA_1B_LP__OFF_CA | ||
LP_C_CA_1B | Langmuir Probe offset calibration data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | LP_C_CA_1B_v0 | ||
1 | binary | LP_C_CA_1B_v1 | ||
LP_C_CA_1B_HDR | Langmuir Probe offset calibration data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | LP_C_CA_1B_HDR | ||
LP_C_CA_1B_LP__OFF_CA | Langmuir Probe offset calibration data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | LP_C_CA_1B_LP__OFF_CA | ||
TIIA_CA_1B | Thermal Ion Imager circular fit calibration data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | TIIA_CA_1B | ||
TIIA_CA_1B_HDR | Thermal Ion Imager circular fit calibration data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TIIA_CA_1B_HDR | ||
TIIA_CA_1B_TII_FIT_CA | Thermal Ion Imager circular fit calibration data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | TIIA_CA_1B_TII_FIT_CA | ||
TIIB_CA_1B | Thermal Ion Imager circular fit calibration data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | TIIB_CA_1B | ||
TIIB_CA_1B_HDR | Thermal Ion Imager circular fit calibration data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TIIB_CA_1B_HDR | ||
TIIB_CA_1B_TII_FIT_CA | Thermal Ion Imager circular fit calibration data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | TIIB_CA_1B_TII_FIT_CA | ||
TIIC_CA_1B | Thermal Ion Imager circular fit calibration data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | TIIC_CA_1B | ||
TIIC_CA_1B_HDR | Thermal Ion Imager circular fit calibration data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TIIC_CA_1B_HDR | ||
TIIC_CA_1B_TII_FIT_CA | Thermal Ion Imager circular fit calibration data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | TIIC_CA_1B_TII_FIT_CA | ||
MODA_SC_1B | Ephemeris product, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | MODA_SC_1B | ||
MODA_SC_1B_HDR | Ephemeris product, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MODA_SC_1B_HDR | ||
MODB_SC_1B | Ephemeris product, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | MODB_SC_1B | ||
MODB_SC_1B_HDR | Ephemeris product, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MODB_SC_1B_HDR | ||
MODC_SC_1B | Ephemeris product, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | MODC_SC_1B | ||
MODC_SC_1B_HDR | Ephemeris product, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MODC_SC_1B_HDR | ||
STRAATT_1B | Attitude of S/C, 1Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRAATT_1B | ||
STRAATT_1B_HDR | Attitude of S/C, 1Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRAATT_1B_HDR | ||
STRAATT_1B_MDR_SAT_AT | Attitude of S/C, 1Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | STRAATT_1B_MDR_SAT_AT | ||
STRBATT_1B | Attitude of S/C, 1Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRBATT_1B | ||
STRBATT_1B_HDR | Attitude of S/C, 1Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRBATT_1B_HDR | ||
STRBATT_1B_MDR_SAT_AT | Attitude of S/C, 1Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | STRBATT_1B_MDR_SAT_AT | ||
STRAEPF_1B | TODO | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | STRAEPF_1B | ||
STRAEPF_1B_HDR | TODO | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRAEPF_1B_HDR | ||
STRBEPF_1B | TODO | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | STRBEPF_1B | ||
STRBEPF_1B_HDR | TODO | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRBEPF_1B_HDR | ||
STRCEPF_1B | TODO | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | STRCEPF_1B | ||
STRCEPF_1B_HDR | TODO | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRCEPF_1B_HDR | ||
STRCATT_1B | Attitude of S/C, 1Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | STRCATT_1B | ||
STRCATT_1B_HDR | Attitude of S/C, 1Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | STRCATT_1B_HDR | ||
STRCATT_1B_MDR_SAT_AT | Attitude of S/C, 1Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | STRCATT_1B_MDR_SAT_AT | ||
GPSANAV_1B | On-board GPSR navigational solution, S/C position, 1Hz, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | GPSANAV_1B | ||
GPSANAV_1B_HDR | On-board GPSR navigational solution, S/C position, 1Hz, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSANAV_1B_HDR | ||
GPSBNAV_1B | On-board GPSR navigational solution, S/C position, 1Hz, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | GPSBNAV_1B | ||
GPSBNAV_1B_HDR | On-board GPSR navigational solution, S/C position, 1Hz, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSBNAV_1B_HDR | ||
GPSCNAV_1B | On-board GPSR navigational solution, S/C position, 1Hz, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | GPSCNAV_1B | ||
GPSCNAV_1B_HDR | On-board GPSR navigational solution, S/C position, 1Hz, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSCNAV_1B_HDR | ||
GPSA_RO_1B | RINEX Observation data, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | rinex | GPSA_RO_1B | ||
GPSA_RO_1B_HDR | RINEX Observation data, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSA_RO_1B_HDR | ||
GPSB_RO_1B | RINEX Observation data, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | rinex | GPSB_RO_1B | ||
GPSB_RO_1B_HDR | RINEX Observation data, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSB_RO_1B_HDR | ||
GPSC_RO_1B | RINEX Observation data, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | rinex | GPSC_RO_1B | ||
GPSC_RO_1B_HDR | RINEX Observation data, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSC_RO_1B_HDR | ||
GPSA_RN_1B | RINEX Navigation message, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | rinex | GPSA_RN_1B | ||
GPSA_RN_1B_HDR | RINEX Navigation message, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSA_RN_1B_HDR | ||
GPSB_RN_1B | RINEX Navigation message, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | rinex | GPSB_RN_1B | ||
GPSB_RN_1B_HDR | RINEX Navigation message, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSB_RN_1B_HDR | ||
GPSC_RN_1B | RINEX Navigation message, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | rinex | GPSC_RN_1B | ||
GPSC_RN_1B_HDR | RINEX Navigation message, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | GPSC_RN_1B_HDR | ||
ACCA_PR_1B | Acceleration product, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | ACCA_PR_1B_v1 | ||
3 | binary | ACCA_PR_1B_v3 | ||
ACCA_PR_1B_HDR | Acceleration product, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCA_PR_1B_HDR | ||
ACCA_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR | Acceleration product, MDR_ACC_PR, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCA_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | ACCA_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR_v1 | ||
2 | cdf | ACCA_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR_v2 | ||
ACCB_PR_1B | Acceleration product, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | ACCB_PR_1B_v1 | ||
3 | binary | ACCB_PR_1B_v3 | ||
ACCB_PR_1B_HDR | Acceleration product, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCB_PR_1B_HDR | ||
ACCB_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR | Acceleration product, MDR_ACC_PR, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCB_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | ACCB_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR_v1 | ||
2 | cdf | ACCB_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR_v2 | ||
ACCC_PR_1B | Acceleration product, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | ACCC_PR_1B_v1 | ||
3 | binary | ACCC_PR_1B_v3 | ||
ACCC_PR_1B_HDR | Acceleration product, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCC_PR_1B_HDR | ||
ACCC_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR | Acceleration product, MDR_ACC_PR, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCC_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | ACCC_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR_v1 | ||
2 | cdf | ACCC_PR_1B_MDR_ACC_PR_v2 | ||
ASMAAUX_1B | Magnetic stray fields at ASM sensor position, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMAAUX_1B | ||
ASMAAUX_1B_HDR | Magnetic stray fields at ASM sensor position, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMAAUX_1B_HDR | ||
ASMAAUX_1B_MDR_ASMAUX | Acceleration product, MDR_ASMAUX, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ASMAAUX_1B_MDR_ASMAUX_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | ASMAAUX_1B_MDR_ASMAUX_v1 | ||
ASMBAUX_1B | Magnetic stray fields at ASM sensor position, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMBAUX_1B | ||
ASMBAUX_1B_HDR | Magnetic stray fields at ASM sensor position, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMBAUX_1B_HDR | ||
ASMBAUX_1B_MDR_ASMAUX | Acceleration product, MDR_ASMAUX, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ASMBAUX_1B_MDR_ASMAUX_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | ASMBAUX_1B_MDR_ASMAUX_v1 | ||
ASMCAUX_1B | Magnetic stray fields at ASM sensor position, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ASMCAUX_1B | ||
ASMCAUX_1B_HDR | Magnetic stray fields at ASM sensor position, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ASMCAUX_1B_HDR | ||
ASMCAUX_1B_MDR_ASMAUX | Acceleration product, MDR_ASMAUX, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ASMCAUX_1B_MDR_ASMAUX_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | ASMCAUX_1B_MDR_ASMAUX_v1 | ||
VFMAAUX_1B | Magnetic stray fields at VSM sensor position, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | VFMAAUX_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | VFMAAUX_1B_v4 | ||
VFMAAUX_1B_HDR | Magnetic stray fields at VSM sensor position, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMAAUX_1B_HDR | ||
VFMAAUX_1B_MDR_VFMAUX | Magnetic stray fields at VSM sensor position, MDR_VFMAUX, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | VFMAAUX_1B_MDR_VFMAUX | ||
VFMBAUX_1B | Magnetic stray fields at VSM sensor position, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | VFMBAUX_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | VFMBAUX_1B_v4 | ||
VFMBAUX_1B_HDR | Magnetic stray fields at VSM sensor position, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMBAUX_1B_HDR | ||
VFMBAUX_1B_MDR_VFMAUX | Magnetic stray fields at VSM sensor position, MDR_VFMAUX, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | VFMBAUX_1B_MDR_VFMAUX | ||
VFMCAUX_1B | Magnetic stray fields at VSM sensor position, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
1 | binary | VFMCAUX_1B_v1 | ||
4 | binary | VFMCAUX_1B_v4 | ||
VFMCAUX_1B_HDR | Magnetic stray fields at VSM sensor position, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | VFMCAUX_1B_HDR | ||
VFMCAUX_1B_MDR_VFMAUX | Magnetic stray fields at VSM sensor position, MDR_VFMAUX, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | VFMCAUX_1B_MDR_VFMAUX | ||
TIIA_DC_1B | Contains newly calculated parameters for the TII instrument, Satellite A | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TIIA_DC_1B | ||
TIIA_DC_1B_HDR | Contains newly calculated parameters for the TII instrument, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TIIA_DC_1B_HDR | ||
TIIA_DC_1B_MDR_TII_DC | Contains newly calculated parameters for the TII instrument, Satellite A | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | TIIA_DC_1B_MDR_TII_DC | ||
TIIB_DC_1B | Contains newly calculated parameters for the TII instrument, Satellite B | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TIIB_DC_1B | ||
TIIB_DC_1B_HDR | Contains newly calculated parameters for the TII instrument, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TIIB_DC_1B_HDR | ||
TIIB_DC_1B_MDR_TII_DC | Contains newly calculated parameters for the TII instrument, Satellite B | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | TIIB_DC_1B_MDR_TII_DC | ||
TIIC_DC_1B | Contains newly calculated parameters for the TII instrument, Satellite C | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TIIC_DC_1B | ||
TIIC_DC_1B_HDR | Contains newly calculated parameters for the TII instrument, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TIIC_DC_1B_HDR | ||
TIIC_DC_1B_MDR_TII_DC | Contains newly calculated parameters for the TII instrument, Satellite C | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | TIIC_DC_1B_MDR_TII_DC | ||
SC_ADYN_1B_HDR | Spacecraft Dynamics Product, with auxiliary data needed for precise orbit determination and non-gravitational force modelling, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SC_ADYN_1B_HDR | ||
SC_ADYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN | Spacecraft Dynamics product, MDR_SC_DYN, Satellite A (cdf) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | SC_ADYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | SC_ADYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN_v1 | ||
2 | cdf | SC_ADYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN_v2 | ||
SC_BDYN_1B_HDR | Spacecraft Dynamics Product, with auxiliary data needed for precise orbit determination and non-gravitational force modelling, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SC_BDYN_1B_HDR | ||
SC_BDYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN | Spacecraft Dynamics product, MDR_SC_DYN, Satellite B (cdf) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | SC_BDYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | SC_BDYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN_v1 | ||
2 | cdf | SC_BDYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN_v2 | ||
SC_CDYN_1B_HDR | Spacecraft Dynamics Product, with auxiliary data needed for precise orbit determination and non-gravitational force modelling, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SC_CDYN_1B_HDR | ||
SC_CDYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN | Spacecraft Dynamics product, MDR_SC_DYN, Satellite C (cdf) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | SC_CDYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | SC_CDYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN_v1 | ||
2 | cdf | SC_CDYN_1B_MDR_SC_DYN_v2 | ||
EFIA_LP_1B_HDR | Langmuir Probe product, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIA_LP_1B_HDR | ||
EFIA_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP | Langmuir Probe product, MDR_EFI_LP, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EFIA_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | EFIA_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP_v1 | ||
2 | cdf | EFIA_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP_v2 | ||
EFIB_LP_1B_HDR | Langmuir Probe product, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIB_LP_1B_HDR | ||
EFIB_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP | Langmuir Probe product, MDR_EFI_LP, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EFIB_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | EFIB_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP_v1 | ||
2 | cdf | EFIB_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP_v2 | ||
EFIC_LP_1B_HDR | Langmuir Probe product, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIC_LP_1B_HDR | ||
EFIC_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP | Langmuir Probe product, MDR_EFI_LP, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EFIC_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP_v0 | ||
1 | cdf | EFIC_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP_v1 | ||
2 | cdf | EFIC_LP_1B_MDR_EFI_LP_v2 | ||
EFIALPI_1B_HDR | Langmuir Probe interpolated product, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIALPI_1B_HDR | ||
EFIALPI_1B_MDR_EFILPI | Langmuir Probe interpolated product, MDR_EFI_LP, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EFIALPI_1B_MDR_EFILPI | ||
1 | cdf | EFIALPI_1B_MDR_EFILPI_v1 | ||
EFIBLPI_1B_HDR | Langmuir Probe interpolated product, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFIBLPI_1B_HDR | ||
EFIBLPI_1B_MDR_EFILPI | Langmuir Probe interpolated product, MDR_EFI_LP, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EFIBLPI_1B_MDR_EFILPI | ||
1 | cdf | EFIBLPI_1B_MDR_EFILPI_v1 | ||
EFICLPI_1B_HDR | Langmuir Probe interpolated product, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFICLPI_1B_HDR | ||
EFICLPI_1B_MDR_EFILPI | Langmuir Probe interpolated product, MDR_EFI_LP, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EFICLPI_1B_MDR_EFILPI | ||
1 | cdf | EFICLPI_1B_MDR_EFILPI_v1 | ||
MPLAORBPRE | FOS Predicted Orbit File, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MPLAORBPRE | ||
MPLBORBPRE | FOS Predicted Orbit File, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MPLBORBPRE | ||
MPLCORBPRE | FOS Predicted Orbit File, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MPLCORBPRE | ||
AUXAACC_C_ | CCDB ACC characterisation data, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAACC_C_ | ||
AUXBACC_C_ | CCDB ACC characterisation data, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBACC_C_ | ||
AUXCACC_C_ | CCDB ACC characterisation data, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCACC_C_ | ||
AUXAASM_C_ | CCDB ASM characterisation data at instrument level, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAASM_C_ | ||
AUXBASM_C_ | CCDB ASM characterisation data at instrument level, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBASM_C_ | ||
AUXCASM_C_ | CCDB ASM characterisation data at instrument level, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCASM_C_ | ||
AUXABUS_C_ | CCDB BUS characterisation data, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXABUS_C_ | ||
AUXBBUS_C_ | CCDB BUS characterisation data, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBBUS_C_ | ||
AUXCBUS_C_ | CCDB BUS characterisation data, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCBUS_C_ | ||
AUXAEFLPC_ | CCDB EFI-LP characterisation data, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAEFLPC_ | ||
AUXBEFLPC_ | CCDB EFI-LP characterisation data, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBEFLPC_ | ||
AUXCEFLPC_ | CCDB EFI-LP characterisation data, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCEFLPC_ | ||
AUXAEFITC_ | CCDB EFI-TII characterisation data, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAEFITC_ | ||
AUXBEFITC_ | CCDB EFI-TII characterisation data, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBEFITC_ | ||
AUXCEFITC_ | CCDB EFI-TII characterisation data, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCEFITC_ | ||
AUXAGPS_C_ | CCDB GPSR characterisation data, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAGPS_C_ | ||
AUXBGPS_C_ | CCDB GPSR characterisation data, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBGPS_C_ | ||
AUXCGPS_C_ | CCDB GPSR characterisation data, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCGPS_C_ | ||
AUXAAOC_C_ | CCDB SC/AOCS related characterisation data, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAAOC_C_ | ||
AUXBAOC_C_ | CCDB SC/AOCS related characterisation data, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBAOC_C_ | ||
AUXCAOC_C_ | CCDB SC/AOCS related characterisation data, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCAOC_C_ | ||
AUXASTR_C_ | CCDB Star Tracker characterisation data at instrument level, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXASTR_C_ | ||
AUXBSTR_C_ | CCDB Star Tracker characterisation data at instrument level, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBSTR_C_ | ||
AUXCSTR_C_ | CCDB Star Tracker characterisation data at instrument level, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCSTR_C_ | ||
AUXASW1_C_ | CCDB Swarm system characterisation data, including position and alignment data, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXASW1_C_ | ||
AUXBSW1_C_ | CCDB Swarm system characterisation data, including position and alignment data, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBSW1_C_ | ||
AUXCSW1_C_ | CCDB Swarm system characterisation data, including position and alignment data, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCSW1_C_ | ||
AUXASW2_C_ | CCDB Swarm system characterisation data, including SC_CoG and SC_Mass, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXASW2_C_ | ||
AUXBSW2_C_ | CCDB Swarm system characterisation data, including SC_CoG and SC_Mass, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBSW2_C_ | ||
AUXCSW2_C_ | CCDB Swarm system characterisation data, including SC_CoG and SC_Mass, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCSW2_C_ | ||
AUXASW3_C_ | CCDB Swarm system characterisation data, including SC_CrossSection, SC_RadP, SC_Uplift, and SC_OpticalProp, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXASW3_C_ | ||
AUXBSW3_C_ | CCDB Swarm system characterisation data, including SC_CrossSection, SC_RadP, SC_Uplift, and SC_OpticalProp, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBSW3_C_ | ||
AUXCSW3_C_ | CCDB Swarm system characterisation data, including SC_CrossSection, SC_RadP, SC_Uplift, and SC_OpticalProp, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCSW3_C_ | ||
AUXAVFM_C_ | CCDB VFM characterisation data at instrument level, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAVFM_C_ | ||
AUXBVFM_C_ | CCDB VFM characterisation data at instrument level, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBVFM_C_ | ||
AUXCVFM_C_ | CCDB VFM characterisation data at instrument level, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCVFM_C_ | ||
AUXACONSC_ | CCDB SWARM Constants (same file for 3 satellites, GPS constants are included), Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXACONSC_ | ||
AUXBCONSC_ | CCDB SWARM Constants (same file for 3 satellites, GPS constants are included), Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBCONSC_ | ||
AUXCCONSC_ | CCDB SWARM Constants (same file for 3 satellites, GPS constants are included), Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCCONSC_ | ||
AUXAL1BPC_ | CCDB System Level Processing Parameters for STR, VFM and ASM and product quality flagging, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAL1BPC_ | ||
AUXBL1BPC_ | CCDB System Level Processing Parameters for STR, VFM and ASM and product quality flagging, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBL1BPC_ | ||
AUXCL1BPC_ | CCDB System Level Processing Parameters for STR, VFM and ASM and product quality flagging, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCL1BPC_ | ||
AUXAEUL_C_ | CCDB Euler Calibration Angle file, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAEUL_C_ | ||
AUXBEUL_C_ | CCDB Euler Calibration Angle file, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBEUL_C_ | ||
AUXCEUL_C_ | CCDB Euler Calibration Angle file, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCEUL_C_ | ||
AUXATMC_C_ | CCDB L0 calibration file, Satellite A (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXATMC_C_ | ||
AUXBTMC_C_ | CCDB L0 calibration file, Satellite B (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBTMC_C_ | ||
AUXCTMC_C_ | CCDB L0 calibration file, Satellite C (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCTMC_C_ | ||
AUXAC_H_HH | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAC_H_HH | ||
AUXAC_H_HH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAC_H_HH_HDR | ||
AUXBC_H_HH | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBC_H_HH | ||
AUXBC_H_HH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBC_H_HH_HDR | ||
AUXCC_H_HH | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCC_H_HH | ||
AUXCC_H_HH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCC_H_HH_HDR | ||
AUXAC_H_HL | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAC_H_HL | ||
AUXAC_H_HL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAC_H_HL_HDR | ||
AUXBC_H_HL | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBC_H_HL | ||
AUXBC_H_HL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBC_H_HL_HDR | ||
AUXCC_H_HL | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCC_H_HL | ||
AUXCC_H_HL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCC_H_HL_HDR | ||
AUXAC_H_LH | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAC_H_LH | ||
AUXAC_H_LH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAC_H_LH_HDR | ||
AUXBC_H_LH | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBC_H_LH | ||
AUXBC_H_LH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBC_H_LH_HDR | ||
AUXCC_H_LH | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCC_H_LH | ||
AUXCC_H_LH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCC_H_LH_HDR | ||
AUXAC_H_LL | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAC_H_LL | ||
AUXAC_H_LL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAC_H_LL_HDR | ||
AUXBC_H_LL | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBC_H_LL | ||
AUXBC_H_LL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBC_H_LL_HDR | ||
AUXCC_H_LL | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCC_H_LL | ||
AUXCC_H_LL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCC_H_LL_HDR | ||
AUXAC_S_HH | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAC_S_HH | ||
AUXAC_S_HH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAC_S_HH_HDR | ||
AUXBC_S_HH | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBC_S_HH | ||
AUXBC_S_HH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBC_S_HH_HDR | ||
AUXCC_S_HH | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCC_S_HH | ||
AUXCC_S_HH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCC_S_HH_HDR | ||
AUXAC_S_HL | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAC_S_HL | ||
AUXAC_S_HL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAC_S_HL_HDR | ||
AUXBC_S_HL | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBC_S_HL | ||
AUXBC_S_HL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBC_S_HL_HDR | ||
AUXCC_S_HL | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCC_S_HL | ||
AUXCC_S_HL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCC_S_HL_HDR | ||
AUXAC_S_LH | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAC_S_LH | ||
AUXAC_S_LH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAC_S_LH_HDR | ||
AUXBC_S_LH | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBC_S_LH | ||
AUXBC_S_LH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBC_S_LH_HDR | ||
AUXCC_S_LH | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCC_S_LH | ||
AUXCC_S_LH_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCC_S_LH_HDR | ||
AUXAC_S_LL | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAC_S_LL | ||
AUXAC_S_LL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAC_S_LL_HDR | ||
AUXBC_S_LL | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBC_S_LL | ||
AUXBC_S_LL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBC_S_LL_HDR | ||
AUXCC_S_LL | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCC_S_LL | ||
AUXCC_S_LL_HDR | CCDB Calibration, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCC_S_LL_HDR | ||
AUXAE_H_HH | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAE_H_HH | ||
AUXAE_H_HH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAE_H_HH_HDR | ||
AUXBE_H_HH | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBE_H_HH | ||
AUXBE_H_HH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBE_H_HH_HDR | ||
AUXCE_H_HH | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCE_H_HH | ||
AUXCE_H_HH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCE_H_HH_HDR | ||
AUXAE_H_HL | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAE_H_HL | ||
AUXAE_H_HL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAE_H_HL_HDR | ||
AUXBE_H_HL | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBE_H_HL | ||
AUXBE_H_HL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBE_H_HL_HDR | ||
AUXCE_H_HL | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCE_H_HL | ||
AUXCE_H_HL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCE_H_HL_HDR | ||
AUXAE_H_LH | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAE_H_LH | ||
AUXAE_H_LH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAE_H_LH_HDR | ||
AUXBE_H_LH | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBE_H_LH | ||
AUXBE_H_LH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBE_H_LH_HDR | ||
AUXCE_H_LH | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCE_H_LH | ||
AUXCE_H_LH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCE_H_LH_HDR | ||
AUXAE_H_LL | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAE_H_LL | ||
AUXAE_H_LL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAE_H_LL_HDR | ||
AUXBE_H_LL | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBE_H_LL | ||
AUXBE_H_LL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBE_H_LL_HDR | ||
AUXCE_H_LL | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCE_H_LL | ||
AUXCE_H_LL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Harmonic mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCE_H_LL_HDR | ||
AUXAE_S_HH | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAE_S_HH | ||
AUXAE_S_HH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAE_S_HH_HDR | ||
AUXBE_S_HH | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBE_S_HH | ||
AUXBE_S_HH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBE_S_HH_HDR | ||
AUXCE_S_HH | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCE_S_HH | ||
AUXCE_S_HH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCE_S_HH_HDR | ||
AUXAE_S_HL | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAE_S_HL | ||
AUXAE_S_HL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAE_S_HL_HDR | ||
AUXBE_S_HL | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBE_S_HL | ||
AUXBE_S_HL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBE_S_HL_HDR | ||
AUXCE_S_HL | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCE_S_HL | ||
AUXCE_S_HL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in high gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCE_S_HL_HDR | ||
AUXAE_S_LH | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAE_S_LH | ||
AUXAE_S_LH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAE_S_LH_HDR | ||
AUXBE_S_LH | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBE_S_LH | ||
AUXBE_S_LH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBE_S_LH_HDR | ||
AUXCE_S_LH | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCE_S_LH | ||
AUXCE_S_LH_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in high gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCE_S_LH_HDR | ||
AUXAE_S_LL | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXAE_S_LL | ||
AUXAE_S_LL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXAE_S_LL_HDR | ||
AUXBE_S_LL | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXBE_S_LL | ||
AUXBE_S_LL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXBE_S_LL_HDR | ||
AUXCE_S_LL | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUXCE_S_LL | ||
AUXCE_S_LL_HDR | CCDB Errors, Sweep mode, Probe 1 in low gain mode, Probe 2 in low gain mode, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUXCE_S_LL_HDR | ||
AUX_DSTIND_HDR | DST Index (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_DSTIND_HDR | ||
AUX_DSTIND | DST Index (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_DSTIND | ||
AUX_GAUSSC_HDR | Gauss Model Indexes (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_GAUSSC_HDR | ||
AUX_GAUSSC | Gauss Model Indexes (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_GAUSSC | ||
AUX_SOLACT_HDR | Solar Activity (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_SOLACT_HDR | ||
AUX_SOLACT | Solar Activity (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_SOLACT | ||
AUX_USLEAP_HDR | Leap Seconds (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_USLEAP_HDR | ||
AUX_USLEAP | Leap Seconds (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_USLEAP | ||
AUX_USNEOP_HDR | EOP Parameters (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_USNEOP_HDR | ||
AUX_USNEOP | EOP Parameters (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_USNEOP | ||
AUX_GPSEPH_HDR | Sp3 GPSEPH (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_GPSEPH_HDR | ||
AUX_GPSEPH | Sp3 GPSEPH (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | AUX_GPSEPH | ||
AUX_GPSCLK_HDR | RINEX GPSCLK (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_GPSCLK_HDR | ||
AUX_GPSCLK | RINEX GPSCLK (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_GPSCLK | ||
MSW_EULi2C_HDR | CAT-1: Euler angles for all satellites (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MSW_EULi2C_HDR | ||
MSW_EULi2C | CAT-1: Euler angles for all satellites (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MSW_EULi2C | ||
MSW_VALi2C_HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MSW_VALi2C_HDR | ||
MSW_VALi2C | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MSW_VALi2C | ||
MSW_EULi2D_HDR | CAT-1: Euler angles for all satellites (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MSW_EULi2D_HDR | ||
MSW_EULi2D | CAT-1: Euler angles for all satellites (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MSW_EULi2D | ||
MSW_VALi2D_HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MSW_VALi2D_HDR | ||
MSW_VALi2D | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MSW_VALi2D | ||
MCO_SHAi2C_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCO_SHAi2C_HDR | ||
MCO_SHAi2C | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MCO_SHAi2C | ||
MCO_VALi2C_HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCO_VALi2C_HDR | ||
MCO_VALi2C | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MCO_VALi2C | ||
MCO_SHAi2D_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCO_SHAi2D_HDR | ||
MCO_SHAi2D | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MCO_SHAi2D | ||
MCO_VALi2D_HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCO_VALi2D_HDR | ||
MCO_VALi2D | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MCO_VALi2D | ||
MLI_SHAi2C_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_SHAi2C_HDR | ||
MLI_SHAi2C | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MLI_SHAi2C | ||
MLI_VALi2C_HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_VALi2C_HDR | ||
MLI_VALi2C | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MLI_VALi2C | ||
MLI_SHAi2D_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_SHAi2D_HDR | ||
MLI_SHAi2D | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MLI_SHAi2D | ||
MLI_VALi2D_HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_VALi2D_HDR | ||
MLI_VALi2D | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MLI_VALi2D | ||
MLI_SHAi2E_HDR | CAT-1: Extended spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_SHAi2E_HDR | ||
MLI_SHAi2E | CAT-1: Extended spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MLI_SHAi2E | ||
MLI_VALi2E_HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_VALi2E_HDR | ||
MLI_VALi2E | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MLI_VALi2E | ||
Q3D_CI_i2__HDR | CAT-1: Q-matrix of 3D mantle conductivity including oceans (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | Q3D_CI_i2__HDR | ||
Q3D_CI_i2_ | CAT-1: Q-matrix of 3D mantle conductivity including oceans (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | Q3D_CI_i2_ | ||
MIN_1DMi2__HDR | CAT-1: 1D model of mantle conductivity (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIN_1DMi2__HDR | ||
MIN_1DMi2_ | CAT-1: 1D model of mantle conductivity (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MIN_1DMi2_ | ||
MI1_VALi2__HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MI1_VALi2__HDR | ||
MI1_VALi2_ | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MI1_VALi2_ | ||
MIN_3DMi2a_HDR | CAT-1: 3D model of mantle conductivity (frequency domain) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIN_3DMi2a_HDR | ||
MIN_3DMi2a | CAT-1: 3D model of mantle conductivity (frequency domain) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MIN_3DMi2a | ||
MIN_3DMi2b_HDR | CAT-1: 3D model of mantle conductivity (time domain) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIN_3DMi2b_HDR | ||
MIN_3DMi2b | CAT-1: 3D model of mantle conductivity (time domain) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MIN_3DMi2b | ||
MI3_VALi2__HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MI3_VALi2__HDR | ||
MI3_VALi2_ | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MI3_VALi2_ | ||
MCR_1DMi2__HDR | CAT-1: 1D C-response (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCR_1DMi2__HDR | ||
MCR_1DMi2_ | CAT-1: 1D C-response (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MCR_1DMi2_ | ||
MC1_VALi2__HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MC1_VALi2__HDR | ||
MC1_VALi2_ | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MC1_VALi2_ | ||
MCR_3DMi2__HDR | CAT-1: 3D C-response (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCR_3DMi2__HDR | ||
MCR_3DMi2_ | CAT-1: 3D C-response (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MCR_3DMi2_ | ||
MC3_VALi2__HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MC3_VALi2__HDR | ||
MC3_VALi2_ | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MC3_VALi2_ | ||
MMA_SHAi2C_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the large-scale magnetospheric field and its Earth-induced counterpart (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MMA_SHAi2C_HDR | ||
MMA_SHAi2C | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the large-scale magnetospheric field and its Earth-induced counterpart (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MMA_SHAi2C | ||
MMA_VALi2C_HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MMA_VALi2C_HDR | ||
MMA_VALi2C | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MMA_VALi2C | ||
MIO_SHAi2C_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the daily geomagnetic variation at middle latitudes (Sq and low latitudes - EEJ) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIO_SHAi2C_HDR | ||
MIO_SHAi2C | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the daily geomagnetic variation at middle latitudes (Sq and low latitudes - EEJ) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MIO_SHAi2C | ||
MIO_VALi2C_HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIO_VALi2C_HDR | ||
MIO_VALi2C | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MIO_VALi2C | ||
MIO_SHAi2D_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the daily geomagnetic variation at middle latitudes (Sq and low latitudes - EEJ) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIO_SHAi2D_HDR | ||
MIO_SHAi2D | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the daily geomagnetic variation at middle latitudes (Sq and low latitudes - EEJ) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MIO_SHAi2D | ||
MIO_VALi2D_HDR | Intermediate validation report (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIO_VALi2D_HDR | ||
MIO_VALi2D | Intermediate validation report (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MIO_VALi2D | ||
MSW_EUL_2C_HDR | CAT-1: L1b processing Euler angles describing transformation from STR-CRF to VFM frame for satellites A, B, and C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MSW_EUL_2C_HDR | ||
MSW_EUL_2C | CAT-1: L1b processing Euler angles describing transformation from STR-CRF to VFM frame for satellites A, B, and C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MSW_EUL_2C | ||
MSW_EUL_2D_HDR | CAT-1: L1b processing Euler angles describing transformation from STR-CRF to VFM frame for satellites A, B, and C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MSW_EUL_2D_HDR | ||
MSW_EUL_2D | CAT-1: L1b processing Euler angles describing transformation from STR-CRF to VFM frame for satellites A, B, and C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MSW_EUL_2D | ||
MSW_VAL_2C_HDR | CAT-1: Validation report about Euler angles (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MSW_VAL_2C_HDR | ||
MSW_VAL_2C | CAT-1: Validation report about Euler angles (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MSW_VAL_2C | ||
MSW_VAL_2D_HDR | CAT-1: Validation report about Euler angles (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MSW_VAL_2D_HDR | ||
MSW_VAL_2D | CAT-1: Validation report about Euler angles (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MSW_VAL_2D | ||
MSW_VAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report about Euler angles (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MSW_VAL_2__HDR | ||
MSW_VAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report about Euler angles (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MSW_VAL_2_ | ||
MSW_EUL_2F_HDR | CAT-1: L1b processing Euler angles describing transformation from STR-CRF to VFM frame for satellites A, B, and C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MSW_EUL_2F_HDR | ||
MSW_EUL_2F | CAT-1: L1b processing Euler angles describing transformation from STR-CRF to VFM frame for satellites A, B, and C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MSW_EUL_2F | ||
MCO_SHA_2C_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCO_SHA_2C_HDR | ||
MCO_SHA_2C | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MCO_SHA_2C | ||
MCO_SHA_2D_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCO_SHA_2D_HDR | ||
MCO_SHA_2D | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MCO_SHA_2D | ||
MCO_VAL_2C_HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on core magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCO_VAL_2C_HDR | ||
MCO_VAL_2C | CAT-1: Validation report on core magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MCO_VAL_2C | ||
MCO_VAL_2D_HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on core magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCO_VAL_2D_HDR | ||
MCO_VAL_2D | CAT-1: Validation report on core magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MCO_VAL_2D | ||
MCO_VAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on core magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCO_VAL_2__HDR | ||
MCO_VAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report on core magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MCO_VAL_2_ | ||
MCO_SHA_2F_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCO_SHA_2F_HDR | ||
MCO_SHA_2F | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the main (core) field and its temporal variation (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MCO_SHA_2F | ||
MLI_SHA_2C_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_SHA_2C_HDR | ||
MLI_SHA_2C | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MLI_SHA_2C | ||
MLI_SHA_2D_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_SHA_2D_HDR | ||
MLI_SHA_2D | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MLI_SHA_2D | ||
MLI_SHA_2E_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_SHA_2E_HDR | ||
MLI_SHA_2E | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the lithospheric field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MLI_SHA_2E | ||
MLI_VAL_2C_HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on lithospheric field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_VAL_2C_HDR | ||
MLI_VAL_2C | CAT-1: Validation report on lithospheric field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MLI_VAL_2C | ||
MLI_VAL_2D_HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on lithospheric field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_VAL_2D_HDR | ||
MLI_VAL_2D | CAT-1: Validation report on lithospheric field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MLI_VAL_2D | ||
MLI_VAL_2E_HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on lithospheric field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_VAL_2E_HDR | ||
MLI_VAL_2E | CAT-1: Validation report on lithospheric field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MLI_VAL_2E | ||
MLI_VAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on lithospheric field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MLI_VAL_2__HDR | ||
MLI_VAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report on lithospheric field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MLI_VAL_2_ | ||
MIN_1DM_2__HDR | CAT-1: 1D model of mantle conductivity (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIN_1DM_2__HDR | ||
MIN_1DM_2_ | CAT-1: 1D model of mantle conductivity (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MIN_1DM_2_ | ||
MIN_3DM_2a_HDR | CAT-1: 3D model of mantle conductivity (frequency domain) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIN_3DM_2a_HDR | ||
MIN_3DM_2a | CAT-1: 3D model of mantle conductivity (frequency domain) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MIN_3DM_2a | ||
MIN_3DM_2b_HDR | CAT-1: 3D model of mantle conductivity (frequency domain) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIN_3DM_2b_HDR | ||
MIN_3DM_2b | CAT-1: 3D model of mantle conductivity (frequency domain) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MIN_3DM_2b | ||
MCR_1DM_2__HDR | CAT-1: 1D C-response maps (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCR_1DM_2__HDR | ||
MCR_1DM_2_ | CAT-1: 1D C-response maps (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MCR_1DM_2_ | ||
MCR_3DM_2__HDR | CAT-1: 3D C-response maps (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MCR_3DM_2__HDR | ||
MCR_3DM_2_ | CAT-1: 3D C-response maps (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MCR_3DM_2_ | ||
MI1_VAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on 1D mantle conductivity (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MI1_VAL_2__HDR | ||
MI1_VAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report on 1D mantle conductivity (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MI1_VAL_2_ | ||
MI3_VAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on 3D mantle conductivity (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MI3_VAL_2__HDR | ||
MI3_VAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report on 3D mantle conductivity (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MI3_VAL_2_ | ||
MC1_VAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on 1D C-response (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MC1_VAL_2__HDR | ||
MC1_VAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report on 1D C-response (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MC1_VAL_2_ | ||
MC3_VAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on 3D C-response (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MC3_VAL_2__HDR | ||
MC3_VAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report on 3D C-response (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MC3_VAL_2_ | ||
MMA_SHA_2C_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the large-scale magnetospheric field and its Earth-induced counterpart (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MMA_SHA_2C_HDR | ||
MMA_SHA_2C | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the large-scale magnetospheric field and its Earth-induced counterpart (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MMA_SHA_2C | ||
MMA_VAL_2C_HDR | CAT-1: Validation report magnetospheric magnetic model (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MMA_VAL_2C_HDR | ||
MMA_VAL_2C | CAT-1: Validation report magnetospheric magnetic model (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MMA_VAL_2C | ||
MMA_SHA_2F_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the large-scale magnetospheric field and its Earth-induced counterpart (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MMA_SHA_2F_HDR | ||
MMA_SHA_2F | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the large-scale magnetospheric field and its Earth-induced counterpart (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | MMA_SHA_2F | ||
MIO_SHA_2C_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the daily geomagnetic variation at middle latitudes (Sq and low latitudes (EEJ) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIO_SHA_2C_HDR | ||
MIO_SHA_2C | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the daily geomagnetic variation at middle latitudes (Sq and low latitudes (EEJ) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MIO_SHA_2C | ||
MIO_SHA_2D_HDR | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the daily geomagnetic variation at middle latitudes (Sq and low latitudes (EEJ) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIO_SHA_2D_HDR | ||
MIO_SHA_2D | CAT-1: Spherical harmonic model of the daily geomagnetic variation at middle latitudes (Sq and low latitudes (EEJ) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | MIO_SHA_2D | ||
MIO_VAL_2C_HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on ionospheric magnetic model (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIO_VAL_2C_HDR | ||
MIO_VAL_2C | CAT-1: Validation report on ionospheric magnetic model (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MIO_VAL_2C | ||
MIO_VAL_2D_HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on ionospheric magnetic model (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIO_VAL_2D_HDR | ||
MIO_VAL_2D | CAT-1: Validation report on ionospheric magnetic model (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MIO_VAL_2D | ||
MIO_VAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report on ionospheric magnetic model (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MIO_VAL_2__HDR | ||
MIO_VAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report on ionospheric magnetic model (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MIO_VAL_2_ | ||
ACCA_FMi2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations from force models, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCA_FMi2__HDR | ||
ACCA_FMi2_ | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations from force models, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCA_FMi2_ | ||
ACCB_FMi2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations from force models, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCB_FMi2__HDR | ||
ACCB_FMi2_ | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations from force models, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCB_FMi2_ | ||
ACCC_FMi2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations from force models, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCC_FMi2__HDR | ||
ACCC_FMi2_ | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations from force models, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCC_FMi2_ | ||
IBIATMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Ionospheric bubble index, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | IBIATMS_2F_HDR | ||
IBIATMS_2F | CAT-2: Ionospheric bubble index, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | IBIATMS_2F | ||
IBIBTMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Ionospheric bubble index, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | IBIBTMS_2F_HDR | ||
IBIBTMS_2F | CAT-2: Ionospheric bubble index, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | IBIBTMS_2F | ||
IBICTMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Ionospheric bubble index, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | IBICTMS_2F_HDR | ||
IBICTMS_2F | CAT-2: Ionospheric bubble index, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | IBICTMS_2F | ||
TECATMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Time series of the ionospheric total electron content, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TECATMS_2F_HDR | ||
TECATMS_2F | CAT-2: Time series of the ionospheric total electron content, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | TECATMS_2F | ||
TECBTMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Time series of the ionospheric total electron content, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TECBTMS_2F_HDR | ||
TECBTMS_2F | CAT-2: Time series of the ionospheric total electron content, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | TECBTMS_2F | ||
TECCTMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Time series of the ionospheric total electron content, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TECCTMS_2F_HDR | ||
TECCTMS_2F | CAT-2: Time series of the ionospheric total electron content, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | TECCTMS_2F | ||
FAC_TMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Time series of field-aligned currents (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | FAC_TMS_2F_HDR | ||
FAC_TMS_2F | CAT-2: Time series of field-aligned currents (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | FAC_TMS_2F | ||
FACATMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Time series of field-aligned currents, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | FACATMS_2F_HDR | ||
FACATMS_2F | CAT-2: Time series of field-aligned currents, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | FACATMS_2F | ||
FACBTMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Time series of field-aligned currents, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | FACBTMS_2F_HDR | ||
FACBTMS_2F | CAT-2: Time series of field-aligned currents, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | FACBTMS_2F | ||
FACCTMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Time series of field-aligned currents, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | FACCTMS_2F_HDR | ||
FACCTMS_2F | CAT-2: Time series of field-aligned currents, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | FACCTMS_2F | ||
EEFATMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Equatorial Electric Field, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EEFATMS_2F_HDR | ||
EEFATMS_2F | CAT-2: Equatorial Electric Field, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EEFATMS_2F | ||
EEFBTMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Equatorial Electric Field, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EEFBTMS_2F_HDR | ||
EEFBTMS_2F | CAT-2: Equatorial Electric Field, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EEFBTMS_2F | ||
EEFCTMS_2F_HDR | CAT-2: Equatorial Electric Field, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EEFCTMS_2F_HDR | ||
EEFCTMS_2F | CAT-2: Equatorial Electric Field, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | EEFCTMS_2F | ||
SP3ACOM_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite A (reduced-dynamic POD) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SP3ACOM_2__HDR | ||
SP3ACOM_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite A (reduced-dynamic POD) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | SP3ACOM_2_ | ||
SP3BCOM_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite B (reduced-dynamic POD) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SP3BCOM_2__HDR | ||
SP3BCOM_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite B (reduced-dynamic POD) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | SP3BCOM_2_ | ||
SP3CCOM_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite C (reduced-dynamic POD) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SP3CCOM_2__HDR | ||
SP3CCOM_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite C (reduced-dynamic POD) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | SP3CCOM_2_ | ||
SP3AKIN_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite A (kinematic POD) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SP3AKIN_2__HDR | ||
SP3AKIN_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite A (kinematic POD) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | SP3AKIN_2_ | ||
SP3BKIN_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite B (kinematic POD) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SP3BKIN_2__HDR | ||
SP3BKIN_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite B (kinematic POD) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | SP3BKIN_2_ | ||
SP3CKIN_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite C (kinematic POD) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SP3CKIN_2__HDR | ||
SP3CKIN_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of position and velocity of the center of mass of each satellite, Satellite C (kinematic POD) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | sp3 | SP3CKIN_2_ | ||
SP3AVAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report for SP3xCOM_2_, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SP3AVAL_2__HDR | ||
SP3AVAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report for SP3xCOM_2_, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | SP3AVAL_2_ | ||
SP3BVAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report for SP3xCOM_2_, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SP3BVAL_2__HDR | ||
SP3BVAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report for SP3xCOM_2_, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | SP3BVAL_2_ | ||
SP3CVAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report for SP3xCOM_2_, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | SP3CVAL_2__HDR | ||
SP3CVAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report for SP3xCOM_2_, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | SP3CVAL_2_ | ||
ACCACAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Accelerometer calibration parameters from the POD process, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCACAL_2__HDR | ||
ACCACAL_2_ | CAT-1: Accelerometer calibration parameters from the POD process, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCACAL_2_ | ||
ACCBCAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Accelerometer calibration parameters from the POD process, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCBCAL_2__HDR | ||
ACCBCAL_2_ | CAT-1: Accelerometer calibration parameters from the POD process, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCBCAL_2_ | ||
ACCCCAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Accelerometer calibration parameters from the POD process, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCCCAL_2__HDR | ||
ACCCCAL_2_ | CAT-1: Accelerometer calibration parameters from the POD process, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCCCAL_2_ | ||
ACCAPOD_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations estimated by POD, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCAPOD_2__HDR | ||
ACCAPOD_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations estimated by POD, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCAPOD_2_ | ||
ACCBPOD_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations estimated by POD, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCBPOD_2__HDR | ||
ACCBPOD_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations estimated by POD, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCBPOD_2_ | ||
ACCCPOD_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations estimated by POD, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCCPOD_2__HDR | ||
ACCCPOD_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of non-gravitational accelerations estimated by POD, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCCPOD_2_ | ||
ACCA_AE_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of calibrated and pre-processed accelerometer observations and of aerodynamic accelerations, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCA_AE_2__HDR | ||
ACCA_AE_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of calibrated and pre-processed accelerometer observations and of aerodynamic accelerations, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCA_AE_2_ | ||
ACCB_AE_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of calibrated and pre-processed accelerometer observations and of aerodynamic accelerations, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCB_AE_2__HDR | ||
ACCB_AE_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of calibrated and pre-processed accelerometer observations and of aerodynamic accelerations, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCB_AE_2_ | ||
ACCC_AE_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of calibrated and pre-processed accelerometer observations and of aerodynamic accelerations, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCC_AE_2__HDR | ||
ACCC_AE_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of calibrated and pre-processed accelerometer observations and of aerodynamic accelerations, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | ACCC_AE_2_ | ||
DNSAWND_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of neutral thermospheric density and wind speed, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | DNSAWND_2__HDR | ||
DNSAWND_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of neutral thermospheric density and wind speed, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | DNSAWND_2_ | ||
DNSBWND_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of neutral thermospheric density and wind speed, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | DNSBWND_2__HDR | ||
DNSBWND_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of neutral thermospheric density and wind speed, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | DNSBWND_2_ | ||
DNSCWND_2__HDR | CAT-1: Time series of neutral thermospheric density and wind speed, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | DNSCWND_2__HDR | ||
DNSCWND_2_ | CAT-1: Time series of neutral thermospheric density and wind speed, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | DNSCWND_2_ | ||
DNSAPOD_2__HDR | CAT-1: Thermospheric density at the satellite location estimated from non-gravitational accelerations (ACCxPOD_2_) that are based on precise orbit determination data only, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | DNSAPOD_2__HDR | ||
DNSAPOD_2_ | CAT-1: Thermospheric density at the satellite location estimated from non-gravitational accelerations (ACCxPOD_2_) that are based on precise orbit determination data only, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | DNSAPOD_2_ | ||
DNSBPOD_2__HDR | CAT-1: Thermospheric density at the satellite location estimated from non-gravitational accelerations (ACCxPOD_2_) that are based on precise orbit determination data only, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | DNSBPOD_2__HDR | ||
DNSBPOD_2_ | CAT-1: Thermospheric density at the satellite location estimated from non-gravitational accelerations (ACCxPOD_2_) that are based on precise orbit determination data only, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | DNSBPOD_2_ | ||
DNSCPOD_2__HDR | CAT-1: Thermospheric density at the satellite location estimated from non-gravitational accelerations (ACCxPOD_2_) that are based on precise orbit determination data only, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | DNSCPOD_2__HDR | ||
DNSCPOD_2_ | CAT-1: Thermospheric density at the satellite location estimated from non-gravitational accelerations (ACCxPOD_2_) that are based on precise orbit determination data only, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | DNSCPOD_2_ | ||
TDWAVAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report for DNSxWND_2_, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TDWAVAL_2__HDR | ||
TDWAVAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report for DNSxWND_2_, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | TDWAVAL_2_ | ||
TDWBVAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report for DNSxWND_2_, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TDWBVAL_2__HDR | ||
TDWBVAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report for DNSxWND_2_, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | TDWBVAL_2_ | ||
TDWCVAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report for DNSxWND_2_, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | TDWCVAL_2__HDR | ||
TDWCVAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report for DNSxWND_2_, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | TDWCVAL_2_ | ||
ACCAVAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report for measured, modeled and POD accelerations ACCxCAL_2_, ACCx_FMi2_ and ACCxPOD_2_, Satellite A (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCAVAL_2__HDR | ||
ACCAVAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report for measured, modeled and POD accelerations ACCxCAL_2_, ACCx_FMi2_ and ACCxPOD_2_, Satellite A (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCAVAL_2_ | ||
ACCBVAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report for measured, modeled and POD accelerations ACCxCAL_2_, ACCx_FMi2_ and ACCxPOD_2__, Satellite B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCBVAL_2__HDR | ||
ACCBVAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report for measured, modeled and POD accelerations ACCxCAL_2_, ACCx_FMi2_ and ACCxPOD_2_, Satellite B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCBVAL_2_ | ||
ACCCVAL_2__HDR | CAT-1: Validation report for measured, modeled and POD accelerations ACCxCAL_2_, ACCx_FMi2_ and ACCxPOD_2_, Satellite C (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | ACCCVAL_2__HDR | ||
ACCCVAL_2_ | CAT-1: Validation report for measured, modeled and POD accelerations ACCxCAL_2_, ACCx_FMi2_ and ACCxPOD_2_, Satellite C (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ACCCVAL_2_ | ||
MAG_QL__2__HDR | Quick Look of magnetic field products MAGx_LR_1B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | MAG_QL__2__HDR | ||
MAG_QL__2_ | Quick Look of magnetic field products MAGx_LR_1B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MAG_QL__2_ | ||
EFI_QL__2__HDR | Quick Look of EFIx_PL_1B (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | EFI_QL__2__HDR | ||
EFI_QL__2_ | Quick Look of EFIx_PL_1B (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | EFI_QL__2_ | ||
AUX_KP__2__HDR | Planetary index of geomagnetic activity (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_KP__2__HDR | ||
AUX_KP__2_ | Planetary index of geomagnetic activity (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_KP__2_ | ||
AUX_DST_2__HDR | Equivalent equatorial magnetic disturbances index (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_DST_2__HDR | ||
AUX_DST_2_ | Equivalent equatorial magnetic disturbances index (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_DST_2_ | ||
AUX_F10_2__HDR | Index of daily solar radio flux (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_F10_2__HDR | ||
AUX_F10_2_ | Index of daily solar radio flux (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_F10_2_ | ||
AUX_IMF_2__HDR | Interplanetary magnetic field, 3-componenet magnetic field, solar wind density and velocity (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_IMF_2__HDR | ||
AUX_IMF_2_ | Interplanetary magnetic field, 3-componenet magnetic field, solar wind density and velocity (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | cdf | AUX_IMF_2_ | ||
AUX_KP__2F_HDR | Planetary index of geomagnetic activity (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_KP__2F_HDR | ||
AUX_KP__2F | Planetary index of geomagnetic activity (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_KP__2F | ||
AUX_DST_2F_HDR | Equivalent equatorial magnetic disturbances index (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_DST_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_DST_2F | Equivalent equatorial magnetic disturbances index (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_DST_2F | ||
AUX_F10_2F_HDR | Index of daily solar radio flux (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_F10_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_F10_2F | Index of daily solar radio flux (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_F10_2F | ||
AUX_IMF_2F_HDR | Interplanetary magnetic field, 3-componenet magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_IMF_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_IMF_2F | Interplanetary magnetic field, 3-componenet magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_IMF_2F | ||
AUX_SWV_2F_HDR | Solar wind density and velocity (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_SWV_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_SWV_2F | Solar wind density and velocity (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_SWV_2F | ||
AUX_IRZ_2F_HDR | 12 month smoothed sunspot number (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_IRZ_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_IRZ_2F | 12 month smoothed sunspot number (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_IRZ_2F | ||
AUX_APX_2F_HDR | Apex magnetic coordinates (used internally by operational processor) (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_APX_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_APX_2F | Apex magnetic coordinates (used internally by operational processor) (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | AUX_APX_2F | ||
AUX_DCB_2F_HDR | GPS satellite differential code biases (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_DCB_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_DCB_2F | GPS satellite differential code biases (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_DCB_2F | ||
AUX_OBS_2__HDR | Geomagnetic observatory data; 3-component magnetic field at INTERMAGNET and other magnetic observatories (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_OBS_2__HDR | ||
AUX_OBS_2_ | Geomagnetic observatory data; 3-component magnetic field at INTERMAGNET and other magnetic observatories (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_OBS_2_ | ||
AUX_OBSM2__HDR | Geomagnetic observatory data; 1 minute means of 3-component magnetic field at INTERMAGNET and other magnetic observatories (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_OBSM2__HDR | ||
AUX_OBSM2_ | Geomagnetic observatory data; 1 minute means of 3-component magnetic field at INTERMAGNET and other magnetic observatories (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_OBSM2_ | ||
AUX_IGR_2__HDR | IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field) latest generation, model of the Earth's core magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_IGR_2__HDR | ||
AUX_IGR_2_ | IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field) latest generation, model of the Earth's core magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_IGR_2_ | ||
AUX_COR_2__HDR | Model for the core magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_COR_2__HDR | ||
AUX_COR_2_ | Model for the core magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_COR_2_ | ||
AUX_LIT_2__HDR | Model for the lithospheric magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_LIT_2__HDR | ||
AUX_LIT_2_ | Model for the lithospheric magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_LIT_2_ | ||
AUX_IGR_2F_HDR | IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field) latest generation, model of the Earth's core magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_IGR_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_IGR_2F | IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field) latest generation, model of the Earth's core magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_IGR_2F | ||
AUX_COR_2F_HDR | Model for the core magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_COR_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_COR_2F | Model for the core magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_COR_2F | ||
AUX_LIT_2F_HDR | Model for the lithospheric magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_LIT_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_LIT_2F | Model for the lithospheric magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_LIT_2F | ||
AUX_PMF_2F_HDR | Magnetospheric model (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_PMF_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_PMF_2F | Magnetospheric model (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_PMF_2F | ||
AUX_PSM_2F_HDR | Coefficients to transform from Solar Magnetic (SM) to geographic coordinates for computing the external magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_PSM_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_PSM_2F | Coefficients to transform from Solar Magnetic (SM) to geographic coordinates for computing the external magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_PSM_2F | ||
AUX_PGM_2F_HDR | Coefficients to transform from Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric (GSM) to geographic coordinates for computing the external magnetic field (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_PGM_2F_HDR | ||
AUX_PGM_2F | Coefficients to transform from Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric (GSM) to geographic coordinates for computing the external magnetic field (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_PGM_2F | ||
AUX_MTI_2__HDR | Model of magnetic signals of major tidal constituents (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_MTI_2__HDR | ||
AUX_MTI_2_ | Model of magnetic signals of major tidal constituents (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_MTI_2_ | ||
AUX_MCM_2__HDR | A priory radially-symmetric (1D) model of mantle conductivity (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_MCM_2__HDR | ||
AUX_MCM_2_ | A priory radially-symmetric (1D) model of mantle conductivity (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_MCM_2_ | ||
AUX_OCM_2__HDR | 2D model of surface conductance (HDR) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_OCM_2__HDR | ||
AUX_OCM_2_ | 2D model of surface conductance (DBL) | version | format | definition |
0 | ascii | AUX_OCM_2_ | ||
AUX_PAR_QC | DQC Test Definition File (EEF) | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | AUX_PAR_QC | ||
REPA_ICMCV | MPPF-ICM Calibration-Validation Report | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | REPA_ICMCV | ||
REPB_ICMCV | MPPF-ICM Calibration-Validation Report | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | REPB_ICMCV | ||
REPC_ICMCV | MPPF-ICM Calibration-Validation Report | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | REPC_ICMCV | ||
REPA_DVTCV | MPPF-DVT Calibration-Validation Report | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | REPA_DVTCV | ||
REPB_DVTCV | MPPF-DVT Calibration-Validation Report | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | REPB_DVTCV | ||
REPC_DVTCV | MPPF-DVT Calibration-Validation Report | version | format | definition |
0 | xml | REPC_DVTCV |