EarthCARE products
An overview of the named types for this product class is provided here.
product type | description | product definitions | ||
ATL_NOM_0_ | Annotated ATL Instrument Source Packets | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | ATL_NOM_0_ | ||
BBR_NOM_0_ | Annotated BBR Instrument Source Packets | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | BBR_NOM_0_ | ||
CPR_NOM_0_ | Annotated CPR Instrument Source Packets | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | CPR_NOM_0_ | ||
MSI_NOM_0_ | Annotated MSI Instrument Source Packets | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | MSI_NOM_0_ | ||
TLM_NOM_0_ | Annotated Telemetry Packets | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | TLM_ASP___ | ||
TLM_ASP___ | Annotated Telemetry Packets | version | format | definition |
0 | binary | TLM_ASP___ | ||
ATL_NOM_1B | ATLID L1 Nominal Product | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ATL_NOM_1B | ||
MSI_NOM_1B | MSI L1B Nominal Product | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | MSI_NOM_1B | ||
MSI_RGR_1C | MSI L1C Regridded Product | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | MSI_RGR_1C | ||
CPR_NOM_1B | CPR L1b Nominal Product | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | CPR_NOM_1B | ||
ATL_AER_2A | ATLID aerosol parameters | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ATL_AER_2A | ||
ATL_ALD_2A | ATLID aerosol layer descriptors | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ATL_ALD_2A | ||
ATL_CTH_2A | ATLID cloud top height | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ATL_CTH_2A | ||
ATL_EBD_2A | ATLID extinction, backscatter and depolarisation | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ATL_EBD_2A | ||
ATL_FM__2A | ATLID feature mask | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ATL_FM__2A | ||
ATL_ICE_2A | ATLID ice parameters | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ATL_ICE_2A | ||
ATL_TC__2A | ATLID target classification | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ATL_TC__2A | ||
MSI_CM__2A | MSI cloud mask | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | MSI_CM__2A | ||
MSI_COP_2A | MSI cloud optical properties | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | MSI_COP_2A | ||
MSI_AOT_2A | MSI Aerosol optical thickness | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | MSI_AOT_2A | ||
CPR_APC_2A | CPR antenna pointing correction | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | CPR_APC_2A | ||
CPR_FMR_2A | CPR feature mask and radar reflectivity | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | CPR_FMR_2A | ||
CPR_CD__2A | CPR Cloud Doppler parameters | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | CPR_CD__2A | ||
CPR_TC__2A | CPR target classification | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | CPR_TC__2A | ||
CPR_CLD_2A | CPR cloud parameters | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | CPR_CLD_2A | ||
AC__TC__2B | ATLID/CPR target classification | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | AC__TC__2B | ||
ACM_CAP_2B | ATLID/CPR/MSI cloud and aerosol properties | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ACM_CAP_2B | ||
ACM_COM_2B | ATLID/CPR/MSI composite product | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ACM_COM_2B | ||
ACM_RT__2B | Broadband radiances and fluxes from radiative transfer models | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ACM_RT__2B | ||
ALL_3D__2B | 3D scene construction | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ALL_3D__2B | ||
ALL_DF__2B | Radiative closure assessment | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | ALL_DF__2B | ||
AM__MO__2B | ATLID/MSI merged observations | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | AM__MO__2B | ||
AM__CTH_2B | ATLID/MSI cloud top height | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | AM__CTH_2B | ||
AM__ACD_2B | ATLID/MSI aerosol column descriptor | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | AM__ACD_2B | ||
BM__RAD_2B | BBR radiances (using MSI for corrections) | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | BM__RAD_2B | ||
BMA_FLX_2B | BBR fluxes (using MSI and ATLID for corrections) | version | format | definition |
0 | hdf5 | BMA_FLX_2B |