column number density averaging kernel derivations
column number density column AVK of air component from column number density AVK
variable name
column AVK of column number density profile of air component x (e.g. \(A^{c}_{O_{3}}(i)\))
<species>_column_number_density_avk {:,vertical}
AVK of column number density profile of air component x (e.g. \(A^{c}_{O_{3}}(i,j)\))
<species>_column_number_density_avk {:,vertical,vertical}
The pattern : for the first dimensions can represent {latitude,longitude}, {time}, {time,latitude,longitude}, or no dimensions at all.
\[A^{c}_{x}(i) = \sum_{j}{A^{c}_{x}(j,i)}\]tropospheric column number density column AVK of air component from total column number density column AVK
variable name
column AVK of tropospheric part of column number density profile of air component x
tropospheric_<species>_column_number_density_avk {:,vertical}
column AVK of column number density profile of air component x (e.g. \(A^{c}_{O_{3}}(i)\))
<species>_column_number_density_avk {:,vertical}
tropopause altitude
tropopause_altitude {:}
altitude boundaries (\(l \in \{1,2\}\))
altitude_bounds {:,vertical,2}
The pattern : for the first dimensions can represent {latitude,longitude}, {time}, {time,latitude,longitude}, or no dimensions at all.
\[\begin{split}\tilde{A}^{c}_{x}(i) = \begin{cases} z^{B}(i,1) < z_{TP}, & A^{c}_{x}(i) \\ z^{B}(j,1) \geq z_{TP}, & 0 \end{cases}\end{split}\]stratospheric column number density column AVK of air component from total column number density column AVK
variable name
column AVK of stratospheric part of column number density profile of air component x
tropospheric_<species>_column_number_density_avk {:,vertical}
column AVK of column number density profile of air component x (e.g. \(A^{c}_{O_{3}}(i)\))
<species>_column_number_density_avk {:,vertical}
tropopause altitude
tropopause_altitude {:}
altitude boundaries (\(l \in \{1,2\}\))
altitude_bounds {:,vertical,2}
The pattern : for the first dimensions can represent {latitude,longitude}, {time}, {time,latitude,longitude}, or no dimensions at all.
\[\begin{split}\tilde{A}^{c}_{x}(i) = \begin{cases} z^{B}(i,2) \leq z_{TP}, & 0 \\ z^{B}(j,2) > z_{TP}, & A^{c}_{x}(i) \end{cases}\end{split}\]column number density AVK of air component from number density AVK
variable name
AVK of column number density profile of air component x (e.g. \(A^{c}_{O_{3}}(i,j)\))
<species>_column_number_density_avk {:,vertical,vertical}
AVK of number density profile of air component x (e.g. \(A^{n}_{O_{3}}(i,j)\))
<species>_number_density_avk {:,vertical,vertical}
altitude boundaries (\(l \in \{1,2\}\))
altitude_bounds {:,vertical,2}
The pattern : for the first dimensions can represent {latitude,longitude}, {time}, {time,latitude,longitude}, or no dimensions at all.
\[\begin{split}A^{c}_{x}(i,j) = \begin{cases} z^{B}(j,1) \neq z^{B}(j,2), & A^{n}_{x}(i,j) \frac{\lvert z^{B}(i,2) - z^{B}(i,1) \rvert}{\lvert z^{B}(j,2) - z^{B}(j,1) \rvert} \\ z^{B}(j,1) = z^{B}(j,2), & 0 \end{cases}\end{split}\]